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You have trained in the art of the Reaper, focused on culling the wounded and dying
as a sort of 'last mercy', as well as a means to draw power from your horrific
crooked blades.
> Signature Item: Weapon, Sickle or Scythe
> Reaper's Intuition: You may spend 1SP and target an enemy, learning how much
vitality the target has left (How much of the enemy's health is left)
> Cull: Spend 1SP and declare Cull, when you land your next hit this turn, if
the target's hp is below half of its starting value, the hit deals double damage,
otherwise, it deals half damage. This ability does not stack with Harvest
> Harvest: Spend 1SP and declare Harvest, if the next hit you land this turn
reduces the target's hp to 0, you instantly regain 2d6hp and 1d6SP, otherwise, you
lose 1d6SP. This ability does not stack with Cull.

Blades Dancer
You have trained in the graceful art of the Blades Dancer, weaponizing your natural
grace and agility to strike down your enemies while remaining unscathed.
> Signature Item: Weapon, Shortsword
> Blades Dance: You have mastered the use of a blade in your off hand, you may
weild a shortsword in your off hand.
> Agility: You may spend 1SP to add a +2 bonus to all dodge rolls until the end of
the current combat round
> Flurry of Blades: You may spend 2SP to double the number of consecutive
attacks you may preform this turn.

Arcane Archer
> Signature Item: Weapon, Shortbow or Longbow
You have studied the spellcasting and martial prowess of the Arcane Archer, using
spiritual energy to enhance the power of hand drawn bows.
> Farshot: When you spend SP to increase the range of your bow, you may increase
the range by twice as much
> Double Shot: You may spend 1SP to launch a second bow attack on your turn
> Arcane Arrow: You may spend up to (shooting skill)SP and add that much damage
to a bow attack

Great Weaponmaster
> Signature Item: Weapon, Maul or Greatsword
You have worked to master the use of great weapons, increasing their power of the
crushing blows you were already able to deal out.
> Crush: When you spend SP to increase the damage of your Maul or Greatsword,
increase it by twice as much
> Spin Attack: You may spend 2SP to attack all adjacent allies and enemies, make
only one accuracy roll and one damage roll to be applied to all targets.
> Precision: You may add up to (Brawl or Weapon Arts skill) to an accuracy
roll by spending the same amount of SP.

> Signature Item: Armor, Chain Shirt, Chain Mail, Plate Vest or Half Plate
You have trained to invoke the strength of the ancient armored warriors known as
Samurai, allowing you to maximize the effect of your armor.
> Stand Firm: When an attack would knock you back, you may spend 1SP to prevent
that knockback
> Spiritual Agius: When you are hit by a jutsu attack, you may spend up to
10SP and reduce the damage by that amount
> Resonant Agius: When you are hit by a physical attack, you may spend up to 10SP
to deal 1d6+(SP spent) jutsu damage to your attacker.

> Signature Item: Charged Holy Symbol (7 kon)
You have been blessed by a kami, granting you the power to purify the world around
you using their symbol.
> Expel Youkai: By spending 5SP, you may imediately remove Youkai eggs or a
hidden Youkai from inside of your target
> Purify: spend 1SP to Remove all negitive status effects from your target
> Consecrate: Spend 3SP to bless an area or no more than 4 square meters or
remove taint from it, all damage dealt to those standing in a consecrated area is
reduced by 1d6.

> Signature Item: Youkai Artifact (7 kon)
You have obtained the power of a dark Youkai, allowing you to taint the world
around you using an artifact of their power.
> Desecrate: Spend 3SP to taint an area of no more than 4 square meters, or
remove consecration from it. All damage dealt to those standing in a tainted area
is increased by 1d6
> Corrupt: Spend 1SP to remove all positive status effects from your target
> Frenzy: Spend 2SP and make an opposed Jutsu test against your target (using
your highest jutsu skill, or -1 if you don't have any), if you win, the target
becomes frenzied.

> Signature Item: Craftknight's Hammer (10 kon)
You have studied the powerful art of the Craftknight, allowing you to create
powerful weapons (all Craftknight abilities are applied to weapons you craft)
> Spectral Strike: Spend 5SP while crafting a weapon to cause that weapon to
deal jutsu damage instead of pysical
> Aurora Slash: Spend 5SP while crafting a melee weapon to allow that weapon to
preform a 10 meter range jutsu damage attack once per scene
> Quickdraw: Spend 5SP while crafting a one handed weapon to allow that weapon
to be drawn or sheathed as a free actioin.

> Signature Item: Arcane focus (5-10 kon)
You have unlocked arcane secrets of the universe
> Counterspell: Spend 4SP and make a check with the same jutsu as the spell you
wish to cancel (or another jutsu at -1 if you don�t have that jutsu). If you
succeed, the spell is cancelled. If you have Countercurse, you can use it as a
reserve action.
> Overcast: Boost limit is 1� times your jutsu skill, rounded down, with each point
above your normal jutsu skill costing 2SP.
> Kekkai Mastery: Spend 3SP to double a barrier's size or HP as if using Shinki, or
to add a counterattack effect as if using Youki.


Reaper Signature Item: Weapon, Sickle or Scythe Reaper's Intuition:

You may spend 1sp and target an enemy, learning how much vitality the target
has left (How much of the enemy's health is left) Cull: Spend 1sp and declare
Cull, when you land your next hit this turn, if the target's hp is below half of
its starting value, the hit deals double damage, otherwise, it deals half damage.
This ability does not stack with Harvest Harvest: Spend 1sp and declare
Harvest, if the next hit you land this turn reduces the target's hp to 0, you
instantly regain 2d6hp and 1d6sp, otherwise, you lose 1d6sp. This ability does not
stack with Cull.
Blades Dancer Signature Item: Weapon, Shortsword Blades Dance: You
have mastered the use of a blade in your off hand, you may weild a shortsword in
your off hand. Agility: You may spend 1sp to add a +2 bonus to all dodge
rolls until the end of the current combat round Flurry of Blades: You may spend 2sp
to double the number of consecutive attacks you may preform this turn.
Arcane Archer Signature Item: Weapon, Shortbow or Longbow Farshot: When
you spend sp to increase the range of your bow, you may increase the range by twice
as much Double Shot: You may spend 1sp to launch a second bow attack on
your turn Arcane Arrow: You may spend up to (shooting skill)sp and add that
much damage to a bow attack
Great Weaponmaster Signature Item: Weapon, Maul or Greatsword Crush:
When you spend sp to increase the damage of your Maul or Greatsword, increase
it by twice as much Spin Attack: You may spend 2sp to attack all adjacent
allies and enemies, make only one accuracy roll and one damage roll to be applied
to all targets. Precision: You may add up to (Brawl or Weapon Arts skill) to an
accuracy roll by spending the same amount of sp.
Samurai Signature Item: Armor, Chain Shirt, Chain Mail, Plate Vest or Half
Plate Stand Firm: When an attack would knock you back, you may spend 1sp to prevent
that knockback Spiritual Agius: When you are hit by a jutsu attack, you may
spend up to 10sp and reduce the damage by that amount Resonant Agius: When you are
hit by a physical attack, you may spend up to 10sp to deal 1d6+(sp spent) jutsu
damage to your attacker.
Purifier Signature Item: Charged Holy Symbol Expel Youkai: By spending
5sp, you may imediately remove Youkai eggs or a hidden Youkai from inside of your
target Purify: spend 1sp to Remove all negitive status effects from your
target Consecrate: Spend 3sp to bless an area or no more than 4 square meters
or remove taint from it, all damage dealt to those standing in a consecrated area
is reduced by 1d6.
Desecrator Signature Item: Youkai Artifact Desecrate: Spend 3sp to taint an
area of no more than 4 square meters, or remove consecration from it. All damage
dealt to those standing in a tainted area is increased by 1d6 Corrupt: Spend
1sp to remove all positive status effects from your target Frenzy: Spend 2sp
and make an opposed Jutsu test against your target (using your highest jutsu skill,
or -1 if you don't have any), if you win, the target becomes frenzied.
Craftknight Signature Item: Craftknight's Hammer Spectral Strike: Spend 5sp
while crafting a weapon to cause that weapon to deal jutsu damage instead of
pysical Aurora Slash: Spend 5sp while crafting a melee weapon to allow that
weapon to preform a 10 meter range jutsu damage attack once per scene Quickdraw:
Spend 5sp while crafting a one handed weapon to allow that weapon to be drawn
or sheathed as a free actioin.

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