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Letter to Toch

Good day Toch cofounders/Saket.

My name is Clement Tan and I hail from New Zealand. I was in the midst of
producing a video advertising platform and I stumbled onto your site and realised that
you have created a product that I have envisioned.

What Toch should now focus on is

A) Securing more product advertisers
B) Securing a wider user base
C) Securing more funding and scale the company

If I can collaborate with Toch, what I can offer is as follow:

I plan to use Toch to join Sprint global (information: to get accessed to investors as well as
mentors that would help Toch achieve the breakthrough that is required.

Sprint is a free program which New Zealand offers (similar to Z Nation

lab/accelerator that you have joined. The ultimate goal is to get Toch known to the
community via Tech Crunch Disrupt that is to be held in Oct 2019.

A) Securing more product advertisers

- Toch is focusing on products such as clothing/watches/merchandises/places.
- we need to focus on talking to:
 Product/merchandise suppliers
 Content providers ie youtubers, anime companies and video creating companies
To utilise Toch.

The product companies that we will need to focus on are clothing & accessories,
traveling tour packages companies, merchandises. has many videos that
showcases how powerful Toch can be as a video advertising platform however you
are focusing on India which is a developing market of which the internet industry is
just in its infancy.

In order to get more clout, you need to focus on 2 big markets: the english market
(US/canada/australasia), asian market (South east asia, china, HK, Japan). It is good
that you have a surrogate company in HK but at the moment I do not see much
growth from the HK side yet.

I can hopefully help you to break into the english market where technology are more
readily adopted, as well as position Toch within the asian market since I can speak
some chinese as well.

As you can see, Facebook and Google are getting into this market so the keyword is
to grow fast and furious in these market to crush those competitions.

B) Securing a wider user base

How do you get more product advertisers?
Toch already has an app however rather than using the app as a destination for users
to go to, we need to go to where the contents are such as the youtube platform. We
should allow youtubers to convert video with Toch’s unique AI, as well as provide
users with a toggle for users to hover through when they are interested in a product so
that the advertisements are not intrusive. By doing so, you can then secure a bigger
user base so that advertisers would want to flock to use Toch.

If we can get prominent youtubers using toch, and getting toch more well known, we
will be in a good position to negotiate with product advertisers.

Product advertisers need to have an easy way to tag their products online so that toch
can then analyse with AI to match products.

C) Securing funding

To achieve the above, you will need funding. I can chip in some funding but the goal
is to get paying customers so that you can fund some of your business so that you can
get a big series A funding.

For the next few months ie Feb-June we have to get users acquainted with toch, refine
toch to make it easy to use by users, do not treat as an end destination but
go to the platforms where videos are at ie youtube/putlocker etc.

Task to achieve
Feb-April Refine/recreate the app/website to:
Be less cluttered and providing simplistic features - remember
you can never replace youtube. can be a place to
convert videos with toch technology, advertisers to upload
product to be tagged, place to discover videos, advertisers can
create an advertising campaign to sponsor videos to showcase
products to be tagged
Toch pagers for people can be like instagram whereby users can
tag photos of products that they have (I will elaborate)
Market validate with youtubers and advertisers who will be using
the website or app (I know you have done some market validation
Also to create a business model to maximise profit (I know you
charge commission for sold products already) and incentivising
product and content creators to use toch.
March-Dec Networking with
- youtubers in US, singapore & other South East asian countries
- content providers/?hulu, netflix, anime companies
- set up teams to contact clothing/accessories manufacturers,
anime & merchandises
Oct A team to showcase toch with business statistics to Techcrunch
disrupt global as well as set up meetings to meet with potential
Anytime Once funding is available, set up teams in singapore to represent
south east asia area, grow seth mak’s hk branch as well as grow
within the chinese market (focusing on IQiyi, youku platform
before competitors copy the idea), a US branch.
Grow toch to be a media platform (as what you guys are trying to
do), including the latest fashion

If you are interested, let me know. We should set up a skype meeting. This is very
general I must admit, but I am super excited about being a part of this if you allow me

Many thanks, Clement

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