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Assignment on Case Study (Lab 7)

Use of Sub-query
1. Display the name and ID of the regular doctors of each department.
2. Display the name and ID of the regular doctors according to the
descending order of their date of joining.
3. Find the name and ID of doctors of a particular area of specialization
which can be called.
4. Display the name and ID of doctors as per their department and salary.
5. Display the name and ID of the regular doctors who have joined the
hospital in the 2010.
6. Find the name and patient ID of those patients that are admitted to the
7. Display the name and patient ID of those patients that are treated by
'Dr. I'.
8. Display the name and patient ID of those patients that are diagnosed a
'ENT Problem'.
9. Find the name and patient ID of those patients that are regular patient
to the hospital.
10.Print the name and patient ID of those patients that are admitted to the
hospital on '30-May-2016'.
11.Display the name and patient ID of those male patients that have 'Ortho
Problem’, 'Neuro Problem' and 'ENT Problem'.
12.Display the name and patient ID of those patients that are treated by
'Dr. MH'.
13.Print the name and ID of the lowest and highest paid regular doctor.
14.Find the name and ID of those patients whose is admitted to hospital
having 'Neuro Problem'.
15.Print the distinct number of diseases that are diagnosed in order.
16.Print the number of patients having 'Ortho Problem' in 2016.
17.Display the names and ID of that patient that have ‘Minor’ type of
operation and is treated by 'Dr. I'.
18.Find the ID number of the doctor who has been called up by at least 1
19.Find the name and ID number of the doctor who has not been called up
by any of the patients.
20.Find the name of the doctor and their contact number who has been
called up by at least 1 patient.
21.Calculate and print the amount earned by the doctor 'Dr. MH'.
22.Display department ID, department name, with the number of doctors
associated with them.
23.Find the name and ID number of the patients that have gone 'Major'
type of operation in Operation theatre 'OT 2'.
24.Find the name and ID number of the patients that are admitted in 'May'
and discharged in 'June'.
25.Make the salary of those doctors 1.2 * salary who earn less than Rs.

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