Busibud Testing Assignment Report - Sheet1

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Test 1

Application link https://qa.busibud.com/test1/

Sr.no Usability Test Cases Type-Negative/Positive Feedback
1 Accessibility Positive The page is accessiable
2 Content Positive Content are clear and meaningful URLs
3 Navigation Negative Page design is not accurate anchor text is missing, image is not showing.

Functional Test Cases Type-Negative/Positive Feedback

1 Verify if a user will be able to login
with a valid username and valid password. Negative Signin button not working
2 Verify if a user cannot login
with a valid username and an invalid password. Negative
3 Verify the ʻForgot Passwordʼ functionality. Negative No Forgot Button are showing
4 Verify the ʻRemember Meʼ functionality Negative Not Working/not remembering.

Compatibility test cases

1 Verify if the website is working on different browsers Positive
2 Verify if the website is fully responsive in Negative Website is not responsive in tablets and mobiles.
other devices or not.

Security Test cases

1 Verify if a user cannot enter the Negative It will not showing any range or spacific limit.
characters more than the specified range
in each field (Username and Password).
2 Verify if a user should not be allowed Negative It will not showing any error or any invalid message.
to log in with different credentials
from the same browser at the same time.

Tese 2
Application Link https://qa.busibud.com/test2/
Sr.no Usability Test cases Type-Negative/Positive Feedback
1 Accessibility Positive Website is Accessisble
2 Content Positive Content are clear and meaningful URLs
3 Navigation Negative Image is not showing , anchor text is missing .

Functional Test cases

1 Verify if the user is able to logout properly. Negative Logout button is not working
2 Verify if the user is able to fill the form by . Positive Choose file button is working.
choosing the file
3 Verify if the form if Submited properly. Positive Submit button is working
4 Verify if the page is going back with the help of Positive Back Button is working
back button.

Compatibility Test cases

1 Verify if the website is working on different browsers Positive Website is working
2 Verify if the website is fully responsive in Positive Website is responsive
other device or not.

Security Testcase
1 Verify if the user can choose only specific type of file Negative It is choosing any type of file
2 Verify if the user can logout as per their need. Negative Logout button is not working.

Test 3
Application Link https://qa.busibud.com/test3/
Sr.no Usability Test Cases Type-Negative/Positive Feedback
1 Accessibility Positive Website is accessiable
2 Content Positive Content are clear and meaningful URLs
3 Navigation Negative Image is not showing , anchor text is missing .

Functional Test cases

1 Verify if the form is filling or not in Positive Form is filling in all field.
every field.
2 Verify if the form is successfully submitted or not. Negative submit button is not working.
3 Verify if user can login with login button Negative Login button is not working.

Compatibility Test cases

1 Verify if the website is working on different browsers Positive Website is working
2 Verify if the website is fully responsive in
other device or not. Positive Website is responsive

Security Testcase
1 Verify if a user cannot enter the Negative It will not showing any range or spacific limit.
characters more than the specified range
in each field (Username and Password).
2 Verify if the user can see Negative eye button not working
their password with eye button

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