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Dilla University

College of Engineering and Technology

School of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Program of Electrical and Computer Engineering (3rd year)

Assignment on Signal and System Analysis

1. Compute and plot the convolution sum of x[n]and h[n] using MATLAB M- file software

2. Compute and plot the convolution sum of x[n]and h[n] using MATLAB M- file software

3. Let x[n]=u[n-1]-u[n-1] and h[n]=tri((n-6)/4). Find the convolution sum and plot
x[n]*h[n] using MATLAB software and x[n] is limited to ranges 1 and 5, h[n] is limited
to ranges 3 and 9. Hint tri=triangular Pulse

i. Write the program to find the convolution sum discrete-time LTI system
ii. Plot the graph
iii. prepare documentation using Ms. Word
iv. insert simulation result (MATLAB results)

i. Submit the document file, MATLAB file in a soft copy
ii. Deadline –DEC 12, 2023, GC

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