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“Expanded Use of Literacy”

Building and Enhancing New Literacies

Across the Curriculum
Reporter No. 2


Leslie Anne Ullero

The expanded use of literacy refers to the broadening of traditional reading and writing
skills to encompass a wide range of contexts, from digital communication to critical thinking.
This report provides a concise overview of the significance of expanded literacy in today’s
world and its impact on individual empowerment and societal progress.

1. Expanded literacy goes beyond basic reading and writing skills. It includes digital
literacy, media literacy, information literacy, and critical thinking. These skills are essential
for navigating an increasingly complex and information-rich society.
2. Digital literacy involves the ability to use and navigate digital devices, software, and online
platforms effectively. It encompasses skills like internet browsing, email communication,
using social media, and understanding online security and privacy.
3. Media literacy focuses on the ability to critically analyze and evaluate media messages
from various sources, including television, films, news outlets, and social media. It empowers
individuals to discern between reliable and biased sources of information.
4. Information literacy involves the capacity to locate, evaluate, and use information from
diverse sources, both print and digital. This skill is vital for making informed decisions and
conducting research effectively.
5. Critical thinking is the ability to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information or
arguments in a logical and reasoned manner. It allows individuals to question, challenge,
and form independent opinions based on evidence.
6. Significance of Expanded Literacy:
- Economic Empowerment: Expanded literacy is crucial for success in the modern job
market, where digital skills are often a prerequisite for employment.
- Civic Engagement: Informed citizens who possess expanded literacy skills are better
equipped to participate in democratic processes, make informed voting decisions, and
engage in public discourse.
- Lifelong Learning: The ability to acquire and apply new knowledge is essential in a rapidly
changing world. Expanded literacy facilitates continuous learning and adaptation.
- Cultural Understanding: Literacy in its expanded forms enables individuals to engage with
diverse perspectives, fostering cultural sensitivity and empathy.

The expanded use of literacy is a multifaceted and vital skill set in the contemporary world. It
empowers individuals to navigate a complex information landscape, make informed
decisions, and participate actively in society. By promoting and investing in expanded
literacy, we contribute to the development of more informed, engaged, and empowered

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