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Data Migration Steps

1. Login to winscp/FileZilla.

2. Move the data file (i.e. .csv file) from Local Machine to Server.
Go to Non-edition file systems path on server (SAPPL_TOP_NE) i.e.
/u01/oracle/ATSPROD/fs_ne/EBSapps/appl and then go to specific module folder i.e.
(Full Server path: /u01/oracle/ATSPROD/fs_ne/EBSapps/appl/conversion/datafiles/fin).
3. Login to Putty then using below command go to the path on server where we have
moved .csv file.
cd /u01/oracle/ATSPROD/fs_ne/EBSapps/appl/conversion/datafiles/fin
4. Run the below command for DOS to UNIX conversion
Dos2unix command to eliminate newline character from end of each line
find . -type f -name "*.csv" -exec dos2unix "{}" ";"
5. Load Data to Staging Table using Generic Concurrent Program

a. Login to EBS Application then go to responsibity from where you want to load the
data (here we go to Receivables Manager).
b. Submit generic “FMCG: FND Load Data Files” Concurrent Program to load the data
into staging table (provided that concurrent program to be attached to
corresponding request group).
Navigation: Responsibility Receivables Manager => View => Requests => Submit New
c. Enter all parameters as
Control File Name : Name of the control file including .ctl extention.
Source File Path : Path of the .csv data file that we moved on server.
Source File Name : Name of the .csv data file including .csv extention.
6. Validate and Migrate the data from staging table

a. Submit the “FMCG: AR Party Relationship Creation Conversion Program” Concurrent

Program to validate staging table data and migrate validated data in Oracle
Application (provided that concurrent program to be attached to corresponding
request group).
Navigation: Responsibility Receivables Manager => View => Requests => Submit New
b. Run the program in VALIDATE mode first to validate data in staging table.
c. Once the program completed in VALIDATE Mode and all records got validated, Run
the Same program in “VALIDATE AND IMPORT” mode to load validated data in
Oracle Apps Base Tables.
Note: Depending on Conversion program Run Mode can be:

 VALIDATE: Only to validate the data in staging table.

 VALIDATE AND IMPORT: Validate data from staging table and Load the in
Oracle Base Tables or submit standard import program.
 REVALIDATE: Again validate the Invalid or Validated records from staging
 IMPORT ONLY: To Load the in Oracle Base Tables directly or submit standard
import program, If records are already validated. To save the time for
validation process again.
 VALIDATE AND TRNSFER: To validate data from staging table and Load the in
Oracle Interface Tables.
 TRNSFER AND IMPORT: To transfer validated records from staging table to
interface tables and then load the in Oracle Base Tables or submit standard
import program.
 TRANSFER ONLY: To transfer validated records from staging table to interface
tables, if records are already validated.

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