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1. The ancient Roman god of war was commonly known as which of the following?

a. Jupiter
b. Juno
c. Ares
d. !Mars

2. This Greek mythological figure is the godgoddess of battle strategy among other
a. Ares
b. !Athena
c. Artemis
d. Apollo

3. Who was the Roman god of fire?

a. Apollo
b. Jupiter
c. !Vulcan
d. Mercury

4. According to Greek Mythology, Zeus can control lightning.

a. !True
b. False

5. The Japanese god Izanagi successfully returned his wife Izanami from the
a. !False
b. True

6. According to the Egyptian Myth of Osiris, who murdered Osiris?

a. Anhur
b. !Set
c. Horus
d. Ra

7. What mythology did the god quot;Apolloquot; come from?

a. !Greek and Roman
b. Greek, Roman and Norse
c. Greek and Chinese
d. Roman and Spanish

8. In African mythology, Anansi is a trickster and storyteller who takes the shape
of which animal?
a. !Spider
b. Crocodile
c. Wild dog
d. Monkey

9. The Maori hold that which island nation was founded by Kupe, who discovered it
under a long white cloud?
a. Fiji
b. Vanuatu
c. !New Zealand
d. Hawaii

10. Who is the god of war in Polynesian mythology?

a. Kohara
b. !039;Oro
c. Hina
d. Mui

11. Which greek godgoddess tossed a golden apple with the words quot;for the
fairestquot; into the middle of the feast of the gods?
a. Hades
b. !Eris
c. Ares
d. Artemis

12. What is the name of the Greek god of peaceful deaths?

a. Tartarus
b. Moros
c. !Thanatos
d. Hades

1. What does the letter 039;S039; stand for in 039;NASA039;?

a. !Space
b. Science
c. Society
d. Star

2. What is the elemental symbol for mercury?

a. Me
b. Hy
c. !Hg
d. Mc

3. What is isobutylphenylpropanoic acid more commonly known as?

a. Ketamine
b. Morphine
c. !Ibuprofen
d. Aspirin

4. Which is not a type of neuron?

a. Sensory Neuron
b. !Perceptual Neuron
c. Interneuron
d. Motor Neuron

5. Which element has the highest melting point?

a. !Carbon
b. Tungsten
c. Platinum
d. Osmium

6. What are human nails made of?

a. Calcium
b. Bone
c. !Keratin
d. Chitin

7. Psychology is the science of behavior and mind.

a. !True
b. False

8. quot;Tachycardiaquot; or quot;Tachyarrhythmiaquot; refers to a resting heartrate

near or over 100 BPM.
a. False
b. !True

9. The word quot;sciencequot; stems from the word quot;scirequot; meaning what?
a. To live
b. To count
c. To measure
d. !To know

10. In the Scoville scale, what is the hottest chemical?

a. Tinyatoxin
b. Capsaicin
c. Dihydrocapsaicin
d. !Resiniferatoxin

1. Painter Piet Mondrian 1872 1944 was a part of what movement?

a. Precisionism
b. Cubism
c. Impressionism
d. !Neoplasticism

2. Vincent van Gogh cut off one of his ears.

a. False
b. !True

3. What year did Albrecht Duuml;rer create the painting quot;The Young Harequot;?
a. !1502
b. 1602
c. 1702
d. 1402

4. Who painted The Starry Night?

a. Leonardo da Vinci
b. !Vincent van Gogh
c. Pablo Picasso
d. Michelangelo

5. Which Van Gogh painting depicts the view from his asylum in
SaintReacute;mydeProvence in southern France?
a. Wheatfields with Crows
b. The Church at Auvers
c. !The Starry Night
d. The Sower with Setting Sun

6. Venus of Willendorf is one of the earliest works of art, depicting the planets
Mars and Venus embrace in the heavens at night.
a. !False
b. True

7. The painting quot;The Starry Nightquot; by Vincent van Gogh was part of which
art movement?
a. Impressionism
b. Romanticism
c. !PostImpressionism
d. Neoclassical

8. Who painted the biblical fresco The Creation of Adam?

a. Leonardo da Vinci
b. !Michelangelo
c. Caravaggio
d. Rembrandt

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