Revision Highlights - AHM Issue 8 Rev 0 - 18 June 2021

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The revision highlights for Issue 8, Revision 0, 18 June 2021.

Please note that changes are termed as either: New (N), Revised (R), Shifted (S), Editorial (E) or Deleted (D).

Rev Section Sub-Section No. Page Change Description Reason of Change

No. No. No.

0 0 0.1 1 (E) – Abbreviation Phrasing

0 0 0.5.1 18 (N) – Sub subsection Numbering

0.5.2 (N) – Sub subsection, Items
0 0 0.6 20 (R) – Item numbers Numbering

0 1 All All (R) – Note(s) Numbering

0 1 1.13.4 7 (D) – Sub section Duplication

1.13.5 7 (R) – Sub section Deletion of 1.13.4
0 2 All All (R) – Note(s) Numbering

0 2 2.1 1 (R) – Item and content IGOM edition 10

0 2 2.2 1 (R) – Para Concise to items

0 2 2.3.3 3 (R) – Item a) sub item 1, 2, 5 Additional risk

3 (N) – Item a) sub item 3, 4 controls
3 (N) - Item b & all sub items
4 (R) - Table 02.01
0 2 2.4 4 (R) – Item a) Specific
5 (E) – Item b) sub item 3,4 Phrasing
5 (R) – Item b) sub item 5 Numbering
5 (R) – Item c) Additional risk
5 (E) – Item d) Phrasing
0 2 2.4.1 6 (E) – Note 1. Phrasing

0 2 2.6.1 7 (E) – Item a) Phrasing

0 2 8 (N) – Sub subsection New program

0 2 2.6.3 9 (E) – Item b), c), d), e), f), g), k) Phrasing,
0 2 2.7 11 (R) –Sub section Revision to sync
(N) – Item c) with sub section 2.1
0 2 13 (E) – Sub section Clarity

0 2 2.10.2 15 (N) – Note 1 IGOM edition 10

0 2 2.12 20 (N) – Sub section IGOM edition 10

2.12.1 20,21 (N) - Subsub section IGOM edition 10
2.12.2 21 (E) - Sub subsection, content Sequenced

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0 2 2.12.3 21 (R) – Items IGOM edition 10
(D) – Figure 02.18
(N) – Figure 02.17
0 2 2.12.4 22, 23, (N) – Sub subsection IGOM edition 10
24 (N) – Figure 02.18, 02.19, 02.20,
02.21 & Notes
0 2 2.19 31 (E) – Sub section Phrasing

0 2 2.20 32 (R) – Figure 02.22 Insert of new figures

0 2 2.23 38 (N) – Item e) Risk mitigation from

2.23.1 39 (N) – Item c), Figure 02.26 Safety reports
2.23.2 39 (E) – Item c) sub item 2 Phrasing
0 2 2.24.5 42 (R) – Figure 2.27 Insert of Figure 2.26

0 2 2.26.2 45 (N) – Item h) Battery powered

wheelchair (DAA)
(E) - Item o) Phrasing

0 2 2.30 47 (N) – Sub item a), b) Reference DGM

(R) – Sub item c) manual
0 2 2.32 48 (N) – Sub item f) DG spill containment

0 2 2.33 48 (R) – Para two, item a) to d), Note 1 SRA/MOS/26A/2020

2.33.2 49 (R) – Para one Included
0 2 2.34.3 50 (N) – Item i) sub item 2. IGOM edition 10

0 2 2.35.2 52 (E) – Sub subsection Phrasing

0 2 2.36.1 53 (E) – Sub item b) Phrasing

2.36.2 54 (E), (R) – Sub subsection, sub item Phrasing, Change
b) procedure
2.36.2 54,55 (N) – Sub item i), r) 3 IGOM edition 10 55 (N) – Sub item c) 1,2,3 & Note IGOM edition 10
0 2 2.37.3 57 (N) – Item e) sub item 2. IGOM edition 10

0 3 All All (R) – Note(s) Numbering

0 3 3.7 5 (E) – Item b) 2, 3, 5 Phrasing

3.7.1 6 (R) – Sub section, sub subitems Numbering
0 3 3.10 11 (D) - Item k) sub items 2, subsub Non-relevance
item ii
(R) – Item k) sub items 1,2 Numbering

3.10.1 12, 13 (N) – Cargo Offloading Priority Reference CGO OPS

0 3 3.11 13 (R) – Item c) IGOM edition 10

0 3 3.12 13, 14 (N) – Item a), b), c) Numbering

(R) – Item d), e), f)
Page 2 of 4 18 June 2021
0 3 3.13.10 21 (R) – Item b) SRA/AOCS/2020/13/
0 3 3.14.4 24,25 (N) – Item n, sub and subsub items CGO.CGC003 of
2021 – 06 April 2021
0 3 3.16 28 (R) – Items Numbering

0 3 3.20, 3.20.1, 31,32 (R) – Item, sub items New SOP (ifly)
3.21 32 (R) – Revised Insert of new SOP
0 3 3.26 39 (N) – COMAT Reference CGO OPS
0 4 All All (R) – Note(s) Numbering

0 4 4.0.1 to 4.22.2 All (R) (N) – Sub sections, subsub Numbering

0 4 4.1 1 (R) - Items, Subsub items DGCA CAR

0 4 4.2.1 3 (R) –Items, sub, subsub items Numbering

0 4 4.4 5 (N) – Item i), j), k) IGOM edition 10

(D) (R) – Item m) Not relevant, push
up in series
0 4 4.16.2 12 (R) – Item b) IGOM edition 10
(R) – Item a), c) Numbering
0 4 4.17 13 (R) – Item b), sub item 2 IGOM edition 10
14 (N) – Figure 04.03
0 4 4.18.1 14 (N) – sub item d) IGOM edition 10

0 4 4.18.7 15 (N) – Item c) IGOM edition 10

4.18.8 16 (R) – Items, sub, subsub items Numbering
0 4 4.19.5 19 (R) – sub item s), t) IGOM edition 10
(N) – sub item u), v) & Note 1.
(D) – sub item w)
(R) – Notes 2, 3, 4
0 4 4.19.6 20 (R) – Item, sub and subsub items, IGOM edition 10
Caution points
0 4 4.19.7 20,21, (N) – Sub section and Table 04.01 IGOM edition 10
0 4 4.19.8 23 (N) – Sub section, Items, and sub IGOM edition 10
0 4 4.20 23 (N) – sub item k) IGOM edition 10
(N) – Notes:
0 4 4.20.1 24 to (R) – Sub section, Table 04.02 IGOM edition 10
0 4 4.20.2 26 (N) – Sub section, items IGOM edition 10

0 4 4.20.3 27 (N) – Sub section, Table 04.03 IGOM edition 10

0 4 4.22, 4.22.1, 30,31 (N) – Subsections, Items, and sub IGOM edition 10
4.22.2 items
0 5 All All (R) – Note(s) Numbering

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0 6 All All (R) – Note(s) Numbering

0 6 6.6.1 4 (R) – Sub section Phrasing

0 6 6.6.2 4 (R) – Item a) sub subitem 3, item c) Additional seat

rows, procedure
0 6 6.6.3 4 (R) – Sub section, items, sub items Concise
(D) – Figures 06.04, 06.5
0 6 6.7 5 (R) – Figure 06.04 Relevance

0 6 6.8 5 (R) – Figure 06.05 Deletion of Figures

06.04, 06.05
0 6 6 (R) – sub item b), c), Figure 06.06, GRC003 of 2021
06.08 and
7 (N) – Note, sub item d), Figure 06.07 Renumbered
0 6 6.9.3 8 (E) – Sub section Phrasing 9 (R) – Figure 06.09 Renumber
0 6 6.9.4 9 (R) – Figure 06.10 Renumber

0 6 6.9.5 10 (E) - Sub section Phrasing

(R) - Figure 06.11 Renumber
0 6 6.11 11 (R) – Items, sub items Numbering
12 (R) – Figure 06.12 Renumber
0 6 6.12.1 13 (R) – Figure 06.13, 06.14 Renumber

0 6 6.12.2 14 (N) – Item d) Risk mitigation

(N) - Figure 06.16
(R) – Figure 06.15 Renumber
0 6 6.14 15 (R) – Figure 06.17 Renumber

0 6 6.15 16 (R) – Item b) and sub, subsub items Numbering

17,18, (R) – Figures 06.18, 06.19, 06.20, Renumber
0 6 6.16 19,20 (R) - 06.21, 06.22, 06.23 Renumber

0 Appendix 01 1 (N) – 19,20,21 IGOM edition 10

(R) – 5, 7 Page nos.
0 Appendix 02 2 (R) – 1-18, 20, 31-39, 41-49, Changes to figure
56-75 number & pages

(N) – 19, 21, 22, 23, 28, 52, 55 Insert of new figures
0 Appendix 07 2 (R) - A321 (with ACT) Cargo Holds Net placement
Net Arrangement
0 Appendix 10 1-2 (R) – Fuel chit Revised 01-02-2021

0 Appendix 14, 15, All (R) – Note(s) Numbering

0 Appendix 15 8 (D) – Sub section 1.11, item b) SRA/CGO/2021/01/0

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