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DocuSign Envelope ID: F201D271-1471-46B1-9CA0-9A0408BEBE69

The REAL Fundraising promise

As the values leader in the F2F sector by representing a REAL Client we expect
all REAL ambassadors regardless of which Partner Agency they work for to
embody the REAL Core values of Respect, Ethics, Activism & Love.

By Completing this document you are committing to hold those values closely to
your heart and always put them before personal gain.

Adedeji Oluwasesan

I hereby agree to the following: -

1. I will ensure that every donor I sign up to a direct debit or regular card
payment will have the expectation that they will give for the rest of their

2. I will inspire people to WANT to give, and NEVER make anyone give. If a
donor is comfortable to say no to us then they will be EMPOWERED to say
yes. When I sign someone up I will be making sure that I am
inspirational, motivational, empowering and most importantly NOT

3. I will always act professionally when representing our Charity partners

and liaising with other REAL staff members.

4. I will read out loud and draw attention to the disclosure

statement/fundraising costs to every person that I sign-up to one of
REAL’s charity partners. This information can be found with the T&C’s of
your charity signup form on Evergiving. I understand that failure to do
so will result in dismissal and may result in a financial penalty
from the industry provider, and will incur the loss of all owed
bonuses at the company’s discretion.

5. I will always make it clear this is a donation of £X per MONTH and never
utilise a £2 per week style ask which can lead to confusion from the

6. Every person that I sign-up to one of REAL’s charity partners will receive
a welcome pack/leaflet plus any additional collateral required that has
been supplied by the client.
DocuSign Envelope ID: F201D271-1471-46B1-9CA0-9A0408BEBE69

7. I will ensure donors always sign the form and not sign the form myself or
use an X to sign the form on the donor’s behalf.

8. Materials are my responsibility and I will ALWAYS have a Jacket/Shirt,

iPad, Badge, required charity welcome materials and any required training

9. I will ensure that I always wear the correct Charity branded clothing
whilst fundraising and I will take off the branded clothing at any time I am
not fundraising (on a break, travelling home, on the phone or smoking

10. I will never alter any donor data for the benefit of myself or the charity
client. This includes altering the DOB to make the donor under the max-
age or over the min on any campaign. I understand doing so will
result in disciplinary action that may result in my removal from
REAL Campaigns or dismissal from my employer.

11. I understand that if I sign up friends and/or family members this must be
disclosed to the admin team so they can flag it to REAL Fundraising and I
will not be paid for this donor. Failure to do so may result in
disciplinary action that may result in my removal from REAL
Campaigns or dismissal from my employer.

12.I will at all times abide by REAL Family’s policy on Vulnerable Persons
Found here and never sign up a donor who I deem to be in vulnerable
circumstances. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action that
may result in my removal from REAL Campaigns or dismissal from
my employer.

Thank you for taking the time to read and sign this and please rest assured that
with your passion, drive and commitment to making a REAL difference we will
make sure that you have a long career within the REAL Ecosystem, whether that
is as a fundraiser, support signer, benchmark fundraiser, Leader, Manager or

The future is in your hands!

The REAL Management team


DocuSign Envelope ID: F201D271-1471-46B1-9CA0-9A0408BEBE69

REAL Fundraising Safeguarding Code of Conduct

Thank you for choosing to fundraise on behalf of REAL. The funds you’re helping to raise will
make a huge difference to charities across the UK and we couldn’t do it without you.

As you know, at REAL we believe in Respect, Ethics, Activism & Love and while you’re
representing us, we need you to help us to always embody these values. That’s why we’ve
created this Safeguarding Code of Conduct – so that everyone working with us knows
what’s expected of them and what they can do to help keep people safe.

What is safeguarding?

In its simplest form, ‘safeguarding’ can be defined as ‘keeping children, young people and
adults at risk, safe from harm’.

At REAL we believe that all staff, workers and those working on our behalf share
responsibility for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and
adults at risk.

As someone working on behalf of REAL this Safeguarding Code of Conduct forms part of
the agreement for your role. Everyone working at REAL is expected to adhere to this Code
and you must sign and return it before starting to fundraise on our behalf.

The Safeguarding Code of Conduct for those working on behalf of REAL:

● makes clear what is required of all individuals;

● supports individuals in meeting their obligations;

● enables individuals to raise concerns without fear of recrimination.

DocuSign Envelope ID: F201D271-1471-46B1-9CA0-9A0408BEBE69

Individuals working on behalf of REAL must abide by the following:

● report to your manager any incidents or concerns that cause you to believe that a
child, young person or adult at risk is, or is likely to be, at risk of harm. Your
manager is then responsible for passing this to the agreed contact within REAL.
This includes a requirement to report if you suspect that a child or adult at risk
may be under the influence of radicalisation or extremism. REAL will support any
individual who raises a legitimate concern about the actions of others;

● disclose to your employer any criminal record, caution, reprimand or warning

(subject to filtering rules ) whether received prior to or during the course of your
work on behalf of REAL . For the avoidance of doubt, this requirement is in
addition to any other published requirement for disclosure as part of your work or

It is not permissible (and in some instances may be unlawful) for you to:

● use your position to intimidate, bully, threaten, discriminate against, coerce or

undermine children and young people, adults at risk, volunteers or staff;
● behave or communicate with children, young people or adults at risk in ways
which seek to build inappropriate relationships in order to abuse or put them at
● engage in, or attempt to engage in, sexual or inappropriate relationships with
children, young people or adults at risk for any reason, including the use of
suggestive conversations, comments, texting or emails;
● carry out your duties whilst adversely affected by alcohol, solvents or drugs;
● encourage or assist others to break the law in any way.

You must act in accordance with this Safeguarding Code of Conduct in all your work on
behalf of REAL. Any breach of the Safeguarding Code of Conduct may result in the
termination of your working agreement with REAL. In certain circumstances, if following
investigation breaches of the Code are found, such action will also result in reports to
Regulatory bodies, relevant Local Authorities and/or the police, as appropriate.
DocuSign Envelope ID: F201D271-1471-46B1-9CA0-9A0408BEBE69

I confirm that I have read and understood REAL Safeguarding Code of Conduct
and agree to abide by its contents.

Please PRINT name: Adedeji Oluwasesan

Signed & Dated:


[1] Certain spent convictions and cautions are “protected” (also known as filtered) and are not subject to disclosure to employers. Applicable in
England and Wales and Northern Ireland. For further details, please refer to and-

barring-service (England & Wales) or (Northern Ireland). Criminal records checks in

Scotland are provided by Disclosure Scotland.

[2] For non-regulated activities this obligation is limited to unspent criminal convictions only.

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