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Design Principles

3.02 Understand business publications

SIX Principles of Design

1. Balance
2. Proximity/unity
3. Alignment
4. Repetition/consistency
5. Contrast
6. White space
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Graphics don’t overpower text
Page is not too heavy on one side or the
Visual balance comes from arranging
elements on the page so that no one
section is heavier than the other. Or, a
designer may intentionally throw
elements out of balance to create tension
or a certain mood.
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Distance between elements on a page

Used to demonstrate a relationship or a lack of
relationship between elements
How close together or far apart elements
are placed suggests a relationship (or lack
of) between otherwise disparate parts.
Unity is also achieved by using a third
element to connect distant parts.

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Justification of elements
Related items should be justified the same to
emphasize their relationship to each other.
Alignment brings order to chaos. How you
align type and graphics on a page and in
relation to each other can make your
layout easier or more difficult to read,
foster familiarity, or bring excitement to a
stale design.
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Consistent pattern of font and color

schemes and graphic types
Specific font, size, and style for headings, subheadings,
and body text.
Do not mix photographic images and cartoon images on
the same page.
 Example: Principles of Design Visual Examples [Lessons on the Principles of

 Scheme - a planned combination of elements, such as a

combination of font styles and sizes

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Repetition/Consistency - cont'd

What if Stop signs came in pink squares, yello

w circles, or green triangles, depending on the
changing whims of a town and a few of its resi
 Imagine the ensuing traffic jams and accident

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Repetition/Consistency - cont'd

Repeating design elements and consistent use

of type and graphics styles within a document
shows a reader where to go and helps them n
avigate your designs and layouts safely.

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Emphasizing the most important elements

on a page with color and size
On the basketball court, one pro team
looks much like another. But send a few of
those players for a stroll down most any
major city street and something becomes
apparent — those players are much taller
than your average guy on the street.
That's contrast.

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Contrast - cont'd

 In design, big and small elements, black and

white text, squares and circles, can all create c
ontrast in design.

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White Space
Blank or negative space on a page
Used to focus the reader’s attention on important
Used to give the reader’s eyes a break

Designs that try to cram too much text and

graphics onto the page are uncomfortable and may
be impossible to read.
White space gives your design breathing room.

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