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Foundation Book of the Bible

Mike Mazzalongo

• Created Beings/Spiritual Being

• Present of Day #1
• Disobeyed God.
Review – Day #1

• Time, Space, Matter

• Energized by the Holy Spirit
• Electromagnetic Spectrum
• Dark/Light Cycle
“YOM” = 1 X 24Hr. Day
Day #2 – Gen. 1:6-7
6 Then God said, Let there be an expanse
in the midst of the waters, and let it
separate the waters from the waters. God

made the expanse, and separated the

waters which were below the expanse from
the waters which were above the expanse;
and it was so.
Day #2 – Gen. 1:8
8 God called the expanse heaven. And
there was evening and there was morning,
a second day.
Jer. 4:25

Stars/Planets/Space Heaven
Isa. 13:10
Where God Is
Heb. 9:24

Waters Below


Waters above – Water Vapor

Water Canopy

1. Uniform temperature
Water Canopy
1. Uniform temperature
2. No massive air currents
Water Canopy
1. Uniform temperature
2. No massive air currents
3. No rain
Water Canopy
1. Uniform temperature
2. No massive air currents
3. No rain
4. Uniform and proper moisture
Water Canopy
1. Uniform temperature
2. No massive air currents
3. No rain
4. Uniform and proper moisture
5. Serve as filter
Water Canopy
1. Uniform temperature
2. No massive air currents
3. No rain
4. Uniform and proper moisture
5. Serve as filter
6. Promote longevity
Gen. 7:11
11 Inthe six hundredth year of Noah s life, in
the second month, on the seventeenth day
of the month, on the same day all the
fountains of the great deep burst open, and
the floodgates of the sky were opened.
Today’s Weather

• Very different temperatures

• Wild climate changes
• Excessive rain
• Deserts & droughts
• Disease, mutations, death
• Shortened life span
Gen. 1:9-10
9 Then God said, Let the waters below the
heavens be gathered into one place, and
let the dry land appear ; and it was
so. God called the dry land earth, and

the gathering of the waters He called seas;

and God saw that it was good.
Day #1
- Light From Darkness

Day #2
- Waters above from waters below

Day #3
- Dry land from waters below
Lessons from Days 1-3

1. God knows what’s best for you.

Lessons from Days 1-3
1. God knows what’s best for you.
2. It’s OK to pray about the weather.
Lessons from Days 1-3
1. God knows what’s best for you.
2. It’s OK to pray about the weather.
3. Why doubt such an awesome God?

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