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Development of An Equitable Linguistic Approach

Based on Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Set of Multi-Criteria

Decision Making for Flood Control Project Selection
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Nurnadiah Zamri Syibrah Naim Lazim Abdullah
Faculty of Informatics and Computing, School of Computer Sciences, School of Informatics and Mathematics
Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Besut Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
Campus, 22200 Besut, Terengganu, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. Malaysia
Abstract—Flooding is a big issue of widespread concern. It decision making by synthesizing various factors from DMs
can be called as a global phenomenon which causes widespread judgment.
devastation, economic damages and loss of human lives. Flood MCDM is the study of methods and procedures
control project selection is needed to overcome the flooding
which is concerned with how multiple conflicting criteria can
phenomenon while achieving other objectives such as decreases
the global burden of morbidity, mortality, social and economic
be formally incorporated not only in the management planning
disruptions, and stress on health services. Hence, the selection of process, but in other areas such as medical decision and
flood control project selection based decision making is intelligent systems [3]. Despite many MCDM techniques, e.g.,
developed to overcome this problem. The preferences of Decision the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) [4], can be enhanced
Makers (DMs) from diverse background are needed to obtain the with incremental analysis by a benefit–cost ratio, TOPSIS
best project. However, there are high levels of conflicts faced in (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal
flood control project selection. Hence, there is a need to develop a Solution) [5] is chosen as the target for the analysis because of
method which can consider the various DMs preferences and its stability and ease of use with cardinal information. Fuzzy
criteria in order to achieve the convenience of the various DMs
TOPSIS (FTOPSIS) was introduced to handle uncertainty in
while handling the faced conflicts. Therefore, we propose a new
equitable linguistic scale which provides a comprehensive linguistic judgment. Initial research on FTOPSIS was
valuation from a group of DMs based on the aggregation of DMs’ conducted by Chen [6], who extended TOPSIS to type-1 fuzzy
opinions and preferences. Besides, we also propose a hybrid environments; this extended version used type-1 fuzzy
averaging approach of linear orders; consists of ambiguity linguistic value (represented by Type-1 Fuzzy Number
method and type-reduction method and (Elimination and Choice (T1FN) [7]) as a substitute for the directly given crisp value in
Expressing Reality) ELECTRE-based non-outranked method in grade assessment. However, the existed T1 FTOPSIS still lack
line with the new linguistic scales for Interval Type-2 Fuzzy in defining the uncertainties [8]-[11].
Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution Interval Type-2 Fuzzy TOPSIS (IT2FTOPSIS) was
(IT2FTOPSIS) method. We have carried out experiments in the
Department of Drainage of Irrigation agencies located in
established to overcome the uncertainties problems. It was
Malaysia to evaluate seven different flood control projects first distributed by Chen and Lee [8]. IT2FTOPSIS is believed
towards the five criteria. It was found that Dikes to give a room for more flexibility in IT2FTOPSIS due to the
(levees/embankment)/Channel improvement/Diversion schemes fact that it is uses Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Sets (IT2FSs) rather
is the best flood control project. Besides, it was found that the than Type-1 Fuzzy Sets (T1FSs) to represent the uncertainties.
proposed IT2FTOPSIS consists of; new equitable linguistic scale, The use of IT2FTOPSIS helps in providing successful results
hybrid averaging approach of linear orders and ELECTRE- for managing many decision making problem, but there is a
based non-outranked method are able to provide a measure of need for a new wave of decision system which considers the
the conflicts present among the various DMs. The proposed
conflicts problems among the experts decision. Therefore, this
IT2FTOPSIS better agrees with the DMs’ decision compared to
existing IT2FTOPSIS and has proved by the correlation values. paper aims to build a new equitable linguistic scale based
IT2FTOPSIS model in order to provide answers to the
problems encountered in real world decision systems. This
equitable linguistic scales reacts the subjective judgments
Keywords—Multiple criteria decision-making, interval type-2 from the experts where the lowest of the scale and the highest
fuzzy set, ambiguity, type-reduction method, ELECTRE I, of the scale are equally strong, where it offers an equitable in
IT2FTOPSIS. positive and negative scales. Besides, the positive data is the
subset of all correctly classified examples where negative data
is the rest. The negative data in this study does not mean the
I. INTRODUCTION data is wrong or corrupt. The negative data represents as a
hypothesis that can make it well-separated [12]. The positive
Floods are the most significant natural disasters which and negative is relative.
affect 4.9 million people and inflict damage worth of several While considering the propose new equitable
million every year in Malaysia [1]. The basic cause of flood in linguistic scale, this paper also presents a hybrid averaging
Malaysia is the incidence of heavy monsoon or convective approach of linear order method to include this new equitable
rainfall and the resultant large concentration of runoff which linguistic scale to formulate a collective decision environment
has been exacerbated due to rapid development in the river for ELECTRE-based non-outranked method. The ambiguity
catchment and deteriorated river capacity [2]. This paper concept by Ban et al. [13] and type-reduction method by Wu
focuses on flood control project selection to overcome the and Mendel [14] are used as the hybrid averaging approach.
flooding phenomenon according to the Decision Makers’ Until now, there is no proper discussions on type-reduction in
(DMs) preferences in order to maximize the human(s) comfort MADM. Mostly, they used the type-reduction in IT2 fuzzy
and safety while achieving other objectives such as decreases logic system [15]-[19]. We choose the type-reduction method
the global burden of morbidity, mortality, social and economic (from [14]) to do a defuzzification process is because they are
disruptions, and stress on health services. However, the DMs fast, real time consuming and low computational volume [20].
may have various preferences according to their experts and They can skip the T1FS process. Which means that, this
experiences. Therefore, it was suggested to explore Multiple method can defuzzify the Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Numbers
Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) systems for flood control (IT2FNs) to crisp numbers [21]. By applying this method, we
project selection as they are capable of settling the conflicts in
offer a new brand generation methods of linear orders for the is called an IT2FS. An interval type-2 fuzzy set can be
conflicting linguistic scale. Then, based on this hybrid linear
regarded as a special case of a T2FS, represented as follows:
orders, we identify the concordance and discordance sets to
determine the concordance and discordance indices,
respectively, for each pair of alternatives. In addition to the
proposed method for determining ELECTRE-based non-
outranked solutions, we provide Positive-Ideal Solutions (PIS) (3)
and Negative-Ideal Solutions (NIS) at the selection stage to
yield the final ranking orders of the alternatives. Thus, the
extension of the PIS and NIS methods with ELECTRE-based
non-outranked solutions method helps to verify the existence
of a concordance of attribute in favour of the assertion that an
alternative is as good as another one, and upon the verification (3.3(3.3)
that strong discordance among the score values that may reject where
the previous assertion does not exist [22]. Later, the proposed
method is applied to the flood control project selection and
correlation coefficients are presented to show the efficiency of III. THE PROPOSED METHOD
the results.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section In this section, a new brand approach to solve the
II provides a brief overview of IT2FSs. Section III presents IT2FTOPSIS method is developed. The propose IT2FTOPSIS
the proposed of IT2FTOPSIS. Section IV reports on the consists of; equitable linguistic scales, hybrid averaging
experiments and results which took place in the Department of approach of linear order method and ELECTRE-based non-
Drainage of Irrigation agencies located in Malaysia. outranked method. DMs provide their relation preference scale
Subsection V presents analysis and results of the correlation of each criterion and alternatives in the new IT2FTOPSIS
values. Section VI presents the conclusions and future work. linguistic scale. Below are the overviews steps of the proposed
IT2FTOPSIS procedures:

Assume that there is a set X of alternatives, where

and assume that there is a set
This section is briefly reviews some definitions of T2FSs and
IT2FSs from Mendel et al. [23]. criteria, where Assume that there are

Definition 2.1 [23] DMs and . The proposed method is now

A T2FS in the universe of discourse can be represented presented as follows:
by a type-2 membership function , shown as follows:
Step 1-3: Problem formulation and input stage
Step 1: Construct a hierarchical diagram of
MCDM problem.
Construct the design matrix of the pth
(1) DM and construct the average decision matrix respectively,
shown as follows:
where denotes an interval in . Moreover, the T2FS
also can be represented as follows:


where and denotes the union over all

admissible and .

Definition 2.2 [23]

Let be a T2FS in the universe of discourse represented
by the type-2 membership function . If all then

where , is an positive and

Figure 1: The new equitable linguistic scale
negative IT2TrFN (Table 1),
and denotes the number
of DMs. Table 2: New equitable linguistic terms of weight and their
corresponding positive and negative IT2TrFN
Table 1: New equitable linguistic terms for the rating and Linguistic Terms Positive and Negative
their corresponding positive and negative IT2TrFN IT2TrFN
Linguistic Terms Positive and Negative IT2TrFN Very Low (VL) ((-1.0, -0.9, -0.8, -0.7; 0.8, 0.8),
Very Poor (VP) ((-10, -9, -8, -7; 0.8, 0.8), (-1.0, -1.0, -0.8, -0.6; 1, 1))
(-10, -10, -8, -6; 1, 1)) Low (L) ((-0.8, -0.7, -0.5, -0.4; 0.8, 0.8),
Poor (P) ((-8, -7, -5, -4; 0.8, 0.8), (-0.9, -0.7, -0.5, -0.3; 1, 1))
(-9, -7, -5, -3; 1, 1)) Medium Low (ML) ((-0.5, -0.4, -0.2, -0.1; 0.8, 0.8),
Medium Poor ((-5, -4, -2, -1; 0.8, 0.8), (-0.6, -0.4, -0.2, 0; 1, 1))
(MP) (-6, -4, -2, 0; 1, 1)) Medium (M) ((-0.2, -0.1, 0.1, 0.2; 0.8, 0.8),
Medium (M) ((-2, -1, 1, 2; 0.8, 0.8), (-0.3, -0.2, 0.2, 0.3; 1, 1))
(-3, -2, 2, 3; 1, 1)) Medium High (MH) ((0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.5; 0.8, 0.8),
Medium Good ((1, 2, 4, 5; 0.8, 0.8), (0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6; 1, 1))
(MG) (0, 2, 4, 6; 1, 1)) High (H) ((0.4, 0.5, 0.7, 0.8; 0.8, 0.8),
Good (G) ((4, 5, 7, 8; 0.8, 0.8), (0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9; 1, 1))
(3, 5, 7, 9; 1, 1)) Very High (VH) ((0.7, 0.8, 1.0, 1.0; 0.8, 0.8),
Very Good (VG) ((7, 8, 10, 10; 0.8, 0.8), (0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.0; 1, 1))
(6, 8, 10, 10; 1, 1))

Figure 1 shows an equitable linguistic scale of positive and

Step 2: Define the values of weight negative IT2TrFN from “Very Low” to “Very High”. “Very
Construct the weighting matrix of the criteria of the DM Low”, “Low” and “Medium Low” are stated at the negative
sides of the scale, “Medium” stated intermediate of negative
and construct the pth average weighting matrix ,
and positive sides, “Medium High”, “High” and “Very High”
respectively, shown as follows:
stated at the positive sides of the scale.

Step 3: Construct the weighted of decision matrices

Construct the weighted decision matrix



where , is a positive and

negative IT2TrFN (Table 2), and

denotes the number of DMs.

where , and
Step 4: Hybrid aggregation stage
Step 4: Construct the hybrid averaging approach using the
linear order method
Employ the linear order hybrid averaging operation to
determine the collective evaluation value of weighted decision where
matrix and the collective importance weight

Or we can say as,

The concordance level, , can be defined as the average of

where represented as the elements in the concordance matrix, represented by

and represented as
Step 6: Calculate the discordance matrix
By contrast, the complementary part is known as the
discordance set can be defined as
Step 5-7: ELECTRE computation stage
Step 5: Calculate the concordance matrix where is the
The concordance set of the pair of alternatives and
index of all criteria belonging to the discordance coalition and
is the index set corresponding to the criteria for which it is against the assertion “ is at least as good as .”
is preferred to by comparing their linear order
Thus, the discordance matrix is defined as
and . Specifically,


where is the index of all criteria belonging to the

concordance coalition with the outranking relation
. (14)

The relative evaluative value for the concordance set is

measured using the concordance index. The concordance where
index is proportional to the sum of positive and negative
IT2TrFN weights associated with the criteria whose
indices are contained in the concordance set. We denote


Thus, the concordance matrix is defined as follows,

Note that there are prominent differences between the
elements of and . The concordance matrix reflects
weights of the concordance criteria and the asymmetric
discordance matrix reflects most relative differences (21)
according to the discordance criteria. Both concordance and
discordance indices have to be calculated for every pair of Step 11: Normalize the relative closeness
actions , where . Lastly, normalized the relative closeness as follows:

Step 7: Construct the global matrix

Next, the global matrix is calculated by peer to peer
subtraction of the elements of the matrices and as (22)
Step 12: Sort the values.
Rank the preference order. A large value of closeness
The step of this procedure consists of exploitation of the above
coefficient indicates a good performance of the alternative
outranking relation (matrix ) in order to identify as small as
possible a subset of actions, from which the best compromise . The best alternative is the one with the greatest relative
action could be selected. closeness to the ideal solution.

Step 8-12: Selection stage In this proposed IT2FTOPSIS method, we introduce an

Step 8: Determine the PIS and NIS equitable linguistic scale that considers from negative side till
Determine the PIS and NIS respectively positive side of IT2TrFNs. Besides, we also approach the
={ = {( | ), ( | concept of hybrid averaging approach of linear order method
by combining the type-reduction method with ambiguity
)}, method. Moreover, we apply an ELECTRE-based non-
(17) outranking method to obtain the relative closeness
={ = {( | ), ( | coefficients. With an attempt to consider both sides; negative
and positive sides, the linear order approach, and the
)}, (18) ELECTRE-based non-outranking method, it would anticipate
that the proposed IT2FTOPSIS method makes a more
where is associated with the positive attribute, and is comprehensive look.
associated with the negative attribute.
Step 9: Calculate the distance of PIS and NIS. Flood management in general, plays an important role in
Calculate the separation measures using the n-dimensional protecting people and their property from flooding. In the face
Euclidean distance. The separation of each alternative from of this mounting threat it may be necessary to approach the
the PIS is given as issue of flood management from a novel angle (Murdoch,
2005) [24]. Seven basic schemes of alternatives for flood
control structures recently used to reduce flood damages are
the construction of dam/reservoir (A1), dikes
(levees/embankment)/ channel improvement/ diversion
(19) scheme (A2), pumping station (A3), flood barrier/barrage/flood
gate/flood wall (A4), retention basins/watershed (A5), retention
Similarly, the separation from the NIS is given as pond (A6) and catchment areas (A7). Then, the criteria were
selected based on the alternatives. Five main criteria and sub-
criteria that considered in this study were; Economic factors
(C1): Project costs (C11), Operation and maintenance (C12),
(20) Project benefit (C13), Reliability economic parameter (C 14);
Social factors (C2): Social acceptability (C21), Demographic
Step 10: Calculate the relative closeness changes (C22), Effects on infrastructure (C 23), Recreation
Calculate the relative closeness to the ideal solution. The activity (C24); Environment factors (C3): Climate impact (C31),
Water quality impact (C34), Nature conservation (C32),
relative closeness of the alternative with respect to f* is Sanitary condition (C34); Technical factors (C4): Lifetime
defined as (C41), Adaptability (C42), Level of protection (C43), Technical
complexity (C44), Flexibility of the project (C45); Management
factors (C5): Land use (C51), Area (C52).
Furthermore, the face-to-face interviews were correlation between the user’s decisions and the output
conducted based on the questionnaires designed according to decisions. From the calculations, results are summarized as
the new IT2FTOPSIS requirement to obtain the equilibrium Table 3, respectively, as follows:
closeness coefficients for various criteria, sub-criteria, and
different flood control project options from the four different
DMs. Data in the form of linguistics variables were collected Table 3: Correlation values between the proposed
through interviewing of four authorised personnel (stated as IT2FTOPSIS and IT2FTOPSIS [8]
D1, D2, D3, and D4) from Department of Drainage of Irrigation Spearman Correlation Spearman Correlation
agencies. The interview was conducted in four separated for proposed for IT2FTOPSIS [8]
sessions to elicit the information about the best projects that IT2FTOPSIS
regularly lead to flood control project selection. The four D1 0.929 0
authorised personnel are chosen based on their experienced in p-value=0.003 p-value=1
the flood control project cases, for many years. Thus, all the D2 0.786 0.036
relative importance criteria is described using the equitable p-value=0.036 p-value=0.939
linguistic scales which are defined in Table 2. The DMs used D3 0.893 0.214
the equitable linguistic rating scales (see Table 1) to evaluate p-value=0.007 p-value=0.645
the rating of alternatives with respect to each criterion in form D4 0.929 0.071
of decision matrix. p-value=0.003 p-value=0.879
Result shows that, the best alternative selection is A2
and the ranking order of the alternative of selecting the best *Bold value indicates the highest correlation value
flood control project is given by
. Dikes (levees/ The proposed method using the IT2FTOPSIS [8]’s
embankment)/Channel Improvement/Diversion schemes is linguistic scales from Table 3 gives, 0.036 (D 1), 0.393 (D2),
ranked first, followed by Flood barrier/Barrage/Flood 0.107 (D3) and 0.143 (D4) of correlation values. Markedly, the
gate/Flood wall, River basins/Watershed, Catchment areas, proposed novel concept, which is based on the equitable
Retention pond, and Pumping station. Dam/Reservoir is linguistic scales, hybrid averaging approach and IT2FTOPSIS
ranked last. Thus, after taking into account the seven criteria, method, gives 0.929 (D1), 0.786 (D2), 0.893 (D3) and 0.929
twenty sub-criteria and the opinion from the four DMs, a (D4) of correlation values.
single measurement for flood control project are obtained and For all the correlation values, we have seen that the
Dikes (levees/ embankment)/Channel Improvement/Diversion proposed method which employs the equitable linguistic
schemes recorded the highest closeness coefficient at 0.2067. scales, hybrid averaging approach of linear orders and
Since the proposed model introduced a new equitable ELECTRE-based non-outranked method gives a higher
standardized approach in the evaluation process, it is Spearman Correlation value than when using IT2FTOPSIS
important to compare it with the existing approach. Next [8]. This shows that our proposed system using the hybrid IT2
section describes the analysis and results of the comparison fuzzy theories provides a better correlation by having a much
between the output of flood control project selection and other closer group decision to the human DMs when compared to
existed MADM methods. the other fuzzy theories (where the higher the correlation
value, the closer the user’s decision to the output from the
proposed system. Besides, the second highest correlation
V. ANALYSIS AND RESULTS values goes to the proposed method that used the
Before the experiments were conducted, questionnaires were IT2FTOPSIS [8]’s linguistic scale. We can conclude that, our
distributed randomly to ask all DMs about their opinions and proposed equitable linguistic scale better than the existed
judgments about flood control project selection needed to linguistic scale.
overcome the flooding problem. Four DMs were involved in
the trials which consist from Department of Drainage of
Irrigation agencies located in Malaysia. Their opinions are
constructed in the proposed decision system as a rule-base in a Flood control project selection need to consider the
preference relations decision matrix as showing in the above preferences of DMs from diverse background. However, there
section. The ranking to determine output values for different are high levels of conflicts faced in project selection. Hence,
input values have been defined from 4 sets of input values. there is a need to employ decision making systems which can
In order to visualize the agreement, we have used the consider the various DMs preference and criteria in order to
Spearman Correlation values to investigate the diagnosis achieve the convenience of the various DMs while handling
agreement and correlation between real output data of flood the faced conflicts.
control project selections with the 1) IT2FTOPSIS [8], and 2) In this paper, we have proposed an IT2FTOPSIS
our proposed IT2FTOPSIS. The Spearman Correlation (the system which provides a comprehensive valuation from a
relationship between two variables imitates the grade to which group of DMs based on the aggregation of DMs’ opinions and
the variables are associated) which was used to find the preferences. The theory of the equitable linguistic scale,
hybrid averaging approach of linear order method; consists of 0.107 (D3) and 0.143 (D4) of correlation values. Both
ambiguity method and type-reduction method, and correlation values were lower when compared to the proposed
ELECTRE-based non-outranked method are well suited when IT2FTOPSIS where the correlation values are 0.929 (D1),
dealing with imprecision and vagueness. Consequently, in this 0.786 (D2), 0.893 (D3) and 0.929 (D4) of correlation values.
paper we presented the hybrid concepts between triple of the Thus the proposed IT2FTOPSIS which is based on the
theories to employ in IT2FTOPSIS model. This equitable equitable linguistic scale, hybrid averaging approach,
linguistic scales reacts the subjective judgments from the ELECTRE-based non-outranked method; consists of ranking
experts where the lowest of the scale and the highest of the values method and IT2FTOPSIS method have better ranking
scale are equally strong. From this, expert expressed his/her compared to decision system based on IT2FTOPSIS [8]
needs, wants, personality traits, values, experiences, and method.
subjective judgments based on the equitable linguistic scale. In our future work, we aim to apply general type-2
This equitable linguistic scale has proved to more compatible membership functions in order to reach higher levels of
to the decisions senses, due to the individuals make decisions uncertainties in decision making system. The general type-2
and take actions according to what they perceive to be reality. fuzzy application aggregates the various DMs opinions into a
While considering the propose equitable linguistic scale, this unique approval which represent the uncertainty distribution
paper also presents a hybrid averaging approach of linear (in the third dimension) associated with the DMs. The
orders method to include this proposed equitable linguistic utilization of general type-2 is expected to increase the
scale to formulate a collective decision environment in agreement values between the IT2FTOPSIS system and DMs’
IT2FTOPSIS. The ambiguity concept by Ban et al. [13] and decision. The higher the agreement values, the more the
type-reduction method by Wu and Mendel [14] are used as the control decision system is able to mimic a group of human’s
hybrid averaging approach of linear order method. By decision in the flood control project selection.
applying this method, we can avoid of using the existed
ranking value proposed by Chen and Lee [8], where the used ACKNOWLEDGMENT
of standard deviation is believed influenced by extreme scores This research is supported by Dana Khas Penyelidikan
and the method is depended only on the dispersion’s data. It is UNISZA/2016/DPU/10, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin. This
proved by Chen et al. [25], that the ranking value proposed by support is gratefully acknowledged.
Chen and Lee [8] was difficult and higher in computational
volume. Moreover, a non-outranked based method which is
ELECTRE-based method which provides PIS and NIS phase REFERENCES
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