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457 - 461

Majorian ruled for a comparatively lengthy four-year reign at the end of the Roman empire. Having been associated in his youth with Aetius,
the commander slain by Valentinian III, his imperial title came at the disposition of the general Ricimer with whom he was also involved.
Ricimer would have loved to make himself emperor but his barbarian blood prevented him from the post. His discretion in not forcing the
issue meant he wouldn't have to quell any revolts within Italy and his choice to appoint his friend Majorian would have been the next best

Majorian himself appears to have had a commendable character. As of recently discontent had been rampant ever since tax collectors
refused the legal tender of the day and instead demanded payment in money minted by second-century emperors! So in a bid to ease
tensions in the moribund empire he nullified past debts owed to the state treasury. By resetting the public balance sheet Majorian could only
have gained a good deal of popularity and perhaps this explains why his tenure as emperor lasted so long compared to his two immediate
predecessors. However, his downfall was soon to come just at the height of his glory.

With the newfound unity among Romans, Majorian set out to reclaim the north African coast lost to the Vandals and which had been for the
past 50 years its single biggest loss. Carthage and its adjoining provinces was Italy's breadbasket and without it the Roman empire was
slowly starving. Majorian and Ricimer devised a plan to drive the Vandals out of Africa by building a powerful new navy from scratch. As the
army set sail by way of Spain someone double-crossed the two and the navy ships were ambushed while in port at Carthagena. Majorian
and Ricimer's grand scheme crumbled without a way to mount an invasion. Suddenly his formerly grateful subjects turned on him and
threatened rebellion. Whether Ricimer let him resign or Majorian himself abdicated is unsure. Several days later he was found dead and
although the historical references point to disease the timing seems to favor an alternate, more violent end.

AU Solidus

RIC 2614, C 1 Solidus Obv: DNIVLIVSMAIORIANVSPFAVG - Helmeted, diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right, holding spear and shield.
Rev: VICTORIAAVGGG Exe: R/V/COMOB - Majorian standing, facing, stepping on snake with human head, holding cross and Victory on
globe. 457-461 (Ravenna).
RIC 2627 Solidus Obv: DNIVLIVSMAIORIANVSPFAVG - Helmeted, diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right, holding spear and shield.
Rev: VICTORIAAVGGG Exe: A/R/COMOB• - Majorian standing, facing, stepping on snake with human head, holding cross and Victory on
globe. 457-461 (Arelate).

RIC 3738 Solidus Obv: DNIVLIVSMAIORIANVSPFAVG - Helmeted, diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right, holding spear and shield.
Rev: VICTORIAAVGGG Exe: A/R/COMOB - Majorian standing, facing, stepping on snake with human head, holding cross and Victory on
globe. [Per RIC Visigothic]. 457-461 (Arelate).

AU Tremissis

RIC 2611, C 19 Tremissis Obv: DNIVLMAIORIANVSPFAVG - Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right.
Rev: No legend Exe: COMOB - COMOB. 457-461 (Ravenna).

AR Half Siliqua
RIC 2650 Half Siliqua Obv: DNIVLIVSMAIORIANVS - Helmeted, diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right holding spear and shield.
Rev: VICTORIAAVGG - Victory standing left, holding cross. $954 11/20/02.

RIC 2652 Half Siliqua Obv: DNIVLIVSMAIORIANVS - Helmeted, diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right holding spear and shield.
Rev: VICTORIAAVGG - Victory standing left, holding cross.


RIC 2646, LRBC 582 AE3 Obv: DNIVLMAIORIANVSPFAVG - Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right.
Rev: VICTORIAAVGGG Exe: MD - Victory advancing left, holding wreath and palm. 457-461 (Mediolanum). $1,350 1/16/02.

RIC 2616, LRBC 586 AE4 Obv: DNIVLMAIORIANVSPFAVG - Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right.
Rev: VICTORIAAVGGG Exe: RV - Victory advancing left, holding wreath and palm. 457-461 (Ravenna). $925 9/24/03.

Unlisted AE4 Obv: DNIVLMAIORIANVSPFAVG - Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right.
Rev: VICTORIAAVGG Exe: ? - Victory standing left, holding wreath and palm. [RIC has no listing for AE4's with mintmarks or other markings
in field for this emperor]. $467 2/4/02.

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