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A Workbook to Help
Manifest Your Dreams with
Exercises Based on the
Law Of Attraction

A workbook that will help you:

your dream

By engaging in simple, yet effective

Law of Attraction exercises.
Hello Lovely!!

I am extremely happy that you have found this Manifestation

Journal, that was created to help you access your innate
manifestation powers in a fun and simple way!

All the exercises presented to you are based on the Law of

Attraction and their principles, that will be explained throughout
the journal.

This Manifestation Journal is divided in 3 parts:

Money Manifestation
Soulmate Manifestation
Manifestation (this is an added section that gives you the
freedom to use it to manifest a specific topic that isn't
mentioned in the journal)

If you are looking to manifest more than one area, I strongly suggest
doing so, one at a time, so that you can fully commit and focus on
that specific desire and avoid confusion and misalignment.

I hope you enjoy this journal, and that you accomplish all of your
goals and fulfil all of your dreams!

You came into this world with the purpose of being happy. Your
well-being and your desires are worth your precious time and
energy. You are here to create and fulfil your dreams. All you need is
to remind yourself that you have the power and ability to do so!

Sending you Love and Light!

Magicrystic - Dani
All that you desire is within reach!
Money affirmations

I am becoming wealthier every day.

I have a healthy and loving relationship with


Money comes to me easily and effortlessly.

I am aligned with the energy of prosperity and abundance.

I have more than enough of money to buy and invest in all

the things that I want and need.

I am open and receptive to the constant flow of money that

comes to me without any resistance.

I am worthy of the wonderful freedom that money is

providing me and others in my life.
*Repeat these affirmations at least 1x a day, and when you do, believe in them wholeheartedly!
Your vision/plan
- How much money do - What is the time frame in - If you have a business
you need or desire? which you wish to receive it? plan, what is it?
- How will you spend the - What are the possible sources - What do you plan on doing
money? for this added income? to incrase your income?

*Write in the present tense and describe your vision as if you are already living it!
Beliefs about money
Limiting Beliefs: Empowerig Beliefs:

We all grow up forming limiting beliefs based on our experiences, society, family,
friends, etc. And these beliefs are most likely to become the root cause of various
issues that inhibit our capacity to manifest our dream life.
So it's important to identify these limiting beliefs and replace them with
empowering ones. Ex: I’m not good enough to be successful ---> I am capable and
confident in my ability to succeed. OR if I get rich, people will envy me. ---->
When I become rich, people around me will celebrate my success.
Gratitude list
List the things you are Make a gratitude list of the
grateful for - that you things you want - as if you
have right now: already have them:

*All your dreams already exist in the quantum field of possibilities, so writing or
talking about them in the present tense helps you align energetically with them!
Your perfect day!
Describe in detail your ideal day, and include all the things you want to manifest.
How/where do you wake up, eat breakfast, spend your morning, your afternoon, etc. Be as
specific as you can, including how you feel throughout the day. And at the end read it
through at least one time. This amazing exercise will help you visualize yourself in your
desired future and help you embody the feeling of it in your life right now!

Anchor word or sentence:

An anchor word, or an Anchor sentence, is something that

you say and repeat in your mind in the morning, right when
you wake up and at night before you fall asleep, that
reminds you of what you want to manifest (ex: if you want
to manifest money to buy your dream home, your anchor
sentence could be "Dream home").

This will help programme your subconscious mind and

align your frequency with your desire.

These periods of time - right after you wake up and before

you fall asleep, are the most important times of the day
because your subconscious mind is more in a state of
allowing and less resistant.

Normally when we wake up we tend to think of the tasks

that we have planned throughout that day (some might
not be very pleasant), or at night we tend to think of the
things that happened during that same day that might still
be affecting us negatively, If we focus on what we don't like
or on the past, we will keep repeating the same patterns
and the same results in the future. However, when we
instead focus on what we want with a positive emotion
attached to it, we start creating new possibilities and new

You can also repeat the anchor word or sentence

throughout the day, to keep you aligned with the frequency
of your dreams, but try not to skip your morning and night

How will you feel when you have the

financial freedom and prosperity that you
wish for:

For at least a couple of minutes a day (best before
falling asleep or right when you wake up), just
imagine having what you desire already in your
life, include details and specific images, sounds,
situations, people, conversations, events, etc. and
most importantly, FEEL IT!

If you want to attract abundance, feel abundant. If

you want to attract money, feel rich and wealthy.

In the next page, there is a worksheet where you can fill in

the date and select the emotion that you felt more
dominant in that day.
(Anger - sadness - neutral - happy - joyful - excited/thrilled)

It's important to be aware of your emotions because they

allow you to understand if you are in alignment with the
Universe. Only from this place can you co-create and
manifest your most treasured dreams. Higher emotional
states (such as happiness, love, gratitude & excitement)
are higher energy frequencies, and therefore you are able
to attract experiences that match these emotions and
create your desired reality.

The purpose of the Emotion Tracker is to help you be

more aware of your general mood and emotional state
each day. This way, you can examine your alignment or
misalignment with Source and see what needs to be
changed or maintained in order to keep your vibration
higher for longer periods of time.

Note: don't feel pressured to feel and be at your best at all

times. It is normal and okay to have days in which it is
harder to remain in higher emotional sates. However, this
exercise is also a good reminder that you have the power
to choose how you want to live your life, and you can
choose to live your highest most amazing life!

Date: Date:
You have the power to attract a loving
relationship that nourishes your soul!
Soulmate affirmations

I am attuned to the vibration of love.

I attract loving and harmonious relationships.

I love and value myself, and so do the people that I choose

to be a part of my life.

I radiate love.

I choose to see life through the eyes of love.

I have a healthy and meaningful relationship with my

I am grateful for the caring, authentic, loving and kind
person that the Universe has brought to me, to share my
extraordinary life with.
*Repeat these affirmations at least 1x a day, and when you do, believe in them wholeheartedly!
Your vision
- What are the qualities - What does your - How does your
that your soulmate has? relationship look like? soulmate make you
- What are the values feel?
- How do feel when
that you both share? you are together?

*Write in the present tense and describe your vision as if you are already living it!
Beliefs about love
Limiting Beliefs: Empowerig Beliefs:

We all grow up forming limiting beliefs based on our experiences, society,

family, friends, etc. And these beliefs are most likely to become the root cause
of various issues that inhibit our capacity to manifest our dream lives.
So it's important to identify these limiting beliefs and replace them with
empowering ones. Ex: I’m not pretty enough to attract the person of my
dreams ---> I am beautiful and divine, and the right person will see that. OR
I always attract the wrong person. ----> My past choices do not define me, and I
am ready and open to a healthy and loving relationship.
Gratitude list
List the things you are Make a gratitude list of the
grateful for - that you things you want - as if you
have right now: already have them:

*All your dreams already exist in the quantum field of possibilities, so writing or
talking about them in the present tense helps you align energetically with them!
Your perfect day!
Describe in detail your ideal day, and include all the things you want to manifest.
How/where do you wake up, eat breakfast, spend your morning, your afternoon, etc. Be as
specific as you can, including how you feel throughout the day. And at the end read it
through at least one time. This amazing exercise will help you visualize yourself in your
desired future and help you embody the feeling of it in your life right now!

Anchor word or sentence:

An anchor word, or an Anchor sentence, is something that

you say and repeat in your mind in the morning, right when
you wake up and at night before you fall asleep, that
reminds you of what you want to manifest (ex: if you want
to manifest the love of your life, your anchor sentence could
be "A profound romantic connection").

This will help programme your subconscious mind and

align your frequency with your desire.

These periods of time - right after you wake up and before

you fall asleep, are the most important times of the day
because your subconscious mind is more in a state of
allowing and less resistant.

Normally when we wake up we tend to think of the tasks

that we have planned throughout that day (some might
not be very pleasant), or at night we tend to think of the
things that happened during that same day that might still
be affecting us negatively, If we focus on what we don't like
or on the past, we will keep repeating the same patterns
and the same results in the future. However, when we
instead focus on what we want with a positive emotion
attached to it, we start creating new possibilities and new

You can also repeat the anchor word or sentence

throughout the day, to keep you aligned with the frequency
of your dreams, but try not to skip your morning and night

How will you feel when you have the

soulful relationship that you wish for:

For at least a couple of minutes a day (best
before falling asleep or right when you wake
up), just imagine having what you desire already
in your life, include details and specific images,
sounds, situations, people, conversations,
events, etc. and most importantly, FEEL IT!

If you want to attract love, feel loved. If you want

to attract romance, feel romantic.

In the next page, there is a worksheet where you can fill in

the date and select the emotion that you felt more
dominant in that day.
(Anger - sadness - neutral - happy - joyful - excited/thrilled)

It's important to be aware of your emotions because they

allow you to understand if you are in alignment with the
Universe. Only from this place can you co-create and
manifest your most treasured dreams. Higher emotional
states (such as happiness, love, gratitude & excitement)
are higher energy frequencies, and therefore you are able
to attract experiences that match these emotions and
create your desired reality.

The purpose of the Emotion Tracker is to help you be

more aware of your general mood and emotional state
each day. This way, you can examine your alignment or
misalignment with Source and see what needs to be
changed or maintained in order to keep your vibration
higher for longer periods of time.

Note: don't feel pressured to feel and be at your best at all

times. It is normal and okay to have days in which it is
harder to remain in higher emotional sates. However, this
exercise is also a good reminder that you have the power
to choose how you want to live your life, and you can
choose to live your highest most amazing life!

Date: Date:
You are limitless and so are your dreams!
Write affirmations associated with what you want to manifest, in the present tense and
with positive statements.

*Repeat your affirmations at least 1x a day, and when you do, believe in them
Your vision/plan

*Write in the present tense and describe your vision as if you are already living it!
Beliefs about this subject
Limiting Beliefs: Empowerig Beliefs:

We all grow up forming limiting beliefs based on our experiences, society,

family, friends, etc. And these beliefs are most likely to become the root cause
of various issues that inhibit our capacity to manifest our dream lives.
So it's important to identify these limiting beliefs and replace them with
empowering ones. Ex: It's impossible to achieve all my dreams. ---> I am
limitless, powerful and deserving of all that I desire.
Gratitude list
List the things you are Make a gratitude list of the
grateful for - that you things you want - as if you
have right now: already have them:

*All your dreams already exist in the quantum field of possibilities, so writing or
talking about them in the present tense helps you align energetically with them!
Your perfect day!
Describe in detail your ideal day, and include all the things you want to manifest.
How/where do you wake up, eat breakfast, spend your morning, your afternoon, etc. Be as
specific as you can, including how you feel throughout the day. And at the end read it
through at least one time. This amazing exercise will help you visualize yourself in your
desired future and help you embody the feeling of it in your life right now!
Anchor word or sentence:

An anchor word, or an Anchor sentence, is something that

you say and repeat in your mind in the morning, right when
you wake up and at night before you fall asleep, that
reminds you of what you want to manifest (ex: if you want
to manifest a new job that is more fulfilling, your anchor
sentence could be "My dream job which I am passionate

This will help programme your subconscious mind and

align your frequency with your desire.

These periods of time - right after you wake up and before

you fall asleep, are the most important times of the day
because your subconscious mind is more in a state of
allowing and less resistant.

Normally when we wake up we tend to think of the tasks

that we have planned throughout that day (some might
not be very pleasant), or at night we tend to think of the
things that happened during that same day that might still
be affecting us negatively, If we focus on what we don't like
or on the past, we will keep repeating the same patterns
and the same results in the future. However, when we
instead focus on what we want with a positive emotion
attached to it, we start creating new possibilities and new

You can also repeat the anchor word or sentence

throughout the day, to keep you aligned with the frequency
of your dreams, but try not to skip your morning and night
! RD

How will you feel when you have what

you wish for:

For at least a couple of minutes a day (best before
falling asleep or right when you wake up), just
imagine having what you desire already in your
life, include details and specific images, sounds,
situations, people, conversations, events, etc. and
most importantly, FEEL IT!

If you want to attract success, feel successful. If

you want to attract more health, feel healthy.

In the next page, there is a worksheet where you can fill in

the date and select the emotion that you felt more
dominant in that day.
(Anger - sadness - neutral - happy - joyful - excited/thrilled)

It's important to be aware of your emotions because they

allow you to understand if you are in alignment with the
Universe. Only from this place can you co-create and
manifest your most treasured dreams. Higher emotional
states (such as happiness, love, gratitude & excitement)
are higher energy frequencies, and therefore you are able
to attract experiences that match these emotions and
create your desired reality.

The purpose of the Emotion Tracker is to help you be

more aware of your general mood and emotional state
each day. This way, you can examine your alignment or
misalignment with Source and see what needs to be
changed or maintained in order to keep your vibration
higher for longer periods of time.

Note: don't feel pressured to feel and be at your best at all

times. It is normal and okay to have days in which it is
harder to remain in higher emotional sates. However, this
exercise is also a good reminder that you have the power
to choose how you want to live your life, and you can
choose to live your highest most amazing life!

Date: Date:

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