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Siemens digitized solutions for energy ENERGY EFFICIENCY

efficiency/ Water and Water Treatment

Industry in Romania

SIEMENS S.R.L. Adina.Ionescu@siemen Tel.0744.439.774, adina.ionescu@siemen

Siemens provides a crucial foundation with innovative, energy saving solutions ranging from
electrification and automation to integrated digital technologies and comprehensive services
throughout the water cycle, all the way to the management of water networks.

Water is becoming an increasingly important economic factor,

making efficiency and the provision of new resources top priorities. Higher costs for producing
clean water and rising quality requirements call for innovative energy- and cost-saving processes.
A growing number of water operators in Romania, such as Apa Serv Valea Jiului and Compania
Aqua Serv are taking these factors into account and opting for the latest technologies, including
digitalization and connectivity.

The difficulties faced by the 2 water industry operators to whom Siemens signed complex contracts, totally amounted to
approx. € 4 mil - Apa Serv Valea Jiului and Compania Aquaserv Târgu Mureș - were quite high, impacting the daily lives
of approximately 1 million people in Hunedoara and Mureș counties. Both companies needed less energy intensive water
supply and wastewater systems and pushing their existing technology towards digitized solutions. Mostly, they were
grappling with:
1. Efficiency and Reliability: Their existing systems required enhancement, to ensure the efficient and reliable operation
of water supply and wastewater management. A lot of complaints were registered by the inhabitants in Hunedoara and
Mureș counties regarding the lack or the discontinue water service.
2. Loss in Drinking and Sewage Water Services: There was a need to reduce loss when providing water utilities,
generated by various factors, including leaks, infrastructure issues, or inefficient monitoring.
3. Remote Monitoring: Expanding monitoring to remote areas has always been a challenge, yet this is essential for an
effective water service system and problem detection.
4. Digital Transformation: Both water companies recognized the importance of digital transformation and the adoption of
innovation, to improve water supply monitoring and energy efficiency.
5. Cybersecurity: With the expansion of digital systems and reliance on advanced technology, ensuring the cybersecurity
of water companies' systems and data became a critical challenge.
The 2 water operators aimed at addressing these challenges by contracting Siemens, for providing innovation-focused
SCADA (Supervisory control and data acquisition) solutions, which will ultimately will lead to energy saving.

1 Pdf file with 5 slides

Nov 21, 2023

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