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Name _________________________________________Grade/sec__________________No___________

I. Write true if the statement is correct and false if the statement is incorrect.
1. Technological development sometimes has a negative impact on environment.
2. Safe environment and Economic development cannot be assumed as part of human rights.
3. Third generation human rights supporters mostly focus on the way to promote trade relations
between states.
4. Freedom from pollution is now part of human rights.
5. The right to development is an inalienable human right.
6. A child born is USA from Ethiopian parents is neither an Ethiopian nor an American.
7. Absenteeism cannot be caused by HIV/AIDS.
8. The expansion of human settlement has no Effect on the natural landscapes in Ethiopia.
9. The action of dumping wastes in rivers is a moral issue of corporate Ethics.
10. Environmental organizations aim for the establishment of equitable global partnership.
II. Match the statement under “A” column with their corresponding statement
under “B” column.
11. Ecosystem A. duty to respect laws of a country
12. Environmental degradation B. the legal relationship which exists between the
nations and the individual
13. Sustainable development C. the state of safety and peaceful co- existence of the
14. Nationality people of the world
15. International peace D. compulsory payment without direct benefit
16. Legal obligations E. meeting the needs of the present compromising
the ability of future generation to meet their own needs
17. Tax F. self – sustaining community plants and animals
as well as its as well as its inorganic environment
18. Proactive person G. reduction of the capacity of adequately sustain
19. Public opinion environment to human population animals
20. Whistle blowers and plants due to hazardous Wastes
H. People attitude on an issues when they are
members of the same social group
I. A person who initiates for innovation.
J. people who expose wrong doings
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III. Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives.
21. Patriotism refers to all the following ideas except.
A. It determines the extent of the relationship between the individual and the community.
B. The original concept is linked with the idea of father and family relation.
C. It allows disobedience of the member
D. It demands loyalty of all members
22. In a patriarchal family one is supposed to be the decision maker?
A. Mother B. father C. it is decision by concession D. women
23. What is the main distinction between Nationalism and patriotism? Nationalism:-
A. Is attached to the physical feature of the land
B. Is a commitment to one’s family and people.
C. Is allied with the principle of democracy
D. Encourages co – existence
24. What is the evil effect of nationalism
A. Its commitment to human rights and freedoms
B. Chauvinism and dogmatism
C. Equality and freedom of mankind
D. Economic equality between nations
25. What is the significance of constitutional patriotism? It is important because
A. It adheres to constitutional state
B. It tends to fundamentalism and dogmatism
C. It recognizes the state as supreme and symbolic rather than the people.
D. It promotes in tolerance.
26. Working for the common good implies
A. Superiority of the state over the needs of the people
B. The allegiance to democratic principles
C. In tolerance and extreme superiority over others
D. Unhealthy selfish ness
27. Who is supposed to be a modern patriot? He is the one who
A. Exercise his right to self – determination
B. Has the patience to zero stand tolerance
C. Sense a national unity with diversity
D. All

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28. What is true about a nation?
A. It is a distinctive quality of a group
B. It represents of people with common stock of thought and feelings
C. It encompasses people of the same ethnic origin
D. It stands for people with common beliefs.
29. What was wrong about the task of nation building in Ethiopia?
A. It was inclusive.
B. It was a nation of unity without diversity
C. The country is a nation of diverse groups
D. It was a nation of diversity and commonality
30. What was the negative attributes of Ethiopian patriots?
A. The patriotic feelings to sacrifice oneself for the sake of the people.
B. One’s commitment to authoritarian leadership
C. One’s attitude towards independent views
D. The recognition to the supremacy of the constitution
31. Which one is illegal to acquire nationality in Ethiopia?
A. Nationality by birth C. Law of the soil
B. Nationality by place of birth D. None
32. One of the following denotes the distinctive feature of citizenship
A. It demonstrates the legal relationship between nation and individuals.
B. It demonstrates the legal relationship between the person and the state law
C. It is the relationship between the individual and the globe
D. All of the above
33. Acquire citizenship through marriage and Legitimacy is possible through one of the following
A. Law of the blood B. Law of the soil C. naturalization D. natural born citizen
34. Globalization mainly adheres to the principles of
A. Universalism B. nationalism C. bilateralism D. Ethnicism
35. What is not true about globalization?
A. It discourages the Expansion of global markets
B. Promotes greater openness and transparency in politics
C. Liberalize the access to information and transmission
D. Eliminates trade obstructions

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36. All are positive attitude towards globalization except
A. It makes the poor poorer and the rich richer
B. It intensified the solidarity of nations against international terrorism
C. It facilitate the inter connection of economies
D. It strives to ensure sale environment and economic development.
37. Third generation of human rights mainly advocates for
A. The right to work and to public employment
B. Sustainable environment and basic health care
C. Right to personal freedom
D. The right to Education
38. One of the following is the problem of African states.
A. Lack of poor governance and weak institutions.
B. Debt and dependence on overseas development aid
C. Internecine conflicts and absence of political stability.
D. All of the above
39. All are suggested poverty reduction strategies except.
A. Involving broad based participation by civil society.
B. It is based on a long term perspective
C. Encourage the participation of the private sector.
D. All of the above
40. What could not be the possible recommendation for the growth of competitive economies in a
A. Diversified exports
B. Strong regional partnership
C. The restriction of women’s participation in all spheres
D. Improve infrastructure services
41. What are the elements of global citizenship
A. Its parameter within the physical and political boundary of a country
B. Lock of independent view and cynical to global peace
C. Respects and values diversity
D. Indifference and be un concerned to international causes

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42. Which one is the best strategy for poverty reduction? It should
A. Be result oriented
B. Be partnership oriented
C. Employ assessment of multi – dimensional nature of poverty D. All
43. One of the following is not the current global challenge of humanity
A. The race to dominate space technology C. Environmental problems and hazards
B. Epidemic diseases D. Human right violation
44. Which one is accessible to global citizenship
A. Traditional patriotism C. National chauvinism
B. Constitutional patriotism D. Militarism and jingoism
45. Traditional patriotism is less imperative than the constitutional because
A. It degenerates in to nationalistic chauvinism
B. It tends to universalism
C. It desires an independent and integrated political system
D. It gives due regard to the values of democracy
46. Countries of the world are inter dependent because
A. They are made up of rich and poor countries
B. Every country requires something from the other one.
C. There is ideological similarity between them
D. There is continuous cultural exchange between them.
47. Who is supposed to be a responsible person? It is a person
A. Who is usually assumes him as perfect.
B. Who is courageous to burdens at risk.
C. Who retreats whenever he faces challenges
D. With low steem
48. One of the following is the requirement for responsible person. It is to be
A. Ethical and moral C. Irrational (absurd)
B. Adherence to traditional rules and customs D. Irresolute and precarious
49. Why do think that moral rules should govern everyone because?
A. It is obligatory and necessary
B. It over rules the needs of individuals.
C. It demands convictions and concessions of the people concerned
D. It is discriminatory and bias
50. In Ethiopian context elders expect respect from the community. This is the ______ of any one.
A. Moral obligation ` B. legal obligation
C. ethical obligation D. political obligation

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