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A young man with absence of wrinkling of

forehead, nasolabial fold obliteration with drooling of
saliva on right face with positive bells phenomenon in the
right eye with deviation of angle of mouth to the left side.

1. What is bell’s palsy? level and its cause?
2. Causes of bilateral bell’s palsy
3. Complications of bell’s palsy
4. Treatment of bell’s palsy
An elderly man around 70 yrs with
infrequent blinking and expressionless face and staring
look with pill rolling movements in hands and reduced
arm swing with mild stooping.

1. Pathogenesis
2. Causes of parkinsonism
3. Treatment for parkinsonism
4. Drugs causing parkinsonism
5. What is the gait in parkinsonism
A middle aged female with puffiness of the face
and loss of lateral one third of eyebrows,large
tongue(macroglossia) with coarse dry and flaky skin over
extremities and generalised obesity.

1. What is primary and secondary hypothyroidism and is
what is the difference between them
2. What is subclinical hypothyroidism
3. What is cretinism
4. What are the cardiac complications of hypothyroidism
5. What is myxedema coma
A middle aged male is having pan digital grade 2-3
acyanotic clubbing.

1. Define clubbing
2. Causes of cyanotic clubbing
3. GI / NEUROLOGIC / RESPIRATORY causes of clubbing
4. What is the acceptable mechanism of clubbing
5. Types of clubbing
6. Grades of clubbing
7. What is grade 4 clubbing and its causes
8. What is painful clubbing
9. Causes of acute onset clubbing
A well defined erythematous, dry bilateral
papilosquamous plaques with silvery white scales of
varying sizes seen over elbow, knees, back, palm, soles and

1. Types of above condition
2. Etiology
3. What is auspitz sign
4. What is koebner sign
5. What is the treatment
A middle aged man is having bilateral edema of
both legs upto knee joint with facial puffiness and distension
of abdomen.

1. Defintion of edema
2. What are the causes of edema
3. What is fast edema and slow edema
4. What are the types of edema
5. What are the various forms of edema
6. What are the causes of non pitting edema
7. What is the grading of edema
There is a ring/annular erythematous macule with
raised margin having small vesicles and central clearing
over waist and other parts of the body expect palms and

1. What is your diagnosis
2. What are the causes
3. What is the treatment
4. What is the organism causing above lesions.
Read the following case scenario and answer the question.
46 year old Mr.Nayagam, a chronic alcoholic presented to the OPD
with complaints of distension of his abdomen for the past 3 weeks and
swelling of his feet for the previous 2 weeks. He also had history of
fever for the past 2 days. Clinicalexamination showed gynaecomastia,
distension of veins over the abdomen and splenomegaly. The intern
detected ascites clinically, did an ascitic tap and sent the fluid
for analysis.
The results were as follows:
Gross appearance : Straw colored
SAAG : > 1.1 g/dl
Gram stain and culture : Results awaited
Cell count – neutrophils : 500 cells/mm3
Cytology : negative for malignant cells

1. What is the probable causes of ascites?

2. What invasive investigation would you order for him
besides the tap?
3. What complication has he possibly developed?
4. What is the diuretic of choice for the treatment of
Read the following case scenario and answer the questions

17 year old male presented with sudden onset of

abdominal pain and vomiting for the past 3 hours. He has no
hematemesis or maelena. He was also having breathing
difficulty. On examination, he was febrile, tachypneic and
dyspneic. His Blood pressure was 106 / 78 mm Hg. His CBG
was 390 mg/dL. His ABG showed pH – 7.08, pO2 – 154 mm
Hg, pCO2 – 24 mm Hg, Bicarbonate 8 mEq / L. His serum
sodium was 134mEq /L and serum potassium was 3.0 mEq/ L.

1. What is your probable diagnosis?

2. Explain the pathophysiology behind this condition.

3. What are the investigations to be done in this


4. What is the treatment regime for this disease?

5. What are the possible complications associated

with this disease?

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