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df]afO{n a}+lsË÷;ts{tf÷O{–a}+lsË cfj]bg kmf/fd

The Branch Manager

>L zfvf k|aGwsHo", Date : D D M M Y Y Y Y
Nepal Investment Mega Bank Limited
>L g]kfn OGe]i6d]06 d]uf a}+s lnld6]8,
......................................... Branch zfvf
Dear Sir dxf]bo,
I/We hereby apply for Nepal Investment Mega Bank’s Mobile Banking/Alert/e-Banking facility to enable me/us to avail user
access to my/our account(s) with you and carry out transactions though the use of Mobile/Internet. I/We herby authorise the Bank to
deduct the applicable charges from my/our account. d÷xfdL g]kfn OGe]i6d]06 d]uf a}+s lnld6]8df /x]sf] d]/f]÷xfd|f] vftfdf df]afO{n÷OG6/g]6 dfkm{t
kx'Fr x'g] / sf/f]af/ x'g] u/L d÷xfdLnfO{ df]afO{n a}+lsË÷;ts{tf÷O{–a}+lsË ;'ljwfsf] k|of]ustf{ ;lqmo ul/lbg'x'g cg'/f]w ub{5'÷5f}+ . pQm ;]jfsf nflu nfUg] z'Ns
d]/f]÷xfd|f] vftfaf6 s§f ul/lng'x'g d]/f]÷xfd|f] k"0f{ d~h'/L 5 .
My/Our account details are as follows d]/f]÷xfd|f] vftfsf] ljj/0f lgDgfg';f/ 5 M

Account Name

vftfsf] gfd ============================================================================================================================================================================================

Email Od]n ================================================================================================================================================================================================

Mobile Number df]afO{n g+=

Required e-Banking Services cfjZos O{–a}+lsË ;]jf
Inquiry Rights Self Transfer Rights Third Party Transfer Rights Bill Payment Rights
;f]wk'5 ;'ljwf :jod\ :yfgfGt/0f ;'ljwf t]>f] kIf :yfgfGt/0f ;'ljwf lan e'QmfgL ;'ljwf
Auto Renewal Yes No
:jtM gljs/0f ug]{ gug]{

Required Alert/Mobile Banking Services cfjZos ;ts{tf÷df]afO{n a}+lsË ;]jf Auto Renewal :jtM gljs/0f
e-Mail Alert SMS Alert Mobile Banking Service SMS Banking Service Yes No
Od]n ;ts{tf P; Pd P; ;ts{tf df]afO{n a}+lsË ;]jf P; Pd P; a}+lsË ;]jf ug]{ gug]{
Accounts to be linked (First Account Number will be set as Primary Account for Mobile Banking/eBanking Service):
;'ljwfdf ;dfj]z ug'{kg]{ vftf gDa/x? -klxnf] vftf gDa/ df]afO{n a}+lsË÷O{–a}+lsË ;]jfsf nflu cfwf/e"t vftfsf ?kdf /xg]5 .
S.N. Account Number vftf g+= Account Name vftfsf] gfd Remarks s}lkmot
Your Sincerely ejbLo,

............................................................................................................................... ......................................................
Accountholder’s Signature(s) Stamp as applicable
vftfjfnfsf] x:tfIf/ 5fk–cfjZostf cg';f/
I/We acknowledge the receipt of User Name and Passwords for e-Banking facility/PIN for Mobile Banking Service.
d}n]÷xfdLn] O{–a}+lsË ;'ljwfsf] k|of]ustf{ gfd / kf;j8{ tyf df]afO{n a}+lsË ;]jfsf] lkg k|fKt u/]+÷u¥of}+ .

Signature/Stamp x:tfIf/÷5fk .................................................................................... Date ldlt M ......................................


Name of Staff/Signature
Application Received and Signature Verified by :............................................................................................. Date: ............................
Name of Staff/Signature
Created by : ....................................................................................................................................... Ref. No. ...................................
Name of Staff/Signature
Approved by : ......................................................................................................................................................................................
Terms and Conditions for Mobile Banking/Alert/e-Banking df]afO{n a}+lsË÷;ts{tf÷O{–a}+lsË ;DaGwL zt{ tyf aGb]hx?

Definition: For the purpose of this terms and condition the following expressions shall except where the ii. Death of a User, pkof]ustf{sf] d[To' ePdf,
contest otherwise requires have the following meanings. kl/efiff M oL lgod tyf z{tx?df ljifo jf k|;+un] csf]{ cy{ gnfu] iii. The User(s) Authority to operate the Designated Account is terminated, ;DalGwt vftf ;~rfng ug]{
df lgDg zAbx?sf] lgDg cy{ x'g]5 . pkof]ustf{sf] clVtof/ ;dfKt ePdf,
“Bank” means Nepal Investment Mega Bank Limited. a}+s eGgfn] g]kfn OGe]i6d]G6 d]uf a}+s lnld6]8 ;Demg'k5{ . iv. The customer requests to stop the use provided Facilities, u|fxsn] ;'ljwf aGb ug]{ cg'/f]w u/]df,
User means Bank’s customer having an account in any branch and having access to e-Banking Internet v. Customer user is blacklisted and/ or defaults on a loan or other similar obligation, and u|fxs sfnf]
Banking/Mobile Banking system. pkof]ustf{ eGgfn] s'g} zfvfdf vftf /x]sf] / O{–a}+ls+u÷df]afO{n a}+lsË k|0ffnLdf kx'Fr ePsf] ;'lrdf k/]df jf cGo To:t} bfloTj k'/f ug{ g;s]df /
u|fxs ;Demg'k5{ . vi. Customer user fails to maintain the minimum balance as stipulated from time to time. u|fxs÷
Customer means Accountholder having an account in any branch of the Bank. u|fxs eGgfn] s'g} zfvfdf vftf pkof]ustf{n] vftfdf ;do ;dodf tf]lsP adf]lhd Go"gtd df}Hbft /fVg g;s]df .
/x]sf] vftfjfnf ;Demg'k5{ . 16 The Bank may revise these Terms and Conditions and/or introduce additional terms and conditions
1. The Bank reserves the right to determine and change from time to time the scope and type of the service at any time and from time to time with or without notice to the customer and shall be binding on the
to be made available including, without limitation, expanding, modifying or reducing the services at any customer if the customer continues to maintain or use the services on or after the effective date of
time and subject to the Bank’s prevailing rules and regulations. a}+sn] pknAw u/fpg] ;]jfsf] If]q / k|sf/ a}+ssf] action. a}+sn] oL lgod tyf zt{x? s'g} klg ;dodf u|fxsnfO{ ;"rgf lbO{ jf glbO{ ;zf]wg ug{ jf yk lgod tyf zt{x? yKg
ljBdfg gLlt lgod leq /lx ;do ;dodf lgwf{/0f tyf kl/jt{g ug]{, s'g} klg jvt ;]jf a9fpg] jf 36fpg] clwsf/ a}+sdf ;'/lIft ;Sg]5 / To:tf] kl/jt{g nfu' x'g] ;do kZrft\ klg u|fxsn] ;]jf k|fKt jf k|of]u ul//x]df tL ;+zf]lwt tyf ylkPsf lgod tyf zt{x?
/xg]5 . u|fxsnfO{ afWosf/L x'g]5 .
2. The customer shall act in good faith exercise utmost care and diligence in keeping the User Name and 17 Communications delivered personally, sent by post, fax, SMS, e-mail or any other electronic me-
the Password secret. At no time and under no circumstances shall the customer disclose the User Name dium by the Bank at the last known address of the customer shall constitute actual delivery of such
and/or the Password no any other person. Should the customer do so, the Bank shall not be liable for communication to the customer. Communications sent by the customer to the Bank shall be treated as
any transaction and/or financial lost that may occur to the customer. uf|xsn] ;befjk"j{s sfo{ ug'{ kg]{5 / cToGt delivered to the Bank on the day of actual receipt. a}+sn] u|fxsnfO{ JolQmut ?kdf, x'nfsaf6, ˆofS;af6, P; Pd P;
;fjwfgLk"j{s pkof]ustf{sf] gfd / kf;j{8÷lkgnfO{ ;'/lIft -uf]kgLo_ /fVg'kg]{5 . u|fxsn] cfkm\gf] pkof]ustf{sf] gfd / kf;j8{÷lkg af6, O{d]naf6 jf cGo ljB'lto dfWodaf6 u|fxssf] a}+s;+u /x]sf] kl5Nnf] 7]ufgfdf k7fOPsf] s'g} klg ;+rf/ u|fxsn] tTsfn k|fKt ePsf]
c? s'g} JolQmnfO{ s'g} klg cj:yfdf lbg kfpg] 5}g / ;f] u/]sf] sf/0fn] x'g uPsf] s'g} lkg ljQLo sf/f]af/ tyf gf]S;fgLsf] nflu a}+s dflgg]5 . u|fxsn] a}+snfO{ k7fPsf] s'g} klg ;+rf/ a}+sn] jf:tljs ?kdf k7fPsf] lbgdf kfPsf] dflgg]5 .
pQ/bfoL x'g]5}g . 18. Each of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions is several and distinct from the others and if at any
3. The customer shall not use or knowingly allow any other person to use the service, with any illegal time one or more of such provisions is or becomes illegal, invalid or unenforceable in any respect under
purpose or activity. The customer shall notify the Bank immediately if he/she becomes aware of such the laws of any jurisdiction, the legality, validity, enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not be
use. Bank will not be liable for any of the transactions allegedly performed by any third party. uf|xsn] cfkm} affected in any way. oL lgod tyf zt{x?sf k|fjwfg Ps csf{;+u :jtGq P+j leGg 5g\ / s'g} klg ;dodf oL lgod tyf zt{x?
jf hfgfhfg csf]{ s'g} JolQmnfO{ of] ;]jfsf] pkof]u s'g} u}/sfg'gL p2]Zo jf lqmofsnfksf] nflu ug{ lbg kfpg] 5}g . uf|xsn] o:tf] dWo] s'g} u}/sfg"gL, cdfGo jf ck|jt{lgo x'g uPdf afFlssf lgod tyf zt{x?sf] sfg'gL dfGotf a}Btf / k|jt{lgotf k|efljt x'g] 5}g .
k|of]u ePsf] yfxf kfPdf a}+snfO{ t'?Gt} ;'lrt ug'{kg]{5 . t];|f] kIfn] u/]sf] s'g} klg sf/f]af/sf] nflu a}+s pQ/bfoL x'g]5}g . 19. Where the account in question is a joint account, the reference in these Trems and Conditions to
4. The Bank shall not be liable, responsible or accountable in any way whatsoever arising due to any customer shall be deemed to mean all and each of the joints account holders. o; ;]jfl;t ;DalGwt vftf ;+o'Qm
malfunction or failure of the electronic devices, system, internet, network or on the failure or delay k|s[ltsf] /x]sf] cj:yfdf o; lgod tyf zt{x? pNn]lvt u|fxs eGg] zAbfjlnn] ;a} ;+o'Qm vftfjfnfnfO{ hgfpg]5 .
on the Bank to act on the instructions given via these medium. The Bank shall not be responsible for 20. Unless the context otherwise requires ‘person' includes an individual, firm, company, corporation
any loss or damage incurred or suffered by the customer as a result of non-acceptance of instructions and an Unincorporated body of persons. These Terms and Conditions will stand amended if law,
provided on e-Banking/Mobile Banking services. O{–a}+lsË÷df]afO{n a}+lsË ;]jf k|0ffnLdf x'g cfPsf] l9nfO{, c8\rg, government regulations or instructions issued by the Nepal Rastra Bank, necessitate such amendments.
cGo s'g} k|fljlws sf/0fjz\ u|fxssf] cfb]zsf] sfof{Gjogdf x'g uPsf] l9nfO{ jf jfwfaf6 u|fxsnfO{ x'g uPsf] c;'ljwf, Iflt jf xfgL laifo jf k|;+un] cGo cy{ gnfu]df, JolQm eGgfn] JolQm, kmd{, sDklg, ;+:yfg tyf c;+:yflkt JolQmx?sf] ;d'x ;d]tnfO{ hgfpg] 5 .
gf]S;fgLsf] nflu a}+s s'g} klg sf/0faf6 lhDd]jf/ x'g]5}g . oL lgod / zt{x? ;DalGwt sfg'g, ;/sf/L lgod jf g]kfn /fi6« a}+s4f/f hf/L lgb]{zg ;+zf]lwt ePdf :jtM ;+zf]wg ePsf] dflgg]5 .
5. The customer shall be fully responsible for any accidental/negligent and/or unauthorized disclosure of 21. The services and these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with
the User Name and/or the Password/PIN to any other person and shall bear the risks of the User Name the laws of Nepal and the Bank and the customer submit to the non exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts
and/or the Password being used by unauthorized person or for unauthorized purposes or transactions. of Nepal. oL lgod tyf zt{x? g]kfn sfg"gaf6 k|zfl;t x'g]5g\ / a}+s tyf u|fxsn] g]kfn cbfntsf] If]qlwsf/ l:jsf/ ub{5 .
s'g} b'3{6gf jf nfk/jfxL jf cgflws[t tj/af6 pkof]ustf{sf] gfd / kf;j{8÷lkg s'g} JolQmnfO{ v'nf;f x'g uPdf u|fxs :jod\ To;sf] 22. The following clause will be adhered to for eBanking while generating and providing password to the
lhDd]jf/ x'g]5 / To:tf] cgflws[t JolQmaf6 pkof]ustf{sf] gfd / kf;j{8 k|of]u ePaf6 jf cgflws[t k|of]u jf sf/f]af/ ePaf6 x'g] customer. O{–a}+lsËsf] kf;j8{ agfpFbf / u|fxsnfO{ x:tfGt/0f ubf{ lgDg Joj:yfx?sf] kfngf ul/g]5M M
hf]lvd÷gf]S;fgsf] lhDd]jf/ u|fxs :jod\ x'g]5 . i. Two password lo-gin and transaction will be provided only after proper signature verification.
6. Any instruction given in connection with the Services by quoting the User Name and the password of u|fxsnfO{ b'O{ j6f kf;j8{x? k|j]z / sf/f]af/sf nflu u|fxssf] x:tfIf/ k'li6 ul/ dfq lbO{g]5 .
the customer once given, may not be rescinded or withdrawn without the consent of the Bank. All such ii. Complex password policy will be enforced. Complex passwrod implies. hl6n kf;j{8 lglt nfu' ul/g]5 .
instructions given by the Bank in good faith, shall be irrevocable and binding on the customer. pkof]ustf{ hl6n kf;j{8 eGgfn] M
gfd / kf;j{8sf ;fy ;]jfsf ;DaGwdf s'g} klg lgb]{zg a}+ssf] ;xdlt lagf ab/ jf k|lt;+xl/t x'g]5}g . a}+sn] ;befjsf ;fy lbPsf] i. Password includes characters, special characters and numbers. kf;j8{df cIf/ laz]if lrGx / c+s ;fd]n
To:tf ;a} lgb]{zgx? ckl/jt{gLo x'g]5 / u|fxsnfO{ of] afWosf/L÷dfGo x'g]5 . x'g]5 .
7. The Bank will only act on an instruction in so far as it is in the Bank’s opinion practicable and reasonable ii. A password should be at least 8 characters long. kf;j8{ slDtdf * cIf/sf] x'g' kg]{5 .
to do so and in accordance with its regular business practices and procedures. lbPsf] s'g} klg lgb]{zg a}+snfO{ iii. Username cannot be included in password. k|of]ustf{sf] gfd kf;j8{df ;fd]n ug]{ kfOg] 5}g .
plrt / Jojxfl/s tyf cfˆgf] lgoldt Jofkfl/s sf/f]af/ / k|lqmof cg'?k ePsf] nfu]df dfq a}+sn] tbcg';f/ sfo{ ug]{5 . iv. Login and Transaction Password should be different . k|j]z / sf/f]af/ kf;j8{ km/s–km/s x'g'kg]{5 .
8. The Bank will provide online/electronic advice or confirmation that an instruction has been received v. Pervious 3 Passwords cannot be used for new Password. tTsfn cl3 k|of]u ul/Psf # kf;j8{, gofF kf;j8{sf
and/or a transaction has been effected through the service. Such advice or confirmation shall be deemed ?kdf /fVg kfOg] 5}g .
to have been received by the customer immediately after transmission and it is the duty of the customer vi. Passwords expire after 90 days, prompting the user for new password. kf;j8{sf] cjlw () lbgsf] x'g]5,
to cheek such advice or confirmation. It is also the duty of the customer to enquire with the Bank, if tt\kZrft\ pkof]ustf{n] kf;j8{ kl/jt{g ug'{ kg]{5 .
the customer does not receive an advice or confirmation within the time usually required for a similar 23. Users should verify the Bank’s official website address ( before logging in.
advice or confirmation to be received. a}+sn] lgb]{zg kfPsf] / sf/f]af/ ePsf] af/]df cgnfOg÷On]S6«f]lgs dfWodaf6} hfgsf/L k|of]ustf{n] ;]jf k|of]u ug'{ cl3 a}+ssf] cflwsfl/s website address ( sf] k'li6 ul/ dfq
jf k'li6 ug]{5 . lbOPsf] hfgsf/L jf k'li6 a}+sn] k7fpgf ;fy u|fxsn] t'?Gt} k|fKt u/]sf] dflgg]5 / ;f]sf] hfFr cfkm} ug'{ u|fxssf] st{Jo k|of]u ug'{ kg]{5 .
x'g]5 . lbOg'kg]{ hfgsf/L jf k'i6ofFO{ ;fdfGot o:tf] hfgsf/L jf k'i6ofFO{ k|fKt x'g] d'gfl;a ;do leq k|fKt geP jf lgwf{/Lt ;dodf 24. The following clauses will be adhered to for Mobile Banking. Alerts and Branchless Banking. df]afOn÷
gkfPdf u|fxsn] ;f]sf] hfgsf/L cfkm} a}+saf6 lng' u|fxssf] st{Jo x'g]5 . zfvf/lxt a{}ls+u / Alerts ;]jfdf lgDg Joj:yfx?sf] kfngf ug'{kg]{ 5 M
9. Information relating to any account or transaction made available on the Internet Site(s)/SMS/Receipt i. PIN for Mobile Banking will be provided only after proper signature verification. df]afOn a}+ls+usf] lkg
is for reference only. The Bank’s records of such account and transaction shall be conclusive unless and u|fxssf] x:tfIf/ k'li6 ul/ dfq lbOg]5 .
until the contrary is established. OG6/g]6 ;fO6÷P; Pd P;÷/l;bdf pknAw u/fOPsf s'g} klg vftf / sf/f]af/ ;DalGwt ii. Customer must change the PIN provided by the Bank before first use and keep the changed PIN safe
;'rgf ;Gb{esf] nflu dfq} xf] . cGoyf k|dfl0ft geP;Dd a}+ssf] clen]vdf ePsf] vftf / sf/f]af/sf] ljj/0f g} clGtd lg0ff{os / and secured. u|fxsn] k|yd k6s ;]jf k|of]u ug'{cl3 a}+sn] lbPsf] lkg kl/jt{g ug'{ kg]{5 / kl/jlt{t lkg ;'/lIft /fVg' kg]{5 .
dfGo x'g]5 . iii Alerts will be sent to given e-Mail/Mobile number and it is up to the customer to keep the message
10. The Bank shall not be liable for any mobile/computer/cyber crimes such as hacking etc. and shall safe and confidential. ;ts{tf ;Gb]z u|fxsn] k|bfg u/]sf] Od]n÷df]afO{n gDa/df k7fO{g]5 / pQm ;Gb]z ;'/lIft tyf
not liable for any unauthorized transactions and/or any transactions carried out by using illegal and uf]klgo /fVg] lhDd]jf/L u|fxs :jod\sf] x'g]5 .
fraudulent methods. a}+s s'g} klg df]afOn÷sDKo'6/÷;fOa/ ck/fwx?÷XoflsË cfbL ePdf lhDd]jf/ x'g] 5}g / s'g} klg cgflws[t 25. e-Banking, Mobile Banking and branchless Banking Services not active for more than 6 months can
sf/]faf/ /÷jf cj}w cyjf hfn;flhk"j{s ul/Psf] sf/f]af/df a}+s pQ/bfoL x'g]5}g . be auto disabled. Service will be re-enabled only after receiving written application from the customer.
11. Commission and/or service charge shall be levied by the Bank as applicable. The account(s) shall be O{–a}+lsË, df]afOn a}+lsË / zfvf/lxt a}+lsË ;]jf ^ dlxgf ;Dd k|o]fudf gcfPdf :jtM lgliqmo x'g ;S5 . To:tf] ;]jf k'gM k|of]u ug'{
subject to the applicable charges as per the Bank’s Standard Tariff of Charges as revised from time to k/]df u|fxsn] lnlvt lgj]bg lbg' kg]{5 .
time. The Bank shall always be entitle to recover any charges, expenses, fees, commission, mark up 26. The Bank shall not be liable for any loss of damage sustained by customers or users, by reason of any
penalties, withholding taxes levied by government authorities with or without notice to the customer. failure in or breakdown of The Bank’s facilities, or third parties associated with providing the service
The Bank is also entitled to make the reverse entries in the account in case of error. a}+sn] ;]jf k|bfg u/] under this Agreement, or for any interruption or degradation of the service whatsoever be the duration
jfkt a}+ssf] lgod cg';f/sf] sldzg jf ;]jf z'Ns nufpg ;Sg]5 . a}+sn] ;do ;dodf lgwf{/0f, yk jf kl/dfh{g u/] cg';f/sf] z'Ns or the cause of such failure, breakdown, interruption or degradation of the service. o; ;Demf}tfdf pNn]lvt
u|fxssf] vftfaf6 s§L ug{ ;Sg]5 . s'g} klg z'Ns, vr{, sldzg, dflh{g hl/jfgf / ;/sf/L lgsfoaf6 c;'n ul/g] s/ e'QmfgLsf] nflu ;]jf;+u ;DalGwt a}+s jf cGo t];|f] kIf ;]jf k|bfossf] s'g} oGq, pks/0f, k|0ffnL, dfgj ;+;fwg jf cGo s'g} klg k|sf/sf] ;xof]uL
k'j{ ;"rgf lbO{ jf glbO{ u|fxssf] vftfaf6 s§L u/L c;'n pk/ ug]{ clwsf/ a}+snfO{ x'g]5 . vftfdf uNtL clen]v ePsf] cj:yfdf ;'ljwfsf] ljkmntf jf e+uLs/0fsf] sf/0f u|fxs jf pkof]ustf{nfO{ k'u]sf] gf]S;fgL jf Iflt jf To:tf] ljkmntf e+uLs/0f jf Go"lgs/0fsf]
To;nfO{ ;Rofpg] clwsf/ a}+snfO{ x'g]5 . sf/0f ;]jf cj?4 ePdf jf Go"lgs/0f ePdf ;d]t a}+s pQ/bflo x'g]5}g .
12. The Customer/User authorizes the Bank to access/use/transact Customer Information, Account and 27. The customer agrees to indemnify and keep safe, harmless and indemnify the Bank from and against
customer’s transaction for Bank’s internal purpose maintaining confidentiality. The Bank is authorized all actions, claims, demands, proceeding cost. Charges and expenses whatsoever the Bank may incur,
to share the information with any other person/entity, including its third party agents, as and when sustain, suffer or be put to at any time as a consequence of acting on or omitting or refusing to act on
necessary according to the existing laws, NRB directives etc. u|fxs a}+snfO{ a}+ssf] cfGtl/s k|of]hgsf] nflu uf]klgotf any instructions, given by use of the services. The customer holds the Bank harmless against any loss
sfod ub}{ u|fxssf] hfgsf/L vftf ;~rfng / sf/f]af/ ;DaGwL hfgsf/L k|fKt ug{ jf pkof]u ug{ o;}af6 clwsf/ k|bfg ub{5 . To:tf] any failure or discrepancy on part of the third party provider. a}+sn] ;]]jf k|of]u ;DaGwdf lbOPsf lgb]{zg adf]lhd
hfgsf/L a}+sn] cfjZos k/]df cfˆgf] t];|f] kIf PhG]6 cyjf cGo s'g} JolQm÷;+:yf nfO{ k|rlnt sfg'g / g]kfn /fi6« a}+ssf] lgb]{zgsf] sfo{ u/]sf] jf ug{ 5'6fPsf] jf OGsf/ u/]sf] sf/0faf6 a}+sn] Joxf]g'{kg]{, axg ug'{kg]{, ef]Ug'kg]{ ;a} sf/jfxL, bfjL, d'2f, gf]S;fgL, Iflt,
clwgdf /lx pknAw u/fpg ;Sg]5 . nfut, b:t'/ / vr{ nufot ;a} s'/faf6 a}+snfO{ ;'/lIft, vt/fd'Qm / pGd"Qm ug{ u|fxs d~h'/ ub{5 . t];|f] kIf k|bfossf] c;kmntf
13. The Bank may at any time without giving notice or reasons suspend or terminate all or any of the jf sld sdhf]/Lsf s/0f ;]jf k|bfgdf x'g uPsf] l9nfO{ jf ;]jf k|bfg ug{ g;s]sf] sf/0f u|fxsnfO{ k'u]sf] xfgL gf]S;fgLaf6 ;d]t
services or their use by the customer. a}+ssf] s'g} klg ;do ;'rgf cyjf sf/0f glbO{ u|fxsnfO{ lbO{/x]sf] ;a} jf s'g} ;]jfsf] a}+snfO{ pGd"Qm ug{ u|fxs d~h'/ ub{5 .
pkof]u lgnDag ug{ cyjf cGTo ug{ ;Sg]5 . 28. At no time should the customer use or attempt to use e-Banking/Mobile Banking Service to execute
14. The Customer may terminate the use of the services at any time by giving 1 day prior notice to the Bank. transfer of funds, unless sufficient funds are available in the account. The Bank is under no obligation
u|fxsn] a}+snfO{ ! lbgsf] k"j{ ;"rgf lbO{ ;]jfsf] pkof]u cGTo ug{ ;Sg]5 . to honour any payment instruction unless there is sufficient funds, in designated account(s) at the time
15. The Services shall deemed to cease and the Bank shall be entitled to the immediate restriction of the User of receiving such payment instructions. u|fxsn] cfkm\gf] vftfaf6 csf]{ vftfdf /sd /sdfGt/ ubf{, lghsf] vftfdf ;f]
in the event of. tn pNn]lvt cj:yfdf a}+sn] tTsfn ;]jf :jtM cGTo ePsf] dflgg] 5 / a}+sn] pkof]ustf{ dfly k|ltaGw nufpg k|of]hgsf] nflu kof{Kt /sd ePdf dfq O{–a}+lsË÷df]afO{n a}+lsË ;]jf k|0ffnL dfkm{t /sdfGt/ ug{ lgb]{zg lbg'kg]{5, cGoyf /sdfGt/
;Sg]5 sf] nflu a}+s afWo x'g]5}g .
i. Closure of Designated Account(s), ;DalGwt vftf aGb ePdf,

DECLARATION pb\3f]if0f
I/We hereby declare that the information provided above is true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge. In case of misrepresentation and/or the information provided is proved to be wrong, I/We accept full
responsibility of all the consequences. In consideration of Nepal Investment Mega Bank Limited providing me/us with the e-Banking/Mobile Banking services. I/We hereby declare that I/We have read and understood
all the terms and conditions mentioned above. I/We declare that above mentioned mobile number and e-mail are for my/our exclusive use only. I/We agree to receive Log-in ID and passwords in my/our aforementioned
mobile number and/or email respectively. I/We irrevocable authorised Nepal Investment Mega Bank Limited to debit my/our aforementioned account for utilization of the service and/or charges/fees incurred for
e-Banking/Mobile Banking services as determined by the Bank from time to time.
d÷xfdL of] 3f]if0ff ub{5'÷5f}+ ls dfly pNn]lvt ;Dk"0f{ ljj/0fx? ;fFrf] x'g . olb pNn]lvt ljj/0fx? s'g} sf/0fjz\ unt ePsf] cyjf unt k|dfl0ft ePsf] cj:yfdf To;af6 l;h{gf x'g] ;Dk"0f{ kl/l:ytLsf] lhDd]jf/ d÷xfdL :jod\ x'g]5'÷5f}+ . ;fy} dfly pNn]lvt df]afO{n gDa/, Od]
n d]/f]÷xfd|f] JolQmut k|of]hgsf] nflu k|of]u x'g]5 tyf O{–a}+lsË÷df]afO{n a}+lsË ;]jfsf nflu o; a}+s4f/f k|bfg ul/g] k|of]ustf{ gfd tyf kf;j8{x? pNn]lvt df]afO{n gDa/ /÷jf Od]ndf k|fKt ug{ d]/f]÷xfd|f] d~h'/L 5 . g]kfn OGe]i6d]06 d]uf a}+s lnld6]8sf] O{–a}+lsË÷df]afO{n a}+lsË
;]jf pkof]u ug]{ ;DaGwdf o; a}+s4f/f O{–a}+lsË÷df]afO{n a}+lsË ;]jf ;DaGwL dfly pNn]v ul/Psf ;Dk"0f{ zt{ tyf aGb]hx? /fd|/L k9La'emL :jLsf/ ub{5'÷5f}+ . ;fy} O{–a}+lsË÷df]afO{n a}+lsË ;]jf pkof]u u/] jfkt a}sn] ;do ;dodf lgwf{/0f u/] adf]lhdsf] ;]jf z'Ns d]/f]÷xfd|f] gfddf
/x]sf] dfly pNn]lvt vftfaf6 c;'n ug'{x'g d]]/f]÷xfd|f] d~h'/L 5 .

..................................................... ..........................................................
Accountholder’s Signature(s) Stamp as applicable
vftfjfnfsf] x:tfIf/ 5fk cfjZos ePdf CSD-12/2023

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