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Name : Fatan Ariful Ulum

Nim : A320220058

Class : C

Clause development

Effects of eating genetically modified foods.

Genetically modified (GM) foods, hailed as a solution to global food security, have ignited fervent
discussions regarding their consequences. This essay delves into the intricate effects of consuming these
modified exploring shifts in nutritional content, environmental impacts, and socio-economic

Exploring shifts in nutritional content—genetic modifications may inadvertently alter the composition of
foods. While some crops are engineered for improved nutrition, unintended changes could affect the
overall health implications. This highlights the importance of comprehensive nutritional assessments to
understand the potential long-term effects on consumers.

Environmental impacts, particularly the increased use of herbicides and pesticides in GM farming. Crops
engineered for pest resistance or herbicide tolerance contribute to heightened chemical application. This
practice raises concerns about environmental pollution, emphasizing the need for sustainable farming
practices to mitigate potential harm to ecosystems.

Socio-economic considerations, focusing on patent regulations and farmer autonomy. GM seeds often
come with strict patent controls, limiting farmers' choices and perpetuating reliance on seed companies.
The higher costs associated with GM seeds and specific agricultural inputs can pose financial challenges,
especially in developing countries, raising questions about equity and the long-term sustainability of GM
farming practices.

In conclusion, the consumption of genetically modified foods extends beyond immediate nutritional
considerations. Whether altering nutritional content, impacting the environment, or shaping socio-
economic dynamics, the effects prompt a need for thorough evaluations and transparent regulations. As
we navigate the global adoption of genetically modified crops, a balanced approach is crucial,
considering both potential risks and benefits to human health, the environment, and the broader food

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