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The Dream of mixing social and

professional life
Every person has dreams, aspirations, and goals in life. They are the driving force that pushes us to
strive for excellence and make a di erence in the world. For me, my dream is to promote the growth
of mankind, alongside my personal growth, by utilising my passion for computer science. I am
fascinated by the potential of cutting-edge technologies, such as machine learning and data science,
to revolutionise various aspects of our lives.

The realisation of my dream has been shaped by my upbringing in a conservative, male-dominated

society in India. In such a society, women and lower-class individuals are often marginalised and
oppressed for the sake of personal gain. This detrimental mindset is a hindrance to our collective
progress as human beings. A stark realisation of this reality occurred during a conversation with my
cousins when I was a rebellious teenager, yearning to break free from societal norms and create my
own path.

One sentence uttered by my cousins struck a chord within me: "How can you think only of yourself,
Sneha? What about the women who depend on you? If you leave this place to pursue personal
success, what will become of them? How can you become like those whom you despise?" This
statement left me restless, contemplating the deeper meaning behind their words.

Devoting myself to my academics, I aimed to excel in order to make a name for myself and prove that
success is not con ned to one's gender or social status. However, the discriminatory experiences
prevalent in Indian society only solidi ed my determination to seek a country where a more liberal
environment would aid my career growth, allowing me to assist my fellow human beings. I longed for
a platform where I could challenge the prevailing mindset and set an example of empathy and

Computer science emerged as my chosen path, o ering limitless opportunities to make a profound
impact. My passion for this eld is driven by the desire to leverage cutting-edge technologies, such
as machine learning and data science, to address prevalent challenges and promote societal growth.
I believe that by utilising these tools e ectively, we can create innovative solutions to streamline
processes, enhance e ciency, and improve the quality of life for individuals worldwide.

With my dream rmly in place, I aspire to contribute to the development of groundbreaking

technologies that will empower humanity. I envision an environment where access to education,
healthcare, and basic necessities is equitable for all. By harnessing the power of computer science, I
hope to bridge the gap between privileged and marginalised communities, harnessing technology as
a tool for positive change.

In pursuit of my dream, I have set my sights on countries where I can thrive in a more liberal
environment, conducive to personal and professional growth. I am determined to acquire the
necessary knowledge and skills through advanced education and hands-on experience. Armed with
expertise in computer science, I aim to develop transformative solutions that will propel society

However, I am mindful that my dream goes beyond personal success and ambitions. It is about
challenging the prevailing mindset, fostering empathy, and contributing to the betterment of others.
To achieve this, I will actively engage with disadvantaged communities, dedicating my time, skills,
and resources to uplift those in need. I believe that by setting an example of compassion and
fostering a spirit of inclusivity, we can inspire others to do the same, thereby building a more
harmonious and progressive world.

In conclusion, my dream is to use my passion for computer science to promote the growth of
mankind and create a more equitable society. It is inspired by the experiences I encountered in a
conservative society, where women and lower-class individuals are marginalised for personal gain.
My journey to realise this dream involves pursuing an education in a liberal environment and
developing innovative solutions that empower individuals and bridge communities. By setting an
example of empathy and inclusivity, I aim to challenge societal norms and contribute to the growth of
humanity as a whole.

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