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Business Analytics Course

Session 1
Review the Dell case (Cases 1.1–DellDirect.pdf file) and questionnaire posted on the course website.
Also, download the Dell case data file (DellDirect.xls) from the course website (you have to convert
this file to a CSV file before proceeding with the exercise questions).

Exercises - Recoding

1. Recode the respondents based on total hours per week spent online in three groups: 5 hours
or less as “light users”, 6 hours to 10 hours as “medium users” and 11 hours or more as “heavy
users” in to a new variable. Run a frequency distribution for this new variable.
2. Form a new variable that denotes the total number of things that people have ever done
based on q2_1 to q2_7. Run a frequency distribution for the new variable and interpret the
results. Note the missing values for q2_1 to q2_7 are coded as 0.
3. Recode q4 (overall satisfaction) into two groups: rating 1 as “very satisfied” and ratings of 2, 3,
and 4 as “somewhat satisfied or dissatisfied”. Run a frequency distribution for the new
4. Recode q5 (would recommend) into two groups: rating of 1 as “definitely would recommend”
and other ratings as “probably would or less likely to recommend”. Run a frequency
distribution for the new variable.
5. Recode q6 (likelihood of choosing Dell) into two groups: rating of 1 as “definitely would
choose” and other ratings as “probably would or less likely to choose”. Run a frequency
distribution for the new variable.
6. Recode q9_5per into three groups: ratings of 1 and 2 as “definitely or probably would have
purchased”, rating 3 as “might or might not have purchased”, and ratings 4 and 5 as “probably
or definitely would have purchased”. Run a frequency distribution for the new variable.
7. Recode the demographics (and calculate the frequency distribution) as follows:
a. Combine the two lowest education (q11) categories into a single category. Thus, “some
high school or less “and “high school graduate” will combined into a single category
labeled “High school graduate or less”. Keep the remaining categories as same.
b. Recode age (q12) into four categories: 18 to 29, 30 – 39, 40 – 49, and 50 or older.
c. Combine the two lowest income (q13) categories into a single category labeled “under
$30,000”. Keep the other categories as same.
Exercises – Descriptive Statistics, Cross-tabulation, and plots

1. Calculate the frequency distribution for each variable in the data file. Examine the distribution
to get a feel for the data.
2. Cross-tabulate the recoded questions q4 (overall satisfaction), q5 (would recommend dell),
and q5 (likelihood of choosing dell) with the recoded demographic characteristics. Interpret
your results.
3. Cross-tabulate the price sensitivity (q9_5per) with the recoded demographic characteristics.
Interpret your results.
4. Calculate the summary statistics for the “Early Adoptor Attibutes” (q10_1 to q10_13).
Interpret your results.
5. Calculate the correlation between the following the interpret the results:
a. q4 (overall satisfaction) and q5 (would recommend)
b. q4 (overall satisfaction) and q5 (likelihood of choosing Dell)
6. Calculate the correlation between q4 (overall satisfaction) and questions relating to
“Computer manufacturer importance / performance ratings” (i.e., q8_1 to q8_13)
7. Generate Histograms for the recoded demographic characteristics.
8. Generate boxplots for the “Early Adoptor Attibutes” (q10_1 to q10_13).
9. Generate scatter plots using y variable as q4 (overall satisfaction) and x variables as q8_1 to
q8_5 (develop separate plots for each x variable).

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