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Panera Bread KDS & POS Configuration Guide

Pre-Install Troubleshooting Guide

Issue Solution
Device does not boot up Hard Drive Not found Replace the device or try to reseat the hard drive
Power light comes on but device will not boot Verify the pins on the power cord are all the way to the end and
not pushed into the plug. Try to push pins flush with the metal
end. If that fails replace power supply.
Date and Time does not stay set boots to CMOS error Replace controller/register
KDS Controller power and hard drive light comes on but does not Replace Monitor
display on the screen
Xr7 register doesn’t power on. Unplug the power cord from the terminal and the power going
into the brick. Then hold the power button down for 30 seconds
and reattach the terminal side power cable first and then
connect the power to the brick Power on the register.

Still have issues replace power supply and then register if


Plug in all of the cables exactly as the old device. (Below is the Normal cable placement
7402 7403 XR7 KDS Controller
CD Cable= CD1 CD Cable= CD1 CD Cable= CD1 Printer = com2
Printer = com1 Printer = com1 NCR Printer = USB Com1 or Network = Ethernet
Network = Ethernet Network = Ethernet Epson Printer=RJ50 Com2 Bump Bar=PS2 or USB
Network = Ethernet

After a reimage or if installing a new Image, use these steps to renumber the KDS or register.
Disconnect from the network prior to booting the new image.
After the POS or kitchen system starts, open task manager. CTL+ALT+DEL, select Task Manager.
Kill all running applications. Highlight all applications and hit ALT+E
From task manager, ALT+File then New Task.
"Explorer c:\iris\ini\appini.ini" less the quotes.
In notepad, find the label "REGNUM= " Change this according to your needs.
Register Settings:

Computer Device Appini.ini Ip Address Computer Device Name Appini.ini Ip Address

Name Name Name
PCWS01 Register 1 REGNUM=1 PCWS08 Register 8 REGNUM=8
PCWS02 Register 2 REGNUM=2 PCWS09 Register 9 REGNUM=9
PCWS03 Register 3 REGNUM=3 PCWS10 Register 10 REGNUM=10
PCWS04 Register 4 REGNUM=4 PCWS11 Register 11 REGNUM=11
PCWS05 Register 5 REGNUM=5 PCWS12 Register 12 REGNUM=12
PCWS06 Register 6 REGNUM=6 PCWS13 Register 13 REGNUM=13
PCWS07 Register 7 REGNUM=7 PCWS14 Register 14 REGNUM=14
Panera Bread KDS & POS Configuration Guide
KDS Settings:

Computer Device Appini.ini Ip Address Computer Device Appini.ini Ip Address

Name Name Name Name
KDS1 Sand REGNUM=15 KDS10 Dt Sand REGNUM=24

KDS2 Salad REGNUM=16 KDS11 Salad2 REGNUM=25

KDS3 Con1 REGNUM=17 KDS12 Expresso REGNUM=26

KDS4 Con2 REGNUM=18 KDS13 Panini REGNUM=27

KDS5 Sand2 REGNUM=19 KDS14 DT Panini REGNUM=28

KDS6 Dt Con REGNUM=20 KDS15 Rapid REGNUM=29

KDS7 Dt Sand REGNUM=21 KDS16 Order in REGNUM=30
KDS8 Dt Salad REGNUM=22 KDS17 Order Ready REGNUM=31

KDS9 Barista REGNUM=23

Close the appini.ini file and save your changes.

Open Control Panel from Task Manager. ALT+File then New Task.
Type in "Control Panel" less the quotes.
Open Network Connections. Right click the Local Area Connection and choose Properties.
(Shift + F10 is a keyboard shortcut for right click if you don't have a mouse).
Select TCP/IP and then select Properties button below.
Change the IP Address according to your needs.
REG1 = - REG14 = KDS1 = - KDS14 = So KDS3 would
Click OK on all prompts and go back to Network Connections windows.
ALT+Left Arrow Key to go back to Control Panel. Now select System icon.
Click Computer Name tab.
Select the Change button and change the machine name according to your needs.
PCWS01 = REG1, PCWS05 = REG5. KDS1 = KDS1, KDS5 = KDS5.
So REG3 would be PCWS03
Click OK on all prompts. Click Yes when prompted to restart.

Verify that none of the other KDS controllers were setup as a temp controller while it was down. You can ask the manager.
If there is one that was renamed the same as the replacement connect your keyboard and verify the network setting.
Open cmd from Task Manager. ALT+File then New Task. Type in "cmd" less the quotes. Type ipconfig.
If the ip address matches the replacement unplug the network cable and proceed with restarting the replacement. Get the
replacement online and then come back and change all the settings on the temp controller. If the Ip address doesn’t match
the replacement Ip address then continue bringing up the replacement. Once its finished you can call Panera support and
they can change the temp controller back to its regular settings.

On the replacement device Click ok to All Prompts and restart the KDS or register
Plug the network cable back into the network port on the new KDS Controller.
Boot up the controller and wIndows will load. Either IRIS or IKDS will load.
IRIS has a black screen with blue boxes. IKDS/IPOS has a white screen.
For IRIS it should boot up and no other configurations need to be completed.
Panera Bread KDS & POS Configuration Guide
For IKDS or IPOS follow the instructions below
If IKDS or IPOS comes up with a white screen and is not on the network
Press CTL+ALT+DEL, and select Task Manager. Press Alt+F then new task. Type in “explorer c:\pos\prod ipos cert.crt”
minus the quotes. It will ask you to install the certificate. Just follow the prompts
Then Type in “explorer c:\pos\offline proxy settings.reg” minus the quotes. Just agree to the prompts
Press CTRL+ALT+DEL and click sign out. It should re-login and bring up IPOS or the IKDS Screen.

If IKDS does not load you can try to rerun the Ikds.bat file. It is found in the c:\pos directory.
Verify with the manager that orders show up on the screen and the KDS can bump. Also make sure the printer is working if
there is a printer connected to that KDS (Normally the KDS Printers are connected to com2)

Test Registers
Have the manager verify that the register sends an order to the KDS screens, prints and opens the cash drawer.
Have the manager test credit cards. If it automatically declines call Panera Support to setup the credit card machine

Testing KDS Screens

Have the manager send an order and bump that order. If a printer is attached verify it is working
Make sure the bump bar works by pressing the redraw button.

Post Troubleshooting Issues

Retail System Manager (RSM) Can be used to test printers, cash Press CTL+ALT+DEL, and select Task Manager. Press Alt+F then
drawers, msr, calibrate terminals. new task. Browse to
c:\Program Files\NCR\RSM\Website\ConsoleLE.htm

Issue Solution
IPOS or IKDS comes up to a white screen Rerun IPOS.bat or iKDS.bat in the c:/POS folder
Iris comes up with dinosaur or no network connection (IPOS) Run c:\pos\prod ipos cert.crt
(IPOS) Run explorer c:\pos\offline proxy settings.reg
Verify link light on ethernet
Verify IP Address
Pos comes up to grey screen that says Services, Exit but does not Verify IP Address
load POS system Verify Appini.ini
Verify link light on ethernet
Appini.ini is blank Copy file from defaultini folder or from another machine
Credit card automatically declines Call Panera Support to reconfigure cc setup
Printer not printing Close all programs in Task Manager and then Try opening cmd
and doing ver > com# change the # with the com number the
printer is connected to, do this 10 times the printer should print

If this is a USB printer there should be a EPIC Driver under device


In c:\iris\ini\prtdev.ini you can verify which com port the printer is

supposed to be connected to.
Normally com1 or com2
Screen Resolution isn’t correct, or Orientation is wrong Press CTL+ALT+DEL, and select Task Manager. Press Alt+F then
new task. Browse to the Desktop. Open the explorer.reg and
click ok. Press Ctl+Alt+Del and click sign off. Once windows loads
go into settings and change the display resolution or orientation
to what is needed. Once completed go into the desktop again
and run the iris logon.reg

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