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Tertiary education Assessment and

Undergraduate examinations
BA/BSc Vocational school A-levels
Bachelor Assessment
Boarding school Learning Cheat
Compulsory Academic results Entrance exam
Extra-curricular activities Analyse a graph External/internal exam
Graduate Brainstorm Flunk an exam
Independent school Give feedback Grade point average
MA/MSc Make progress Mark exam paper
Master Memorise Mock exam
Nursery school Outstanding results Past papers
Optional Set targets Revise for exams
Postgraduate Solve an equation Sit/take an exam
Syllabus/curriculum Submit an assignment /resit/retake an exam

Be off school Get down to work
Brush up Hand in
Catch up with Jot/note down
Drop out of Look over (notes)
Fall behind Turn up late

As easy as ABC
From the old school

Hit the books

Know something inside out
Learn by heart
Pass with flying colours
Sail through the exams
Take the roll
Time: 3-4 minutes
Topic: Teachers and the Internet
Task: Talk on the given topic. Look at the chart. Answer the questions below.

1. What information is presented in the chart? Describe the statistical data.

2. Is statistics similar in Lithuania, do you think? Do you think the teachers in Lithuania use the
Internet as much as in the USA? What for?
3. How can the internet help you learn? Do you take advantage of this?
4. Are you friends with your teachers on social networking sites? How does it affect class
atmosphere? Does it help to study? Why do some teachers avoid social networks?

Time: 3-4 minutes
Topic: Education and Emigration.
Task: Read the text in the box. Discuss the points provided below.
Losing the young and talented has big consequences for the economies and education systems of
countries left behind. In Lithuania it means universities, the launch pads of innovation, can struggle to
find enough applicants. The result is a lack of 19 and 20 year olds, hurting the country's universities and
endangering efforts to build a knowledge economy. Student enrolments are dropping by between 5%
and 7% per year, says Ilona Kazlauskaite, head of Lithuania's higher education programmes unit at the
Education Exchanges Support Foundation. "The worst predictions are that the number of graduates will
fall by 40% by 2023 compared to 2009 if nothing is done." Pressure on the country's universities is also
fuelled by a brain drain of young talent, particularly after the global economic recession.

1. Why do you think Lithuanian school graduates choose to study abroad? What do they expect from
studying and living in a foreign country? What makes the major influence on their choice of
3. Should higher education be free and available to anyone? Are university fees reasonable in your
4. What do you think about a gap year students take between school and university and visit another
country or get some work experience? Does it help to take better or worse decisions?
Time: 3-4 minutes
Topic: Education and Gadgets
Task: Talk on the given topic. Look at the chart. Answer the questions below.

1. What information is presented in the chart? Describe the statistical data. Is statistics similar in
Lithuania, do you think? Do teachers use more gadgets than representatives of other professions?
What for?
2. What gadgets do you have in your classrooms? Are smartphones or tablets allowed at school?
3. Do modern technologies help to study? Which is the most p
country? What is your favourite gadget? Why? How do you use it for studying?

Time: 3-4 minutes
Topic: Online Tutoring
Task: Read the text in the box. Discuss the points provided below.
Tutoring is one the world's oldest professions, but even a vocation so entrenched cannot escape the rising
"Uberisation" of daily life.Plato tutored Dionysius, ruler of Syracuse, while Aristotle instructed Alexander
the Great. But modern parents, in the stress of the exam season, can now turn to a tutoring industry using
online technology. Timothy Yu is founder of Hong Kong company Snapask, a mobile app that allows
students to ask questions with a snapshot and then matches them with a tutor within seconds to have a
one-to-one instant learning session. Launched last year, Snapask is now serving over 100,000 students in
Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore, with over 5,000 qualified tutors from top universities receiving tens
of thousands of questions each day.
Source: BBC,
1. Is it popular to have a tutor or attend extra classes among senior students in Lithuania? Why?
2. Do you think it helps to pass exams successfully? In which situations extra lessons are necessary?
3. What is your opinion about online tutoring? What are its advantages and disadvantages? Would
you use this method to improve your skills? In what subjects?
Time: 3-4 minutes
Topic: Reasons for Teenagers Dropout from School
Task: Talk on the given topic. Look at the chart. Answer the questions below.

1. What information is presented in the chart? Describe the statistical data.

2. Is statistics similar in Lithuania, do you think? Is this problem important in your society? Would
teenagers cite the same reasons for leaving school in your country? How often do teenagers drop
out of school?
parents and teachers motivate children to make good choices regarding education, friendships and
4. Have you ever felt struggling at school? Who or what helped you to cope with the difficulties?

Time: 3-4 minutes
Topic: Goal of Education
Task: Speak on the points provided below:

Intelligence plus character - (Martin Luther King, Jr.) How
do you understand this statement? Do you agree or disagree? Why/why not?
2. Is there a high standard of education at schools in Lithuania? Give some arguments and examples.
How could you define good education?
3. What are the strengths and weaknesses of education system in your country? What would you
like to change?Are there any subjects/classes you wanted to study but they weren't available at
your school?
4. What are some important factors that determine successful future: educational background,
family background, personal qualities or other?
Time: 3-4 minutes
Topic: Gender and Academic Achievements
Task: Talk on the given topic. Look at the chart. Answer the questions below.

1. What information is presented in the chart? Describe the statistical data. Is statistics similar in
Lithuania, do you think? What choices do male and female students usually make when they have
to choose compulsory and optional subjects. What are the most popular subjects? Why?
2. Do you believe that boys do better in certain subjects than girls and vice versa? Is it a stereotype?
3. Which system do you favou - final examinations or continuous
assessment? What would you change about education in your country?

Time: 3-4 minutes
Topic: Joining a School Sports Team
Task: Talk on the given topic. Look at the chart. Answer the questions below.

1. What information is presented in the chart? Describe the statistical data.What are the reasons for
dropping numbers?
2. Why are senior students less active? What could encourage students to take part in sports at school?
3. Does your school have a good sport team? How is participation in school sports encouraged? What
experience do you have? Have you attended any sports clubs and taken part in competitions?
Time: 3-4 minutes
Topic: Home-schooling
Task: Talk on the given topic. Look at the chart. Answer the questions below.

1. What information is presented in the chart? Describe the statistical data.

2. Is statistics similar in Lithuania, do you think? Is this type of education available in your country?
Do you know how it is organized and managed?
3. What is your opinion about home-schooling?
4. Do you think home-schooled students progress as fast as their peers studying in class? What are
advantages and disadvantages of each method of education?
Time: 4 5 minutes
Topic: School Anniversary
Student A

This year your school is celebrating the 50th anniversary. Your partner and you are the
members of the organization committee responsible for preparation of a project proposal to
celebrate this moment and a special event to commemorate it.

Discuss the following aspects with your partner in order to have a clear idea how to commemorate this
event at school:
how to make this event interesting for pupils, parents and teachers;

activities for the students (drawing/ photo/poetry/singing/dancing/sport competitions);

meetings with former students and teachers;

Student B starts the conversation

Time: 4 5 minutes
Topic: School Anniversary
Student B

This year your school is celebrating the 50th anniversary. Your partner and you are the
members of the organization committee responsible for preparation of a project proposal to
celebrate this moment and a special event to commemorate it.

Discuss the following aspects with your partner in order to have a clear idea how to commemorate this
event at school:

tional and informative;

meetings with former students and teachers;

You start the conversation

Time: 4 5 minutes
Topic: International Project at School
Student A
Your school was invited to join in an international partnership and the members of the School
council decided to launch a competition for this. Your class have to prepare an online project
proposal for future cooperation. You think that the project should focus on similarities and
differences in education systems of the participating countries and exchange students visits to
experience learn Your classmate has a slightly different idea


Exchange your ideas with your classmate. Give arguments and examples.

Try to persuade your classmate to accept your ideas.

Try to reach a consensus.

You start the conversation

Time: 4 5 minutes
Topic: International Project at School
Student B
Your school was invited to join in an international partnership and the members of the School
council decided to launch a competition for this. Your class have to prepare an online project

life, organizations and events. You think that the project should be based on visiting partner and
organizing common events such as performances, concerts, quizzes and etc. Your classmate has a
slightly different idea.

Exchange your ideas with your classmate. Give arguments and examples.
Disagree politely.
Try to persuade your classmate to accept your ideas.
Try to reach a consensus.

Student A starts the conversation

Time: 4 5 minutes
Student A
Your School Council has decided to make a film about your school and community. You and your
classmate are going to write a proposal for this project. You are generating ideas for the proposal. You
think that the film could cover the most important history facts, places of interest, famous former
students, special local and school events. You suggest including interviews with well-known people.
Your classmate has a slightly different idea.

Exchange your ideas with your classmate. Give arguments and examples.

Try to persuade your classmate to accept your ideas.

Try to reach a consensus.

Student B starts the conversation

Time: 4 5 minutes
Student B
Your School Council has decided to make a film about your school and community. You and your classmate
are going to write a proposal for this project. You are generating ideas for the proposal. You think that the
film could cover the most important achievements of your school students in sports and music, the most
interesting teachers, interviews with local craftsmen and successful businessmen, a short trip with a
geography teacher to nearby forests and parks. Your classmate has a slightly different idea.

Exchange your ideas with your classmate. Give arguments and examples.

Try to persuade your classmate to accept your ideas.

Try to reach a consensus.

You start the conversation

Time: 4 5 minutes
Topic: Project: The Year of Libraries.
Student A
Your school is planning to take part in a national project in order to attract more students to sign in the
school or other local libraries. Your classmate and you are generating ideas for the project. You suggest
holding a conference by inviting literary critics and psychologists to give talks on the importance of
reading. Students could also make presentations about the most popular books and characters. The best
student presenter could be awarded a prize. School theatre could produce a play based on some book or
story. Your classmate has a slightly different idea.


Exchange your ideas with your classmate.

Give arguments and examples.
Respond to each other's ideas. Disagree politely.
Try to persuade your classmate

You start the conversation

Time: 4 5 minutes
Topic: Project: The Year of Libraries.
Student B

Your school is planning to take part in a national project in order to attract more students to sign in the
school or other local libraries. Your classmate and you are generating ideas for the project. You suggest
holding a book cover drawing competition for younger students and choosing the best book of the year
essay contest for senior students. You think that it would be a good idea to organize a school and a
regional quiz show where the best teams could compete. School could also organize an event for literary
gifted students, where they could read their poetry or stories and participate in discussions. Your
classmate has a slightly different idea.


Exchange your ideas with your classmate.

Give arguments and examples.
Respond to each other's ideas. Disagree politely.
Try to persuade your classmate
Student A starts the conversation

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