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Worksheets Unit 2 Crime doesn't pay

(A) Choose the correct meaning of these words :
1- nabbed ( broken - spoken - stolen ) .
2- I'm positive ( I'm certain - I'm worry - I'm tired ) .

(B) Fill in the spaces with the correct answer :

Pavement display suspect installed

1- The police are looking for the …………………………….. . He has dark hair and was wearing a
green shirt .

2- Alex had a new house alarm ………………………………. to keep his house safe.

3- My brother fell on the …………………………………… at the skateboard park and broke his

(A) Change into passive :
1- Bob broke the window .

2- The police catch thieves .


3- Somebody has open the door .


(B) Choose :
1- The airplane will ( been hijacked - be hijacked - hijack ) tomorrow .

2- The caption has ( been murdered - be murdered - murdered ).

3- The criminal had ( escaped - escaping - escapes ) by the time the police arrived .

4- The driver had been ( swerving - swerved - swerve ) between lanes when the police
officer stopped him .
(C) Decide if each sentence is active (A) Or passive (P) :
1- _______ The case will be presented today .

2- _______ The thief has been caught .

3- _______ The trial was short .

4- _______ She was upset .

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