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Name : __________________________________________________ class : 2 / ____ B


A. Read the conversation then answer the questions:

Desk clerk: Can I help you?

Ali: Yes, please. I have a reservation. My name’s Ali Ahmad.

Desk clerk: How do you spell your last name?

Ali: A-H-M-A-D

Desk clerk: your room is one-oh-three

1: What’s Ali last name? _____________________________________________________

2: What’s his room number? _________________________________________________________

B. Answer about yourself:

1. How do you spell your First name? _________________________________________________

2. Are you from Saudi Arabia? ___________________________________________________________

C. Match the responses to the situations :

1 Are you Dr. Ahmad? Great. How about you?

2 Thank you William.

5 Hello. How're you? yes, I’m.

4 I am Lee. What is your name? You’re welcome.

D. correct the mistake

A : I watch TV tomorrow.

E. choose the correct answer :

1: They ( is - are - am ) talking to Brad.

2: He ( see - seeing - sees ) the car .

3: I ( is - am - are ) from Jeddah.

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