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‫حل نموذج مراجعه الختبار ‪ 3‬االنجليزي(الوحدتين ‪4‬و‪)5‬‬

‫‪:‬ذاكري مايلي‬

‫‪ .‬كلمات الوحدة ‪ 4‬ص‪ 38‬لفظا ومعنى‪1-‬‬

‫‪.‬كلمات الوحدة ‪ 5‬ص‪ 46‬لفظا ومعنى ‪2-‬‬

‫السؤال األول على شكل قراءة جمل واختيار الصورة الصحيحه (تطبيق ‪3-‬‬

‫مذاكرة القاعدة للوحدتين ‪ 4‬و‪ 5‬كما يلي‪( :‬توجد المزيد من األمثلة ص‪4- -39‬‬
‫‪)48-47 .‬‬

‫قاعدة الفعل المضارع التام‪Present perfect‬‬

3-Negative with (never):

‫ نموذج لسؤال القراءة‬:

Q1:Read the text and circle the correct answer.

5- ‫ ذاكري جميع هذه األفعال وهي جميعهايف التصريف الثالث‬:
‫رأى‬Seen ‫كتب‬Written ‫فاز‬Won

‫ذهب‬- ‫كان‬Been ‫شاهد‬Watched ‫حفظ‬saved

‫ذهب‬Gone ‫التقى‬Met Swum ‫سبح‬

‫صنع‬Made ‫طار بالطائرة‬Flown ‫ نظف‬cleaned

‫رتب‬Tidied ‫انتهى‬Finished Taken ‫أخذ‬

Q2:Write sentences for the pictures using the words.(8-15 words)

Q3:Write a paragraph about your computer. Write about:

‫أرجو التأكد من التعديل كماهو هنا‬..‫تم تعديل النقاطيف الحصة‬:‫ فقط‬5 ‫مالحظه النقاط‬:

1- what kind of computer you have PC or lap top

2- what you can do on your computer

3- how often you use your computer

4- what you have done on your computer this week

5- why you like your computer

1-Making sentences:

Verb3Complete the sentence.
Example: He has done his homework.

Example: I have gone to school.

2-Making Questions:

Have You/ I / they / we /2 names+

Verb3Complete the sentence.(ever)

Has She/ he/ it/ 1 name

Example: Have you (ever) tidied your room?Example: Has she (ever) been to the

hashaveComplete the sentence.

Example: Ali has never swum in the ocean .

Example: Ali and I have never flown in a plane.

I have (0)----- to many countries. I’ve (1)------ caves and rivers. My brother and I
(2)-------- to the USA. We’ve (3)------- in 5 stars hotels. My sister (4)------ travelled
with us. I like to take videos, I’ve (5)------- 3 long videos. Have you(6)-------
watched a video?

0- A. be B. been C. go1- A. see B. saw

C. seen2- A. gone B. going C. went 3- A. stayed
B. stay C. staying 4- A. have never B. has never C.
hasn’t never 5- A. maked B. makes C. made 6- A. ever
B. never C. not

--My brother hasn’t finished his breakfast at home .Present


--We have watched my favourite TV programme.- -------------


-My family and I have flown in a plane.(Or)-This family has

gone to Oman by plane.-
Present perfect

Present perfect-My mother has cleaned the house, she will take
rest now.

-Have you ever met a famous person?Yes, I have met a

famous person.

--The happy girl has swum in the sea.


I’m happy, I have won a big prize today.Present perfect

My dad and I have gone to the zoo.have+verb


----------------------------------‫ اذا‬.. ‫تم تصحيح الفقرة لجميع الطالبات‬
‫ عندك أي سؤال يمكنك مراسلة المعلمة‬--------------------------------------
‫كل التوفيق والنجاح‬

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