Sources of Law Wordlist

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(local) custom precedent

act (n.); ~ of Parliament precedent (n.)

authority prevent (v.)
bind (v.); binding (adj.) property
binding (on) public utilities
business (n.); run a ~ record (n.); previous ~s on smth.;
case (n.); ~ law; argued ~s; regulation (n.)
case law reliance (n.)
codification (n.) remedy
common law restrict (v.)
compliance (n.) retain (v.); ~ power;
conformity (n.) rigid / inflexible
constitution (n.) rule (n., v.); body of ~s
continental law rule of law
court sanction (n.); formal ~s;
crime (n.) social control; informal ~; exercise ~;
custom (n.); customary (adj.) social order; establish ~;
damages society (n.); represent ~;
deliberation, to deliberate (on) sovereign (n.,adj.); sovereignty (n.)
derive (from) (v.) specific performance
deviant (adj.); ~ behavior statute (n.)
directive (n.) the body of ~; sources of ~;
dispute to apply (law / rules), applicable (to)
elect (v.); elected representatives; to be predominant / to dominate
elections (n.) to codify, codification, code
enforce (v.); enforceable (adj.) to entrench
equality (n.) to hear (petitions / cases)
exercise (v.) to interpret (law)
fair (adj.); fairness (n.) treaty (n.)
fine (n.)
guilt (n.)
imprisonment (n.)
inherit (v.)
judgment, to pass judgment
just (adj.); justice (n.)
law (n.); make a ~; the rule of ~; create ~;
law enforcement; ~ mechanism;
legal (adj.); ~ rights; ~ duties; ~
legal system/ training
legislation (n.)
litigant, litigation
litigation (n.)
monetary value / compensation
moral (adj.); morality (n.)
mores (n.)
natural law
natural law

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