Supporting Agency: Involving Children in Decision-Making: Quality Area 1

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National Quality Standard | Information sheet


The United Nations LINKS TO THE NATIONAL they would like to cook in a
Convention on the Rights QUALITY FRAMEWORK cooking experience.

of the Child states children The National Quality Standard (NQS) Genuine decision-making
have a right to be active recgonises children as competent and Sharing the power that adults hold, and
capable. Supporting children’s agency trusting that children are competent
participants in all matters and involving them in decisions cuts decision-makers can support children’s
affecting their lives. across all seven quality areas of the agency.
NQS, with a particular focus in:
For example, educators can:
In the approved learning Element 1.1.1: Curriculum decision- • arrange activities, routines and
frameworks, agency is making contributes to each child’s the physical environment so
defined as being able to learning and development outcomes that children have a range of
in relation to their identity, connection
make choices and decisions with community, wellbeing, confidence
opportunities to make choices
about what they will do and how
to influence events and to as learners and effectiveness as they will do it
have an impact on one’s communicators.
• provide children with the
world. Supporting children’s Element 1.2.3: Each child’s agency opportunity to make choices in
circumstances where their decisions
agency is about recognising is promoted, enabling them to make
will be able to be accepted.
choices and decisions that influence
that children have a right to events and their world.
Supporting agency involves educators
make choices and decisions, taking a step back and critically
and are capable of initiating CAN SUPPORT CHILDREN’S reflecting on, “Do I need to decide for
their own learning. AGENCY children?”.

Intentional teaching Instead, consider ways of setting up

environments, routines and learning
When educators are intentional,
experiences that support children
purposeful and plan for children’s
to make decisions and have agency
learning, this helps children to be active
independently of adults. For example,
agents in sourcing their own learning.
asking children what they know about
This can be achieved by allowing
areas of interest and what they would
children to make decisions about,
like to find out more about.
plan for and help set up their preferred
method of learning. Children might Think about ways educators support
decide how to research information children to make their own choices
on dinosaurs for example, or what throughout the day.

Quality Area 1 | Supporting agency: Involving children in decision-making

Responsive interactions EXAMPLES OF PRACTICE
Talking respectfully with children, and having conversations
Supporting agency at a service level:
where children’s ideas and thoughts are genuinely sought and
valued, is the key to engaging children in decision-making • Engaging children in decisions about meals and routines
processes. As children develop, they will be able to participate • Involving children in discussions about service policies,
in increasingly complex decision-making. procedures and practices
• Developing the service philosophy by engaging with key
Talking with children about what they think and responding to stakeholders such as children, schools, families and the
what matters to them will give children a sense of ownership broader community.
over the decisions that they have contributed to.
Supporting agency in under two year-olds:
Examples of responsive interactions include: • Seeing babies and toddlers as capable of being an active
• Promoting independent exploration and appropriate participant in routines, activities and experiences
risk taking • Scafolding language to assist children in expressing feelings
• Asking questions that give children the opportunity to • Using routines as a platform for learning about wellbeing,
initiate and lead their own learning identity, communication and learning
- What do you think? • Facilitating self-help skills as opposed to doing tasks
- What do you want? Why? for children
- How can we do this differently? (or safely, • Being aware, and responsive to young children’s verbal and
enjoyably, easily) non verbal cues
• Allowing children to establish their own routines, • Being respectful during routines, asking children’s
behaviour, guidelines and consequences, or taking cues permission to check their nappies, talking to them about
from children’s behaviour putting on a bib and respecting if they are not hungry or
• Providing flexible and unhurried routines which allow need a cuddle to transition from sleep.
children to make choices about decisions which affect
them Supporting agency in 3-5 year-old children:
• Using behaviour (rather than the clock) as a cue for meal • Supporting children to negotiate a resolution rather than
time or moving from one structured activity to the next solving it for them
• Providing children with the opportunity to participate in • Providing opportunities for children to set goals for learning
large periods of uninterrupted play and taking cues for • Providing opportunities for children to learn through
providing structure or resources (this will allow children to co-researching with adults
negotiate where and with whom they would like to play) • Offering choices of experiences based on what children are
• Acknowledging and responding to children’s contributions interested in learning about
by ensuring their ideas and interests are reflected in • Encouraging children to think about fairness and equity
the program within the service, local community and outside world
• Promoting independence and self-help skills through the • Considering a more democratic system of decision-making,
opportunity to participate in routine tasks like preparing for example children could explore voting on relevant issues
meals, setting up environments and selecting resources. • Supporting children’s voice within the community and
connecting with community planning and consultation in
LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS, EXPERIENCES AND all matters that affect children.
Supporting agency in school age children:
Environments that support children’s decision-making • Promoting learning through leisure and play-based
are set up in ways that provide children with a variety of activities that children plan and are relevant to their
resources to choose from and allow children to make choices interests and other learning
independently of adults. They can be open-ended, allow • Extending on peer support programs and creating
multiple uses, be used creatively, and involve sustained, mentoring relationships
shared thinking, and include both manufactured and
• Allowing children opportunities to assess and identify
natural items..
hazards and develop risk assessment strategies
Examples of responsive environments include: • Supporting children to take on the responsibilities of
• Having equipment shelving at child height and encouraging arrival and departure including developing procedures for
children to choose the materials they want to use handling their belongings and greetings educators.
• Having areas where children can store works in progress to
return to over a period of time
• Setting up play spaces with areas that allow children to
choose between quiet and busier areas, indoor or outdoor
play, in large groups, small groups or solitary play
• Providing space where children can store and
independently access their own belongings.

February 2018 Quality Area 1 | Supporting agency: Involving children in decision making
Educators are encouraged to reflect on the following points Authorised officers may look for and discuss a range of
when considering how the service involves children in different behaviours which demonstrate that educators
decision-making: value children’s agency. They might also look for how this
• What is an appropriate level of autonomy for children in the is reinforced through the service’s policies, the
age range? educational program and educator’s practice.
• How are children involved in program decision-making Observing educators:
and contributing to the environment? How do they assist
• Encouraging children to try new things
everyday routines and transitions? How are they involved in
menu planning and food preparation? • Positively impacting children’s self-esteem and belief in
their own ability
• What responsibilities do children have? How does this
contribute to their sense of agency? • Bolstering children’s motivation to try new things
• What strategies do you employ to capture the voices of • Encouraging family’s expectations for their child
children in planning and seek their feedback? • Making a positive difference to children’s sense of
• How will children know they have been heard? wellbeing and agency.
• How are children’s interests pursued and celebrated? Discussing with educators about:
• Does the physical environment and culture of the service • Believing all children are competent and capable
allow for educators and children to chat about ideas? • Having an awareness of their own beliefs, culture and the
values they hold around children’s learning and considering
how this may influence the opportunities they provide for
children to promote agency
• Having high expectations for all children regardless of their
age, gender, ability, cultural, linguistic or family background
• Valuing and showing respect for children’s autonomy

Early Childhood Australia’s • Philosophy and policy that recognises children’s rights and
Professional Learning Program describes their role in decision-making
e-Learning videos, Connecting with • Documentation and planning for children’s wellbeing,
practice – EYLF & NQS, Doing your own decision-making and supported self-regulation.
thing—Child’s agency at https://www.
Victorian Early Years Learning and
Development Framework Practice
Principle Guide 3: High expectations
for every child at
UN Convention on the Rights of the
Child from the Office of the High
Commissioner for Human Rights at
Stonehouse, A. (2011) The more you
know, the more you see: Babies’ and
toddlers’ learning and the EYLF.

More information is available on the ACECQA


The information in this publication was adapted from a
National Childcare Accreditation Council resource.

February 2018 Quality Area 1 | Supporting agency: Involving children in decision making

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