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Ayisha Tabbassum

One stop for cloud - Kubernetes clusters across AWS, Azure, GCP, IBM and OCI

To work with Kubernetes in different cloud environments like AWS, Azure, GCP (Google Cloud Platform), OCI (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure), and IBM Cloud, you can use
a variety of commands.

However, it's important to note that while some Kubernetes commands are universal, others are specific to the cloud provider's implementation and toolset. Here's a
list of 15 commands that are commonly used across these platforms:

Universal Kubernetes Commands

1. kubectl apply -f [file.yaml] : Apply a configuration to a resource from a file.

2. kubectl get pods : List all pods in the namespace.
3. kubectl describe pod [pod-name] : Show detailed information about a specific pod.
4. kubectl logs [pod-name] : Fetch the logs of a pod.
5. kubectl exec -it [pod-name] -- /bin/bash : Execute an interactive bash shell on the specified pod.
6. kubectl create namespace [namespace-name] : Create a new namespace.
7. kubectl get services : List all services in the namespace.
8. kubectl delete pod [pod-name] : Delete a specific pod.
9. kubectl scale --replicas=[number] deployment/[deployment-name] : Scale a deployment to a specific number of replicas.
10. kubectl rollout status deployment/[deployment-name] : Get the status of a specific deployment.

Cloud Provider Specific Commands


11. aws eks --region [region] update-kubeconfig --name [cluster-name] : Update the kubeconfig file for an EKS cluster.

Azure (AKS)

12. az aks get-credentials --resource-group [resource-group] --name [cluster-name] : Get credentials for an AKS cluster.

13. gcloud container clusters get-credentials [cluster-name] --zone [zone] --project [project] : Get credentials for a GKE cluster.

14. oci ce cluster create-kubeconfig --cluster-id [cluster-id] --file $HOME/.kube/config --region [region] : Create a kubeconfig file for
an OKE cluster.

IBM Cloud

15. ibmcloud ks cluster config --cluster [cluster-name] : Set the KUBECONFIG environment variable for a cluster in IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service.

Each cloud provider offers unique tools and CLI extensions for managing Kubernetes clusters, so it's recommended to refer to the specific documentation for more
advanced or specialized commands.

Kubernetes clusters in different cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, GCP, IBM Cloud, and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) offer
a variety of features, each tailored to leverage the strengths of the respective cloud environment.

Here's an overview of key Kubernetes cluster features in each of these platforms:

AWS (Amazon Web Services) - EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service)

1. Integration with AWS Services:

Services EKS is deeply integrated with AWS services like Elastic Load Balancing, IAM for security, and CloudWatch for logging and
2. Managed Nodes:
Nodes Offers managed node groups that simplify the process of managing Kubernetes worker nodes.
3. Fargate Support:
Support EKS supports AWS Fargate, allowing for serverless container execution.
4. High Availability : Automatically distributes Kubernetes control plane nodes across multiple Availability Zones for high availability.
5. IAM Integration : Integrates with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) for fine-grained access control.
6. Elastic Network Interfaces : Supports Amazon VPC CNI for better network integration and performance.

Azure - AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service)

1. Azure Active Directory Integration:

Integration Integrates with Azure Active Directory for identity management.
2. DevOps and Monitoring:
Monitoring Seamless integration with Azure DevOps, Azure Monitor, and Azure Security Center.
3. Network Policies:
Policies Supports Kubernetes network policies for enhanced security.
4. Azure Policy Integration:
Integration Helps in enforcing organizational standards and assessing compliance at scale.
5. Scalability:
Scalability Offers auto-scaling capabilities for nodes and pods.
6. Azure Service Integration : Easy integration with other Azure services like Azure Database and Azure Storage.

GCP (Google Cloud Platform) - GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine)

1. Auto-Pilot Mode:
Mode Provides a hands-off fully managed experience with GKE Autopilot.
Ayisha Tabbassum
2. Data Analytics Integration : Deep integration with Google's data analytics and machine learning tools.
3. Private Clusters:
Clusters Supports private clusters for improved security.
4. Network Policy and Security:
Security Provides advanced network policies and security features.
5. Load Balancing : Offers advanced load balancing capabilities for distributing traffic.
6. Cloud Operations Suite Integration:
Integration Integrates with Google Cloud's operations suite for logging and monitoring.

IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service

1. Security-First Architecture:
Architecture Emphasizes on security with capabilities like hardware security modules and Keep Your Own Key (KYOK).
2. Integration with IBM Watson:
Watson Offers integration with IBM’s AI services like Watson.
3. Vulnerability Advisor:
Advisor Includes a vulnerability advisor for security and compliance.
4. Load Balancing and Networking : Provides advanced load balancing and networking features.
5. Multi-Zone Clusters:
Clusters Supports multi-zone clusters for high availability and disaster recovery.
6. Block and File Storage:
Storage Integrates with IBM Cloud’s block and file storage solutions.

OCI (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure) - OKE (Oracle Kubernetes Engine)

1. Deep Integration with Oracle Services:

Services Seamlessly integrates with Oracle Cloud services like Oracle RAC, and Oracle Autonomous Database.
2. Flexibility and Control:
Control Offers flexibility in managing nodes, networks, and storage.
3. Network Security:
Security Advanced network security options with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure networking.
4. Cost-Effective:
Cost-Effective Claims to provide a cost-effective solution for running Kubernetes clusters.
5. Load Balancing : Supports load balancing for distributing traffic across instances.
6. High Performance:
Performance Offers high performance with support for bare metal instances.

Each of these platforms provides unique features and integrations that can cater to different needs and scenarios. It's essential to choose a platform based on
specific requirements like integration needs, scalability, security, and cost-effectiveness.

Monitoring Kubernetes clusters is crucial for maintaining the health, performance, and security of applications.

Each cloud provider offers tools and metrics for monitoring Kubernetes clusters. Here's a list of key Kubernetes cluster monitoring metrics that you should consider in
AWS, Azure, GCP, IBM Cloud, and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI):

General Kubernetes Monitoring Metrics rc
Before diving into specific cloud providers, it's important to note that there are some universal Kubernetes metrics that are relevant across all platforms:

1. Node Metrics:
Metrics CPU, memory, disk, and network usage.
2. Pod Metrics:
Metrics CPU and memory usage, restart count.
3. Deployment Metrics:
Metrics Replica status, available vs. desired states.

4. Service Metrics:
Metrics Traffic, error rates, and latency.
5. Cluster State Metrics:
Metrics Status of nodes, pods, and other resources.
6. Events and Logs:
Logs Kubernetes events and logs for debugging.

AWS - EKS (Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service)


AWS provides the following metrics primarily through Amazon CloudWatch:


1. CPU and Memory Utilization:

Utilization By nodes, pods, and containers.
2. Disk and Network Usage : For nodes and pods.
3. Node Condition Metrics:
Metrics Node status, like Ready, MemoryPressure, DiskPressure.
4. EKS Cluster State:
State Metrics about the state and health of the EKS cluster.
5. API Server Metrics:
Metrics Latency and request rates of the Kubernetes API server.

6. ELB Metrics:
Metrics If using Elastic Load Balancer with EKS.

Azure - AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service)

Azure monitors AKS clusters through Azure Monitor with metrics like:

1. Node Metrics:
Metrics CPU, memory, disk, and network usage.
2. Pod Metrics:
Metrics CPU and memory usage, termination details.
3. Controller Metrics:
Metrics Deployment, stateful set, and daemon set status.
4. Azure Network Metrics:
Metrics For services using Azure networking.
5. Azure Identity Metrics:
Metrics For AKS clusters using Azure AD integration.
6. Kubelet Metrics:
Metrics Performance and health of kubelet.

GCP - GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine)

GCP uses Google Cloud Operations (formerly Stackdriver) for GKE cluster monitoring:

1. Node Health Metrics:

Metrics CPU, memory, disk, and network usage, plus health status.
2. Workload Metrics:
Metrics CPU and memory usage for deployments and stateful sets.
3. Pod and Container Metrics:
Metrics Resource usage and lifecycle status.
4. Network Metrics:
Metrics Bandwidth usage and network errors.
5. GCP-specific Metrics:
Metrics Interactions with other GCP services.
6. Event Metrics:
Metrics Kubernetes system events.

IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service

IBM Cloud provides monitoring through IBM Cloud Monitoring with Sysdig:
Ayisha Tabbassum

1. Node and Pod Metrics:

Metrics CPU, memory, disk, and network metrics.
2. Cluster Component Metrics:
Metrics Status of core cluster components.
3. IBM-specific Metrics:
Metrics Integration with IBM Cloud services.
4. Sysdig Events:
Events Alerts and events from Sysdig monitoring.
5. Network Performance Metrics:
Metrics Network performance and health.
6. Security Metrics:
Metrics Access and authentication related metrics.

OCI - OKE (Oracle Kubernetes Engine)

OCI offers monitoring for OKE using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Monitoring:

1. Node Metrics:
Metrics CPU, memory, disk, and network usage.
2. Pod Performance Metrics:
Metrics CPU and memory usage.
3. OCI Service Metrics:
Metrics Integration metrics with other OCI services.
4. Cluster Health Metrics:
Metrics Overall health and performance of the OKE cluster.
5. Load Balancer Metrics:
Metrics If using OCI Load Balancer.
6. Network Metrics:
Metrics Network performance and errors.

In all cloud providers, these metrics are not only essential for day-to-day operations but also crucial for long-term capacity planning and scaling. Additionally, they can
be complemented with application-specific metrics and logs for a comprehensive monitoring setup.

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