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Why Do We Manage Health And Safety?

3 Important Reasons

Health and safety management is crucial to any organization, whether a small

business or a multinational corporation. The primary goal of managing health
and safety is to protect employees and anyone else who may be affected by
the organization’s activities from harm. This harm can come in many forms,
such as physical injury, illness, or even death.

In addition to protecting people, managing health and safety can help

organizations reduce costs associated with accidents and injuries, improve
employee morale and productivity, and enhance their reputation. This blog
will explore why we manage health and safety and the benefits of effective
health and safety management. Whether you are a business owner, manager,
or employee, understanding the importance of health and safety management
is essential for creating a safe and healthy workplace.

What Is Health And Safety?

Safety is the state of being “safe” (from French sauf), the condition of being
protected from harm or other non-desirable outcomes. Safety can also refer to
the control of recognized hazards to achieve an acceptable level of risk. Safety
is a relative concept and depends on perspective. It can apply to general
conditions or specific situations.

It can also be classified as physical, psychological, financial, or occupational.

For example, safety refers to the controls used to protect workers in a hazard-
filled environment, such as personal protective equipment, work procedures,
and training.

Health is being “healthy”, the condition of being free from illness or injury.
Health can also refer to the overall well-being of an individual, including their
physical, mental, and emotional state. For example, health often refers to the
absence of disease or injury. Still, it can also include the presence of good
physical and mental health, as well as the ability to lead a fulfilling and
satisfying life.

Consequences of Not Managing Health and

Failing to manage health and safety in the workplace can have severe
consequences for employers and employees. Some of the consequences of
not managing health and safety are:

 Increased risk of accidents, injuries, and illnesses: Failure to identify

and manage hazards can lead to accidents, injuries, and illnesses that can
cause physical and psychological harm to employees.
 Legal penalties and fines: Employers who do not comply with health and
safety regulations may face legal penalties and fines, which can
significantly damage the company’s reputation.
 Compensation claims: Employees injured or ill due to workplace hazards
can file compensation claims against their employers, which can be costly
and time-consuming.
 Damage to reputation: Poor health and safety management can damage
the reputation of a company, leading to loss of business, decreased
productivity, and difficulty in attracting and retaining employees.
 Reduced employee morale: A workplace that does not prioritize health
and safety can reduce employee morale and job satisfaction and increase
 Increased insurance costs: Insurance companies may increase premiums
or refuse coverage to companies with poor health and safety records,
which can be a significant financial burden.

The consequences of not managing health and safety can be severe, ranging
from legal penalties and compensation claims to damage to reputation and
decreased employee morale. It is essential for employers to take health and
safety seriously and implement appropriate measures to protect their
employees’ well-being.
Reasons to Manage Health and Safety
There are many reasons to manage health and safety in the workplace. Some
of these reasons include the following:

1. Moral Reasons/Ethical Reasons

The moral reason is all about the moral duty that every person owes to is not morally acceptable that when people go to work, they will be
exposed to danger resulting in pain, suffering, injuries, and ill health. Workers
expect to work in a safe environment and return to families and friends at the
end of the shift.

When a worker is killed, injured, or suffers any terrible disease by accident, he

is not the only one to suffer. His family, dependents, friends, and colleagues
also pass through a massive impact. So it is a must for workers to be provided
with a reasonable standard of care to prevent them from suffering.

 It is our duty to protect the lives of others. We are morally obligated to do

everything we can to protect others from harm. This includes ensuring
that the workplace is safe.
 Managing health and safety in the workplace protects the workers
themselves. Workers have a right to a safe and healthy workplace. It is
immoral to allow them to work in unsafe conditions.
 No one wants to be responsible for a workplace tragedy. The thought of
something awful happening to one of your employees because you failed
to take proper safety precautions, is unbearable. Unfortunately, accidents
do happen. But if you have taken the necessary steps to reduce the risks in
your workplace, you can sleep better at night knowing that you did
everything you could to avoid a tragedy. Families may never be the same
after losing a loved one in a workplace accident, and companies may be
forced to shut down if they are held liable for the injuries or fatalities.

Or In short:
It is morally unacceptable to expose the worker to danger in return for the
work that they do to earn for their families. The employer’s moral duty is to
prevent his workers from pain and suffering from injuries and ill health by
providing them a safe environment to work in.

2. Legal & Social Reasons

Though there is a slight difference in legal and social reasons, most people
consider it the same. This is due to the fact that Laws are made to meet
societal expectations and protects the right of people. So here I mention it
separately, but points can be merged occasionally if required.

Legal Reasons:

 As laws are made to protect human rights, it compels the employer to do

what he should to take reasonable care of employees.
 Laws define the framework that governs the conduct of business and
 It sets the rights and responsibilities of employers and employees so that
they can be made accountable for that.
 To get a license to operate, one needs to oblige local laws.
 Failure to achieve minimum standards set by laws can lead to enforcement
actions and prosecution before the court.
 Legal reasons include preventive reasons to avoid enforcement notices,
such as improvement and prohibition notices.
 It also includes preventing Punitive damage where criminal prosecution
due to breaches of legal duty may result in a fine for organizations and
imprisonment or both for individuals.
 There is also a compensatory effect of law where employees can sue in
civil courts for compensation claims by proving negligence of the
 Organizations are legally responsible for ensuring the health and safety of
their employees, customers, and other stakeholders. Failing to do so can
result in heavy fines, penalties, and jail time. Beyond the legal implications,
managing health and safety is simply good business.
Or In short

Strict legal obligations are imposed on employers and employees regarding

health & safety. Legal reasons are based upon compliance with national laws
and international standards to avoid preventive, punitive, and compensatory
damages due to prosecution before the court. It also sets boundaries and
governs the rules for business conduct.

Social Reasons:

Society’s expectations are different in terms of standards of deliverance. Still,

at minimum, all societies demand a safe working environment that includes a
safe place of work with safe access and egress, safe plant and equipment, a
safe work system, adequate training and supervision, and competent

Expectations of society tend to increase with time, and these are often
translated into in-laws and standards. The organization needs to improve its
standard of behavior to meet these higher expectations.

Or In short

Social reasons relate to social expectations that demand employers to provide

a safe place of work, safe plant and equipment, safe work systems, competent
workers, and a high standard of training and supervision. The organization
tends to bring improvements in standards to meet these expectations.

3. Economic Reasons/ Financial Reasons

Though most employers think of health and safety arrangements as an

additional cost, researchers show that it is not true because such
arrangements prevent us from many losses caused by accidents due to the
absence of such arrangements. Accidents and ill health result in various direct
and indirect costs.
There are many good reasons for businesses to invest in health and safety
management, both from an ethical and purely economic perspective. Here are
some key points to keep in mind:

 Health and safety management can help reduce workers’

compensation costs: Workers’ compensation insurance is a necessary
expense for any business, but it can be a significant financial burden. By
implementing health and safety management strategies, businesses can
help reduce the number of workers’ compensation claims filed and the
associated costs.
 Improving health and safety can boost productivity: Employees who
feel safe and healthy at work are more productive. This is good for
business operations and the bottom line.
 Reducing health and safety risks can help protect your company’s
reputation: No business wants to be associated with a workplace injury or
illness. By investing in health and safety management, businesses can help
reduce the risk of such incidents and protect their reputation.
 Investing in health and safety can help attract and retain
employees: Employees want to work for companies that care about their
safety and well-being. By investing in health and safety management,
businesses can show their employees that they are committed to
providing a safe and healthy workplace. This can help with employee
recruitment and retention.
 Implementing health and safety management strategies can save you
money in the long run: While there is an initial investment required to
implement health and safety management strategies, businesses can save
money in the long run by reducing workers’ compensation costs, boosting
productivity, and protecting their reputation.
 An organization can enjoy the economic benefits due to the highly
motivated workforce that may increase the rate and quality of products
and services.
 Competitive edge by maintaining the image and reputation of the
organization with stakeholders and a low staff turnover rate
 Cost avoidance of accident investigation, hiring legal services to face the
prosecution in courts, hiring and training replacement staff, remedial
actions or repair of plant, equipment, and location, and a reduction in
insurance premiums help secure favorable insurance terms.

Or In short

Accidents and ill health result in various direct and indirect costs. Some of the
costs can be insured against, and most cannot be insured. To prevent such
financial losses and damage to the profitability of an organization, it is
required to manage health and safety to avoid accidents and ill health.

Other Reasons to Manage Health and Safety

Here are some additional reasons why managing health and safety is

 Compliance with industry standards: Besides legal requirements, many

industries have specific health and safety standards that must be met. By
managing health and safety, organizations can ensure compliance with
these standards and demonstrate their commitment to industry best
 Protection of intellectual property: Workplace accidents and illnesses
can lead to the loss of valuable intellectual property, such as trade secrets,
patents, and copyrights. By managing health and safety, organizations can
reduce the risk of such losses and protect their intellectual property.
 Improved customer satisfaction: A safe and healthy workplace can
improve customer satisfaction. This is because customers are more likely
to do business with companies that prioritize the safety and well-being of
their employees.
 Innovation: Managing health and safety can foster innovation by
promoting a culture of continuous improvement. Employees who feel safe
and healthy are more likely to be creative and innovative, which can lead
to new ideas and business opportunities.
 Sustainability: Health and safety management is an important part of
sustainability efforts. By managing health and safety, organizations can
reduce their environmental impact, conserve resources, and promote
social responsibility.
 Improved morale: A safe and healthy workplace can improve employee
morale, increasing job satisfaction and reducing absenteeism. This can
ultimately lead to improved productivity and reduced turnover rates.
 Brand image: A commitment to health and safety can enhance a
company’s brand image and reputation. This can lead to increased
customer loyalty, improved investor confidence, and a competitive
advantage in the marketplace.
 Reduced environmental impact: Health and safety management can
also help to reduce an organization’s environmental impact. This can
include reducing waste, conserving energy, and promoting sustainable
 Compliance with international standards: Many organizations operate
in multiple countries and must comply with international health and safety
standards. By managing health and safety, organizations can ensure
compliance with these standards and demonstrate their commitment to
global best practices.
 Employee engagement: Health and safety management can also
promote employee engagement by involving employees in developing
and implementing health and safety policies and procedures. This can
increase employee empowerment, job satisfaction, and commitment to
the organization’s goals.

Managing health and safety is a critical aspect of any organization’s
operations. The reasons for managing health and safety vary, including moral
obligations, legal compliance, social expectations, economic benefits,
environmental sustainability, etc. Organizations can prioritize health and safety
management to protect their employees, improve productivity, reduce costs,
enhance their reputation, and achieve their business objectives.

It is important for organizations to take a proactive and holistic approach to

health and safety management, which includes implementing policies and
procedures, providing training and supervision, conducting risk assessments,
and continually improving health and safety performance. By doing so,
organizations can create a safe and healthy workplace that benefits everyone,
including employees, customers, investors, and society.

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