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COPYRIGHT RESERVED Code : 201081 3rd Professional MBBS Part-1 Exam., 2020 (I!) COMMUNITY MEDICINE (PSM) Paper—t yme : 3 hours Full Marks + 60 Instructio i) The marks are indicated in the right-hand margir Attempt ALL questions. sf Define epidemiology. Enlist the epidemiological studies control study. 2 Explain the concept of with examples Indices for blood sur Differentiate between {g-Normal distribution curve 22AK/283 ( Turn Over ) 2. sour of Write short notes on any as following MR campaign (») DOTS-Plus fo) Cold chain (dp Preumoconiosis (e) Post-exposure f phylaxis: of the following, 1*10=10 Choose the correct answe! is developed that fa) When a new treatme! delays deaths but does not recovery from a chronic disease of the following will occur? () Prevalence of the disease will produce Which decrease (i) Incidence of the disease will fii) Prevalence of the disease will increase (wy) Incidence of the disease will decrease (b) To develop effective AIDS control strategy, experts from all over the world are invited to devise the plan after 22AK/283 ( Continued ) sjevant discussion, What name i to this method? (i) Seminar (ii) Group discus 4 (ii) Symposium (iv) Panel discussion (c) An industrial worker reported to you with complaints of cough, history of dyspnoea on exertion and pain in the chest. His X-ray chest showed snow storm appearance. The diagnosis would (i) asbestosis (ii) sidero a(iti) silicosis (iv) aspergillosis (@) The annual report of POF Hospital for the year 2006 shows 200 cases Myocardial Infarction, 35 cases of Cholecystitis, 105 cases of Pneumonia and 350 cases of Acute Gastroenteritis. The result of this report cannot be generalized on the total population on account of (i) interviewer's bias (i) memory bias (ii) selection bias 9 (iv) Berksonian bias 22AK/283 (Turn Over ) ———— (4) fe) Terr cases of food poisoning had be reported in hospital, 2 out of these veloped mild aatrointestinal iymptoms, 4 developed -moderat® hydration but recovered and 2 puccumbed to the didease he of the organism of fo the severes' tic that produces character poisoning form of the disease i (i) infectivity (i) pathogenicity virulence (ii fix) communicability id During a sanitary inspection of a’ rapi sand filtration plant, slowing of filtration rate was observed owing loss of head. Which method will you Suggest to give head to water in such a ation? sit () Addition of alum {i) Scraping the top layer (ii) Increasing duration of storage #(iv) Back washing of sand bed (@) A physician studied the association between plasma level of rennin and 22AK/283 : ( Continued ) 2AK ————x——"—SSS— ———t—“‘“ ™eé (5) | 3 in BF The data can be nted by j fi scatter diagram F (ii) pie chart F tity ine diagram | (iv) histogram fyi Ghicose: tolerance. teat te a useful Screening test for diabetes. The ability of y those who have the s called the test to identif disease in question fi) validity (ii) specificity ii) reliability afiv) sensi () Smoking leads to —_ oesophageal carcinoma. Coffee intake has its effect on smoking and also oesophageal factor can distort the carcinoma. This results of the study which intends to prove an association between smoking and oesophageal cancer.This effect of this factor is known as () confounding (i) multiple causation (ii) one-to-one relationship “{iv) dose response relation ea) 22AK/283 (Turn Over ) tandard error of 20, The 9 confidence limit for the population f 10-240 i) 210-250 fi) 200-260 # (tv) 190-270 22AK—100/289 Code » 201081

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