Drugs For C/S, Delivry, D&C, E&C and Cerclage

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Drugs for C/S, Delivry, D&C, E&C And Cerclage

No Medical Suplies Quntity No Medical Suplies Quntity

1 Serum Normal Saline1000 ml 25 Prolene 0

2 Serum Lactated Ringer 1000ml 26 Prolene 1

3 Serum Glucose 5%1000ml 27 Silk 0

4 Infusion Flagyl 500mg/100ml 28 Silk 1

5 Infusion Seat/ Serum Seat 29 Surgical Gloves (SIZE : )

6 Vial (Cefoperazone +Sulbactam)2g 30 Sol Pyodine 10% 450 ml

7 Amp Tranexamic acid 500mg 31 Sol Pyodine 10% 60 ml

8 Vial ampicillin 1g 32 Gauze piece

9 Amp Maxolon 10mg 33 Promed 30cmX30cm

10 Amp Water For Injection 5ml 34 IV Cannula (G )

11 Amp Lidocaine HCL 2% 35 Zinc Plaster 2.5X2.5

12 Amp Calcium Gluconate 36 Wound Dressing Plaster

13 Amp Tramadol HCL 37 Large Pamper

14 Amp Voren 4mg 38 Umbilical Cord Clamp

15 Amp Oxytocin 10IU 39 Folly Catheter

16 Amp Spasfon 40 Urine Bag

17 Syringe 5ml 41 Baby Sheet 60X90mm

18 Syringe 10ml 42 Suction Tube

19 Tab Misoprostol 200mcg 43 NG Tube

20 Surgical Blade 44 ETT Tube(Endotracheal Tube)

21 Chromic 0 45 Drainage Tube(Chest Tube)

22 Chromic 1 46

23 Vicryl 0 47

24 Vicryl 1 48

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