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In the Name of Jesus Christ, we speak

into the lives of every member of the

Covenant Nation and upon us
corporately. We pronounce the
blessing upon us.
We declare that we have come on the
grounds of the blood of Jesus; Jesus
was wounded for all our mistakes,
He was bruised for our iniquities, the
chastisement of our peace was laid
upon him and by his stripes we are all
We declare into the earth this day that
the blood of Jesus speaks powerful
things concerning us. We agree with
what the blood is saying, and give
voice to it in the name of Jesus.
We declare to all the forces of
darkness, in the name of Jesus Christ
through the blood of Jesus we have
been redeemed. The ransom has been
paid in full for our lives, we have been
bought out of the influence of
darkness, and we have been bought
out of the influence and control of
wickedness in men.
We declare that Jesus has been
sacrificed for us as our Passover lamb,
we apply his blood this moment to the
door post of every home and family
represented in this nation.
We draw the blood line over our
houses and speak to you angel of death
and also to the spirit of the plague
called corona virus, you are forbidden
from every member and house in this
We curse you to your roots and declare
no member of the Covenant Nation
eats of your fruit. It is only with our
eyes we see the effect of your presence
you do not come near our dwelling
We extend this blood covering over the
city of Lagos for Christ died for the
entire city. As a seed of righteousness
in Lagos, we pronounce by the blood
this virus dead in this city in the name
of Jesus.
We are completely delivered out of
your hands satan and your verbal
accusations in heaven and on the earth
are rendered inoperative in our lives
for we are under Jesus Christ.
Through the blood of Jesus we are
justified; through the blood of Jesus
we are acquitted and pronounced
not guilty.
We acknowledge you Jesus as our
advocate and say, we may have spoken
words carelessly that can be used
against us in the courts of heaven by
our adversary, we may have conducted
ourselves in ways that has opened up
the door for legitimate
pronouncements to be made by people
we hurt and words may have been
weaponized against us to cause
damage and keep us down.
But we acknowledge that through your
sacrifice, the curse has been broken
and we are set free from the effect of
these things.
We declare to you Jesus our advocate
that you plead our case on the grounds
of your blood shed and you have won
every case brought against us.
We are set free in the name of Jesus
In the name of Jesus, we speak to any
demons that may have gained entrance
into any part of our lives to keep me
down; we bring you under divine
We expel you out of our lives in the
name of Jesus. We cast you out of all
our affairs and release angels this
moment to minister unto us for
growth, reproduction, protection, total
health, prosperity, favor with men and
my supernatural rise in Jesus name.
We pronounce every member of the
Covenant nation blessed with eyes that
see and ears that hear. Our dwelling
place is filled with peace and
fruitfulness free of hurt and vexations.
We leap and grow without limits
through the opportunities we see all
around us and by the help God has
sent through the hands of men.
Our weekly services are growing in
leaps breaking boundaries as men
come in from every part of Lagos
receiving an impartation of the Spirit.
We draw men daily to Christ by the
spiritual and material blessings
evident upon us as we show forth
God’s wisdom to the world.

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