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SEC Express System m2 12601 2312061594 Recipient Rustom Lozano Dantes Company Name / Delivery Address Solis Aurora, Inc 747 Nicanor Pai la Street Barangay 646, San Barangay 646 SAN MIGUEL CITY OF MANILA METRO MANILA Philippines C Loc: Miguel Contact Information 09300703330 09300703330 FOR O.R. INFORMATION Payors Name Solis Aurora, Inc. Company Address 747 Nicanor Padilla Street Barangay 646, San Miguel Business Style ‘Advertising 4 of 7 Documents (Type SEC Number | Company | Copies | Authenticated | Pouch Name Form Type amended larticles of 2173017 Incorporation ¢s201303560 | BeTuR, | 101 | No 20 INC. DOING BUSINESS | UNDER THE NAME AND STYLE OF COINS.PH AMENDED ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION Thank you for uging the SEC Express System Printed By: J.Crucillo REPUBLIC OF JHE PHILIPPINES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Ground Flog Secretariat Buildin, a pice Cin Garay Mero Marte c urities ana | PAR an | omimission cert AMENDED ARTICLE! CORPORATION jOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: This is to certify that the amended articles of incorporation of the BETUR, INC. doing business under the name and style of COINS.PH (Amending Article III thereof) rectors and by the vote of the stockholders owning or representing at least jo-thirds of the outstanding capital stock, and certified under oath by the porate Secretary and a majority of the Board of Directors of the corporation was approved by the Commission on this date pursuant to the provision of Section 15 of the Revised Corporation Code of the Philippines, Republic Act No. 11232, which took effect on February 23, 2019, and copies thereof are filed with the Commission, ee annexed, adopted on March 26, 2019 by majority vote of the Board of Dire C Unless this corporation obtains or already has obtained the appropriate condary License from this Commission, this Certificate does not authorize it to dertake business activities requiring a Secondary License from this Commission eh as, but not limited to acting as: broker or dealer in securities, government urities eligible dealer (GSED), investment adviser of an investment company, se-end or open-end investment company, investment house, transfer agent, cpenodityfinancal futures _exchange/broker/merchant, _ financing/lending campany and time shares/club shares/membership certificates issuers or selling jents thereof: nor to operate a fiat money to virtual currency exchange. Neither es this Certificate constitute as permit to undertake activities for which other }vernment agencies require a license or permit. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and caused the seal of this mmission to bpp gtfixed to this Certificate at Pasay City, Metro Manila, ilippines, this day of October, Twenty Nineteen. DANIELY. GABUYO Assisy4nt Director 1188 Series of 2018 08:22:27 AM Username: Julius Cruci Payment Asiggstfom ‘nnp://150,150.150.180/paymemt-assessment-forn/form?guid=62587, Loft rit y rr 4 Seeretariat Builk ) Roxas Boul iuiteteninicte s — IT ASSESSMENT FORM No. 20190606-1160989 JRESPONSIBILITY CENTER 019 RMD |BETUR, INC. DOING BUSS. UNDER THE NAME AND STYLE OF COINS.PH PASIG CITY NATURE OF COLLECTION ‘ACCOUNT CODE Peis maar oH eh Fo Php 1,040.00} JAmount in words: JONE THOUSAND FORTY PESOS AND 00/100 BLS -\v elon aa ‘neta a ety (cay tote nt ee snr Fa at (hewn pret st Oe Pan Or RLEAFERAOEAMEWE | scoarem | momar | tah Sumortownrs Ose Oo ke Sp | hen nt occ Unda few SS ah Zhang ster pr eer eg reason == SSSea | mtb | 0 Prone aera So see Aosta PTE = i Ga] Mier Fem Sanaa Craton Deanne mt ene oe 12-07 Time: 08:22:27 AM Username: Julius Crucillo 6/6/2019 11:19 AM oooh" quneuy 909 zecou AQ ONIGG INI wni3e 02-6 LEZ-ZOPE FUOUAR, HSVO a > ergherso snt[np :eweuzesn gagst. 3 Nua s ywnayy Woy 1990, {2G TW INNODDV TS0CRCAINIEW/IN wstuted yo paws aeududce ayy ALP sed IS LNAWAVd TIODNO PAYEPIPA aUIYIEW UAYAA 1d1aIad INOA S| SIy] O SSINVEENTS @ a snt{ne :eweuzesg 00° Of aaueey trae 6 ON100 INI uNl39 -20 PE PAYEPIJEA sUIYDeW UaYM JdiaraINOASISIUL © dis INaWAVd TIDINO B] ANYEGNY @ Jocrronss sntrng, :sueuzesy qunowy 300) 33S cezov Ag ONLOG_ONI wAlaa 02-6 Leg -ZO¥e quaukeg payepren auiyrew uaym ydjareu NA sisIy, © “quatukedyo apow ajeudascide axp a1 aseaid “> di1S LNAWAVd TIOINO MNVEGNVT & COVER SHEET for Application at COMPANY REGISTRATION AN! Nature of Appteation ‘Amended AOI Bl El TLR] [F Ly a FT | UNI] oO) Pap vier ey or ey. “Foret i ela 7 | | COMPANY INFORMATION oT mol Asiress Company's Taephone Numbers Company’ Facile Number/s CONTACT PERSON INFORMATION ume Contact Person kal acres Telephone Number/s Fees Number/s Ta Aa A ao ana Contact Person's AGSress ‘50I Atlanta Center 31 Annapolis St. Greenhills San Juan City “TS be Secon by CAVE Persona Dat. Date Signature Document I.D. Received by te corporate Filing and Records Division (CFRD) orwarced to: [7] ceperete| ana Partnership registration Division = ~~] Financia! Analysis and Audit Division Licensing Lit Compliange Monitoring Division . : 202B-12-07 Time: 08:22:27 AM Username: Julius Crucillo un ® name ancSive C Urities and « havo xchange 4a KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Commission a PHILIPPINES e wa The undersigned, all of legal age and Philippines, have this day voluntarily Ih4 agreed to form a stock corporation under the laws public ofthe Philippines: 2 THAT WE HEREBY CERTIFY @ ub FIRST: The name of this corporation shall be: BETUR, INC. Doing business under the name and style (as amended on February 25, 2015) SEGQND: That the purpose for which the Corporation is formed are: PRIMARY PURPOSE To act as a remittance agent (RA), which is the business of remitting, transferring or transmitting money on behalf of any another person and/or entity, and as a foreign ‘exchange dealer (FXD)/money changer (MC), which is @ business of buying andior selling of foreign currencies, in accordance with Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Circular No. 471 dated 24 January 2005. (as amended on July 24, 2015) SECONDARY PURPOSES 1] To engage in operation and maintain the business of marketing, branding, providing, istributing, developing, exporting, importing and otherwise dealing in wed design and mobile devices and to do other things necessary or convenient for carrying out into effect the foregoing purpose to engage in the business of linking clients to other intermediaries or the ultimate seller or buyer of Bitcoins, as the case may be: providing the ullimate seller the support needed to promote, sell, and make-available Bitcoins through contractual arrangement or purchase and resale of the item; (as amended on July 24, 208) 2| To purchase. acquire. own, use, hold, sell on wholesale and convey, exchange, lease, ‘morigage, take options to real properties such as lands, buildings, factories and wharehouses ‘and machineries, equipment and other personal properties as may be necessary or incidental to the conduct of the corporate business and to pay in cash, shares of its capital, debentures and other securities, a8 may be deemed expedient, for any business or properly acquired by the corporation; 3| To borrow or raise money from not more than 19 londare including ite shareholders necessary to meet the financial requirements of its business by the issuance of bonds, promissory notes, and other evidences of indebtedness, and to secure the repayment thereof by mortgage, ledge, deed of trust or lien upon the properties of the corporation or to issue pursuant to law shares of its capital stock, debentures and other evidences of indebtedness in payment for properties acquired by the corporation or for money borrowed in the prosecution of its lawful business: 4) To invest and deal with the money and properties of the corporation in such manner as may {from time to time be considered wise or expedient for the advancement of its interests and to Date: 202$-12-07 Time: 08:22:27 AM Username: Julius Crucillo péttios and goodwill of the corporation or any part un sdch terms as its shall see fir o accept; 2 * 5| To aid in any manner any corporatios a ie firm or individual, where any shares Cebentures, notes, a securities, evidences of indebiednesé, 60 Dy oF for this corporation, directly or indirectly ort P o @ 6 a ‘out agreement, reciprocal concession ion, with any corporation, association, Partnership, syndicate, entity, person or governmental, municipal or public authority, domestic a or foreign. in the carrying on of any business or transaction deemed necessary, convenient or a incidental to carrying out any of the purposes of this corporation: a a 7| To acquire or obtain from any government or authority, national, provincial, municipal or otherwise, or any corporation, company or partnership or person, such charter, contracts, franchise, privileges, exemption, licenses and concessions as may be conducive to any of the objects of the corporation; To estabiish and operate one or more branch offices or agencies and to carry on any or all its operations and business without any restrictions as to place or amount including the right to hold, purchase or otherwise acquire, lease, mortgage, pledge, and convey or otherwise deal in and with, real and personal property anywhere within the Philippines; 9| To guarantee, for and in behalf of the corporation, obligations of other corporations or entities in which it has lawful interest: 10. To conduct and transact any and all lawful activities, and to do or cause to be done any one (or more of the acts and things herein set forth ‘as its purposes, within or without the Philippines, and in any and all foreign counties, and to do everything necessary, desirable or incidental to the accomplishment of the purposes or the exercise of any one or more of the powers herein enumerated, or which shall at any time appear conducive to or expedient for the protection or benefit ofthis corporation Tul inci ished is at inionbank Plaza, Meralco Ave. cor. Onyx and Sapphire Sts, Ortigas Center, Pasig City, 1605 {as amended on 26 March 2019) FOURTH: That the term for which the corporation is to exist is fity (50) years from and after the date of incdrporation. FIFTH: That the names, nationalities, and residences of the incorporators are as follows: Name Nationality Residences Edgartio M. Cruz, sr. Filipino 6 Vigan Road, Philam Homes, Quezon City Joseph M. Faylon Filipino 17 Sarmiento St. Sarmiento village, TandangSora, Quezon City Genarp D. Reyes Filipino 19 Cucumber St, Valle Verde 5, Pasig city Jose Benedict Campos Ill Filipino 9 Banaba Circle, South Forbes, Makati city Gudmbndur Runar Petursson Icelandic 9 Banaba Circle, South Forbes, Makati city Date: 2024-12-07 Time: 08:22:27 AM Username: Julius Crucillo

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