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Clinical tools that measure sitting posture, seated postural control or

functional abilities in children with motor impairments: A systematic review

Article in Clinical Rehabilitation · July 2013

DOI: 10.1177/0269215513488122 · Source: PubMed


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2 authors:

Debra Field Roslyn Livingstone

Children's & Women's Health Centre of British Columbia University of British Columbia


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CRE271110.1177/0269215513488122Clinical RehabilitationField and Livingstone


Clinical Rehabilitation
Clinical tools that measure sitting 27(11) 994­–1004
© The Author(s) 2013

posture, seated postural control Reprints and permissions:
DOI: 10.1177/0269215513488122
or functional abilities in children

with motor impairments: a

systematic review

Debra Field1,2 and Roslyn Livingstone1

Objective: To identify and critically appraise clinical measurement tools used to assess sitting posture,
seated postural control or functional abilities for children with motor impairment who are candidates for
seating interventions.
Data sources: Searches were run in 15 electronic databases along with hand searching. The search
included articles published in English to December 2011.
Review methods: Key terms included: posture, sitting, sitting posture, seated posture, seated postural
control, sitting position, seating, wheelchair(s), outcome and assess(ment). The PRISMA statement was
followed with inclusion criteria set a priori. Two reviewers independently screened titles, reviewed
abstracts and identified full-text articles that met criteria. Data extraction included tool description and
clinical utility. Two quality-rating scales were used to evaluate conduct of the studies and psychometric
properties of the tools.
Results: Of the 497 titles found in the search, 29 full-text articles met the inclusion criteria and 19
tools were identified. Tools represented all components of the International Classification of Functioning,
Disability and Health for Children and Youth (ICF-CY), with emphasis on body structure and function and
activity components. Evidence supporting reliability and validity varied, with small sample sizes influencing
quality ratings. Evidence of the tools’ reliability was more prevalent than evidence of the tools’ validity.
Only four tools reported on responsiveness, an important consideration for evaluating change. Little
information on clinical utility was provided.
Conclusion: Although a number of tools are available, evidence supporting their use for seating
interventions is limited, as is the evidence supporting the strength of their measurement properties. Few
tools address participation, environmental factors or the child’s and family’s perspective.

Measurement, wheelchair, posture, child rehabilitation, systematic review
Received: 7 December 2012; accepted: 7 April 2013

1Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children, Canada Corresponding author:

2Graduate Programs in Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Debra Field, Therapy Department, Sunny Hill Health Centre
British, Columbia, Canada for Children, 3644 Slocan St., Vancouver, British Columbia,
V5M 3E8, Canada.
Field and Livingstone 995

Introduction measurement tools used in the studies.9,19,20 A sys-

tematic review summarizing the range of tools
Children with motor impairments such as cerebral available would be useful for clinicians with lim-
palsy, muscular dystrophy and spina bifida com- ited time and resources.10
monly have limited postural control abilities. We conducted a systematic review of the litera-
Specialized seating is a therapeutic intervention ture to identify and critically appraise the evi-
used to address the needs of individuals with lim- dence underlying measurement tools for assessing
ited postural control.1,2 Seating interventions, rang- sitting posture, seated postural control or func-
ing from simple to complex, may facilitate optimal tional abilities for children with motor impair-
health and maximize participation despite limited ments who are candidates for seating intervention.
postural control. Our clinical question was: ‘For children under 19
The International Classification of Functioning, years of age with motor impairments (who are
Disability and Health for Children and Youth candidates for seating intervention), what clinical
(ICF-CY)3 should be adopted when evaluating seat- measurement tools are used to assess sitting pos-
ing interventions in order that ‘clinicians, research- ture, seated postural control or functional abili-
ers, families, and policy makers may share a ties?’ Related questions were ‘What are the
common understanding of the functional role of psychometric properties of these measurement
seating devices in children’ (ref. 4, p.108). Costigan tools?’ and ‘What components of the ICF-CY3 do
and Light5 suggest that seating can be used to these tools address?’
enhance body structure and functioning as well as
activity and participation. Seating interventions
directed at the level of body structure and function-
ing impairments may, for example, enhance respi- Methods
ratory function, influence muscle tone or reflexes, Two reviewers with graduate-level research train-
reduce risk of, or accommodate for, anatomical ing in the field of rehabilitation conducted the
deformity or address skin interface pressure man- search. Health librarians experienced in systematic
agement.5–7 Seating directed at the level of activity review development assisted in planning and
limitations may be aimed at improving stability in recording the search, which was restricted to studies
sitting, safety and comfort, or enhancing fine motor published in English to December 2011 and
activity performance.4,8,9 Seating designed to foster included peer-reviewed articles from 15 electronic
engagement in life roles may reduce participation databases: OT Seeker; Physiotherapy Evidence
restrictions.5 Database (PEDro); Cochrane Central Register of
Although measurement tools assist in evaluat- Controlled Trials; Cochrane Database of Systematic
ing the effects of therapists’ interventions,10 a lack Reviews; Database of Abstracts of Reviews of
of appropriate clinical tools exists to address the Effects; ACP Journal Club; CINAHL; Medline
needs of individuals who have postural compensa- OVID SP; EMBASE; PsychInfo; ERIC; Google
tions affecting the entire body.7 A limited number Scholar; National Quality Measures Clearinghouse;
of tools capture information related to seated pos- Health and Psychosocial Instruments; and Health
tural control specific to seating interventions,11 Technology Assessment.
with most such measures developed for adults.12–14 A core set of key terms was identified based on
Well-developed tools assure confidence that the several eligible articles: posture, sitting, sitting pos-
tools measure what they are supposed to measure ture, seated posture, seated postural control, sitting
consistently, are responsive to change, and have position, seating, wheelchair(s), outcome and
clinical meaning interpretable by the user.12,15 assess(ment). Two types of searches were per-
Reviews on the effectiveness of seating interven- formed; the first used the terms as subject headings
tions have been published for children with differ- or medical subject heading (MeSH) descriptors, and
ent diagnoses,1,4,8,16–18 with few touching on the the second used the terms as keywords.
996 Clinical Rehabilitation 27(11)

Two reviewers independently screened titles, checklist22,23 and the McMaster Outcome Measures
and abstracts were retrieved for those appearing to Rating Form,24 referred to hereafter simply as the
meet criteria. Both reviewers independently McMaster Rating. The COSMIN checklist22,23 was
reviewed all abstracts to decide if the full text chosen to rate the overall methodological quality
should be obtained. The terms ‘screen’, ‘tool’, and conduct of individual studies, whereas the
‘instrument’, ‘measure’, ‘scale’ and ‘outcome’ were McMaster Rating24 provided ratings of reliability
used to identify studies where data had been cap- and validity results while emphasizing clinical util-
tured in a standardized manner. A manual search of ity of the measurement tools. The PRISMA state-
electronically retrieved bibliographies was com- ment25 was used to structure this systematic review.
pleted to identify other relevant peer-reviewed arti- The reviewers extracted data including evidence
cles. Targeted searching of authors and other known source, psychometric properties, conduct and rigour
titles that did not appear in the electronic search was of tool development. Evidence source information
also completed. The two reviewers independently included author, outcome measures, study design
reviewed full-text articles to determine if they met and population characteristics. Psychometric details
inclusion criteria. Consensus was achieved through of the measurement tools, the focus of this review,
discussion at all stages without need to involve a included evidence for reliability and validity, with a
third reviewer. particular emphasis on responsiveness. Clinical
Inclusion criteria were identified prior to the utility and response format of each tool were also
search to determine all relevant literature: (1) extracted. Because the reviewers conducting this
participant(s) had a motor impairment or movement review have been involved in the research develop-
disorder related to a neurological or neuromuscular ment and clinical use of two of the measures being
condition; (2) a seating system, seating compo- evaluated, the Seated Postural Control Measure26
nents, or wheelchair, and/or physical characteristics and the Level of Sitting Scale,26 an external reviewer
of the participants were described in enough detail independently completed ratings on these two mea-
to determine that they would typically use a seating sures to reduce potential for bias.
and mobility system (e.g. Gross Motor Function Tools were divided into three groups: those
Classification System21 levels III–V for children developed specifically to assess posture within a
with cerebral palsy); (3) a detailed description of seating system in order to assess the outcome of
the assessments used as outcomes in the evaluation seating interventions (seating tools); tools of sitting
of sitting posture or seated postural control, includ- posture or balance that have wider therapeutic
ing psychometric properties (reliability, validity, application (sitting balance and posture tools); and
responsiveness) and/or clinical utility; and (4) those designed to evaluate functional ability that
inclusion of at least one child or adolescent (0–19 may be impacted by seated postural control (func-
years of age). To capture a broad spectrum of litera- tional ability tools). Whenever only a portion of a
ture, a variety of research designs were included tool was relevant for our review, only that informa-
with no restrictions on measurement methods. tion is reported. For example, the Chailey Levels of
Exclusion criteria were: (1) non-English lan- Ability27 has several scales addressing lying, stand-
guage publications; (2) studies related specifically ing and sitting. Only the Box Sitting Ability Scale is
to adults; (3) studies related only to children who relevant to this review and we refer to it as the
were typically developing; (4) measurement method Chailey scale.27 The Seated Postural Control
not feasible for use in a typical rehabilitation clini- Measure26 has two different sections – Alignment
cal setting (e.g. X-ray, EMG, force-platform); and and Function28; reliability information is reported
(5) non-peer-reviewed articles, including disserta- separately. Similarly, the Sitting Assessment for
tions or conference proceedings. Children with Neurological Dysfunction29 has a
To assess study quality, we used both the subsection called Abnormal Postural Responses,
COnsensus-based Standards for the selection of and the Sitting Assessment Scale30,31 has a subsec-
health status Measurement INstruments (COSMIN) tion called Counting Pathological Movements; for
Field and Livingstone 997

Records identified through Additional records identified
database searching through other sources
(n = 600) (n = 121)

Record safter duplicates Records excluded,

removed (n = 497) based on title
(n = 318)

Records excluded,
Records screened based on abstract
(n = 179) (n = 139)

Full-text articles assessed Full-text articles excluded,


for eligibility with reasons

(n =48) (n = 19)

Studies included in
quantitative synthesis
(n =29)

[27studies; twopapers
described different
aspects of same study]

Figure 1. PRISMA 2009 flow diagram. Reproduced with kind permission from PLOS Medicine.25

these reliability information is reported separately. abstractsthat should be reviewed as full text was
For the Spinal Alignment and Range of Motion 98% (n = 47). From full-text review, 29 articles
Measure,32 only the alignment items are relevant for (60%) met the inclusion criteria, with 95% agree-
this review. ment between reviewers; 21 of these articles (72%)
were identified through manual searching.
Of the 19 articles that did not fully meet criteria,
three (16%) did not address the desired popula-
Results tion,33–35 three (16%) were descriptive or theoretical
Figure 1 illustrates the PRISMA flowchart,25 outlin- in focus,5,36,37 one (5%) was not feasible for use in
ing each step. Six hundred articles were identified clinical practice,38 one’s (5%) purpose related to
through electronic database searches, with another ADL performance,39 and finally 11 (58%) failed to
121 identified through manual searching. After de- include details of the psychometric properties of
duplication, there were 497 titles, with 48 articles their outcome measures.40–50
(10%) meeting inclusion criteria based on title and Table 1 (online) summarizes the evidence source
abstract. Agreement between reviewers on characteristics of each study, presented alphabetically,
998 Clinical Rehabilitation 27(11)

in which 29 articles representing 27 studies were Reliability using the COSMIN

included. Several studies reported on more than one checklist22,23
tool,26,28,54,56,57 while several articles reported on dif-
Most seating tools and six of the sitting balance and
ferent aspects of the same study.56,57,63,64 Of the 27
posture tools received poor ratings, due mainly to
studies, 11 (41%) were methodological with a focus
small sample size. The Level of Sitting Scale26,28,54
on tool development and evaluation of measurement
and Seated Postural Control Measure26,28,54 achieved
properties.26–29,32,51,54,55,70,76,79 The remaining 16 stud-
excellent,28 good54 and fair26 inter-rater reliability
ies (59%) were primarily intervention studies that
ratings, and good54 and fair26 test-retest reliability
used a measurement tool for evaluation and provided
ratings. The Trunk Control Measurement Scale55
some information on psychometric proper-
and Segmental Assessment of Trunk Control51,52
ties.30,31,51,53,56,57,58,59,61,63–66,69,71,73,74,78 Because our
achieved good and fair ratings respectively for inter-
review focused on evaluating the tools used and not
rater reliability. For the functional ability tools, most
the specific intervention outcomes of the study, read-
ratings were reported as they included numerous
ers are referred to other reviews of paediatric seating
sources.72,75 However, those functional ability tools
interventions for an evaluation of the quality of evi-
evaluated by the reviewers rated poor.53,59,60,66–68
dence provided in these intervention studies.1,7–9,16–20
Three reviews9,19,20 highlighted psychometric proper-
ties of tools used to evaluate seating interventions: the
Sitting Ability Scale,30 the Modified Schober
Reliability using the McMaster
Measurement of Spinal Extension (referred to simply Rating24
as Schober for the remainder of this article),61,62 and The Seated Postural Control Measure-Function26,28,54
Hulme’s assessment instrument.56,57 achieved an excellent overall inter-rater reliability rat-
Table 2 (online) summarizes the psychometric ing. Overall inter-rater reliability was adequate for the
details of the 19 measurement tools identified. Level of Sitting Scale,26,28,54 Sitting Assessment of
Evidence for reliability and validity are presented. Children with Neurological Dysfunction,29,58,69,70
Measurement tool ratings are summarized in Spinal Alignment and Range of Motion Measure,32,79
Table 3 (online) for reliability evidence and Table 4 Sitting Assessment Scale,30,31,65 Segmental Assessment
(online) for validity evidence. After independently of Trunk Control,51,52 Seated Postural Control Measure-
appraising the evidence, the initial agreement Alignment,26,28,54 Trunk Control Measurement Scale55
between reviewers was 87%. Consensus for all rat- and Trunk Impairment Scale.76,77 Overall intra-rater
ings (the COSMIN checklist22,23 for overall rating reliability (where original video-recordings are re-
of the conduct of each study and the two McMaster scored by the same rater) was adequate for the Sitting
Ratings24) was achieved through discussion. The Assessment Scale,30,31,65 Segmental Assessment of
two sections of the McMaster Rating24 included Trunk Control51,52 and Trunk Impairment Scale.76,77
both an individual study rating and an overall rating Test–retest reliability was more commonly reported for
based on the number of studies completed. For tools that require hands-on assessment and is more rel-
example, one or two studies with adequate or excel- evant for clinical use. Overall test–retest reliability rat-
lent evidence ratings would merit an overall rating ings were adequate for the Level of Sitting Scale,26,28,54
of adequate. For studies in which the statistical Sitting Assessment for Children with Neurological
results were not low enough to merit a poor rating Dysfunction,29,58,69,70 Spinal Alignment and Range of
on the McMaster Rating,24 we created a combined Motion Measure,32,79 Seated Postural Control Measure-
rating of ‘P/A’ to highlight our concerns about the Function26,54 and Trunk Control Measurement Scale,55
conduct of the study or the statistical methodology while the Schober,61,62 and Head Position Trainer59,60
used. There were several tools with evidence from were reported to have adequate test–retest reliability.
numerous sources; while evaluation of all these Evidence for reliability was reported in numerous stud-
sources was beyond the scope of this review, their ies88,89 for the Canadian Occupational Performance
psychometric properties were reported. Measure72 and the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability
Field and Livingstone 999

Inventory Caregiver Assistance Scale.75 The remaining overall ratings for responsiveness, content and con-
tools either did not present evidence for reliability, or struct validity were reported to be adequate to excel-
were rated poor to adequate, or poor. lent from numerous sources. The remaining tools
either did not present evidence for validity, or were
rated poor to adequate.
Validity using the COSMIN Table 5 (online) provides information related to
checklist22,23 test description and clinical utility in addition to the
The Level of Sitting Scale,26,28,54 Sitting Assessment associated ICF-CY3 component(s). Three tools
of Children with Neurological Dysfunction,29,58,69,70 were developed specifically for seating intervention
Spinal Alignment and Range of Motion Measure,32,79 studies: Hulme’s assessment,56,57 videography78 and
Segmental Assessment of Trunk Control,51,52 Seated direct selection of targets on a speech-generating
Postural Control Measure26,28,54 and Trunk Control device (referred to as Targeting on a speech-gener-
Measurement Scale55 achieved excellent ratings for ating device).53 Although little was done to evaluate
content validity, while the Chailey scale27 achieved psychometric properties, enough information was
a good rating. The Chailey scale,27 Spinal Alignment provided in the articles to meet our inclusion crite-
and Range of Motion Measure,32,79 and Segmental ria. Seven tools can be used within the seating sys-
Assessment of Trunk Control51,52 achieved fair rat- tem to measure outcome of seating interventions:
ings for hypothesis testing; the remaining tools force transducer and interface pressure measure-
rated poor, again mostly due to sample size. ment,63 Hulme’s assessment,56,57 Sitting Assessment
Evidence for responsiveness was provided only for for Children with Neurological Dysfunction,29,58,69,70
the Level of Sitting Scale26,28,54 and Seated Postural Sitting Assessment Scale,30,31,65 Seated Postural
Control Measure,26,28,54 with both achieving a fair Control Measure26,28,54 and videography.78 Seven
rating. Evidence for responsiveness was reported in additional tools quantify or classify sitting ability
numerous studies for the Canadian Occupational and generally involve sitting on a bench or box: the
Performance Measure72 and the Pediatric Evaluation Chailey scale,27 Level of Sitting Scale,26,28,54
of Disability Inventory Caregiver Assistance Schober,61,62 Spinal Alignment and Range of Motion
Scale.75 Measure,32,79 Segmental Assessment of Trunk
Control,51,52 Trunk Control Measurement Scale55
and Trunk Impairment Scale.76,77 Five tools evalu-
Validity using the McMaster Rating24 ate functional abilities that may be impacted by
Adequate overall content and construct validity rat- seated postural control: Canadian Occupational
ings were achieved by the Chailey scale,27 Sitting Performance Measure,72 Head Position Trainer,59,60
Assessment for Children with Neurological Jebsen–Taylor Hand Function Test,66–68 Pediatric
Dysfunction,29,58,69,70 Spinal Alignment and Range Evaluation of Disability Inventory Caregiver
of Motion Measure,32,79 Segmental Assessment of Assistance Scale75 and Targeting on a speech-gener-
Trunk Control,51,52 and Trunk Control Measurement ating device.53
Scale.55 The Jebsen–Taylor Hand Function Test66–68
achieved adequate overall construct validity66 and
reported adequate overall content validity,67,68 while
the Schober61,62 reported adequate overall ratings
for both. Evidence for responsiveness was provided In this systematic review, 19 measurement tools
for the Level of Sitting Scale26,28,54 and Seated were identified for evaluating sitting posture, seated
Postural Control Measure,26,28,54 with both achiev- postural control or functional abilities for children
ing adequate overall responsiveness ratings in addi- with motor impairments who are candidates for
tion to having adequate overall content validity. The seating intervention. There were no measures that
Canadian Occupational Performance Measure72 and met all criteria for instrument development,12,15 sug-
the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory75 gesting room for improvement in establishing
1000 Clinical Rehabilitation 27(11)

robust and appropriate measurement tools that child’s and/or parent’s perspective are limited. Most
reflect all components of health as determined by tools were fairly evenly distributed between body
the ICF-CY.3 structure and function and activity, in keeping with
Although some authors commented on clinical the evolution of theoretical frameworks used to sup-
usefulness26,61,64–66,78 there was little objective evi- port clinical practice over the years. Participation
dence. Most tools use items commonly found in clin- and environmental factors have more recently been
ical practice (e.g. tape measures, goniometers and acknowledged as important components to measure
toys). However, four tools (Segmental Assessment of when evaluating health status.12 The results of this
Trunk Control,51,52 Spinal Alignment and Range of review may assist in identifying tools aimed at spe-
Motion Measure,32,79 Trunk Control Measurement cific ICF-CY3 components to evaluate seating inter-
Scale55 and Trunk Impairment Scale76,77) have vention outcomes.
requirements that may limit their clinical utility. The Ryan4 discussed the need for tools with adequate
Trunk Impairment Scale76,77 and Trunk Control reliability and validity that are responsive to mean-
Measurement Scale55 are appropriate only for chil- ingful change specific to seating interventions.
dren in Gross Motor Function Classification System21 Although there are a number of tools available to
levels I–III, limiting use for children who require measure sitting posture, seated postural control and
external support to maintain a sitting position (typi- functional abilities, most do not fully meet the stan-
cally Gross Motor Function Classification System dards for a well-developed tool.12,15 The two rating
levels IV and V). This review highlights the need for scales used in this review22–24 focused on different
research on clinical utility of the tools, as this is perspectives of quality assessment, and together
essential for the adoption of outcome measurement they provided a comprehensive overview of the
tools in clinical practice.2 strengths and limitations of each tool. There is far
It is important that measurement tools represent more evidence supporting reliability for the identi-
the range of ICF-CY3 health components.4,12 This fied tools than for validity or responsiveness; this is
review confirmed that there are tools available to in keeping with standard test development proce-
evaluate the different components. All the seating dures15 and the growth of critical evaluation for this
tools address the ICF-CY components of body clinical specialty.12,86
structure and function and activity.3 Two of the sit- Evidence of inter-rater reliability was more prev-
ting balance and posture tools address body struc- alent in this review than test–retest reliability, with
ture and function: Schober,61,62 and Spinal even less evidence for intra-rater reliability. This is
Alignment Range of Motion Measure32,79; whereas understandable given that establishing test–retest
five tools address activity: the Chailey scale,27 Level reliability is challenging in this population due to
of Sitting Scale,26,28,54 Segmental Assessment of variability in posture and functional abilities.
Trunk Control,51,52 Trunk Control Measurement Evidence regarding face and content validity was
Scale55 and Trunk Impairment Scale.76,77 Within the provided for most tools while evidence for discrimi-
functional ability tools group, there was more varia- native validity and responsiveness was limited.
tion in ICF-CY3 components. The modified Given that validity standards encompass a broad
Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory75 range of evidence for construct validity,87 further
addresses environmental factors whereas the research is warranted.
Jebsen–Taylor Hand Function Test66–68 and The Canadian Occupational Performance
Targeting a speech-generating device53 address Measure,72 and Pediatric Evaluation of Disability
activity. The Head Position Trainer59,60 addresses Inventory75 are reported to have adequate to excel-
body structure and function and activity while the lent reliability, validity and responsiveness but it
Canadian Occupational Performance Measure72 was beyond the scope of this review to analyse all
addresses user-defined goals related to participation the studies published on these tools.88,89 The
and activity. Tools that evaluate participation or Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory75 was
environmental factors, or tools that capture the modified for use in the study included in this
Field and Livingstone 1001

review74; psychometric properties of the original funders4; priorities recognized by others in the
tool may not apply. Although work has been done field.2,7,11 Chung et al. stated ‘there is limited high
establishing the validity of the Canadian quality research available to determine the effective-
Occupational Performance Measure72 by parent/ ness of adaptive seating … studies with higher levels
caregiver proxy90–92 and by children with disabili- of evidence need to be conducted’ (ref. 1, p.14). This
ties,93,94 use of this tool for seating intervention out- must begin by using measurement tools that are of
comes is limited.71,74,95 Psychometric properties higher quality – a theme echoed by several authors
related to its use for this specific purpose have not over the years.4,9,19
been explored fully.
Some tools, such as force transducers and
interface pressure measurement devices,63 are
Clinical messages
commonly used in other therapeutic applications
or other technical fields. However, confirmation •• There are 19 tools available to measure
of the reliability, validity and responsiveness of sitting posture, seated postural control and
these tools for the specific purposes of seated functional abilities for children with motor
postural control evaluation would be helpful. impairments who may use seating inter-
More importantly, the psychometric properties ventions, but none meet all criteria for a
for the particular device models should have been well-developed measure.
included. •• Few tools address participation, environ-
Several limitations to this review could affect the mental factors, or the child’s and family’s
applicability of the results. First, there may be use- perspective.
ful tools published in non-English language jour-
nals that contribute to this topic but were not
included. Second, selective reporting within studies
DF initiated the idea, but both authors (DF and RL)
may have limited exposure to meaningful informa- designed the study, undertook the search, evaluated the
tion about tool development. Third, two tools were evidence and wrote the manuscript. DF is the guarantor.
reviewed by another reviewer to help minimize
bias. Finally, the long time span over which the
studies occurred was a challenge, as reporting stan-
dards have changed over the years. While some ear- Special thanks to Jackie Casey MSc, BSc (Hons) OT,
PgCHEP, Lecturer in Occupational Therapy, School of
lier studies were considered high quality for their
Health Sciences, University of Ulster, for agreeing to be an
time, study description and statistical methods used independent reviewer for the Seated Postural Control
no longer meet contemporary expectations, influ- Measure and Level of Sitting Scale quality assessments.
encing rating of individual studies and comparisons Acknowledgements to UBC and Sunny Hill Health Centre
across tools. for Children health science librarians for their assistance in
planning and carrying out the literature search; Susan R.
Harris, PhD, PT, Professor Emerita, UBC, for her editorial
expertise and Lori Roxborough MSc OT/PT, Associate
Conclusion Director, Therapy Department, Sunny Hill Health Centre
In this systematic review, a critical appraisal of 19 for Children, for her guidance, support and encourage-
measurement tools determined that no single tool ment. Recognition goes to our colleagues on the
Positioning and Mobility team at Sunny Hill Health Centre
met all criteria for instrument development.12,15
for Children who provided inspiration for this manuscript
Establishing credible measurement tools will ulti- from their discussions regarding evidence-based practice.
mately strengthen the evidence for seating interven-
tions, increase confidence in the results of future
studies and make findings more meaningful to cli- Conflict of interest
ents, their families, clinicians and equipment The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
1002 Clinical Rehabilitation 27(11)

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ness of physical therapy in enhancing postural control
in children with cerebral palsy. Neural Plast 2005; 12:
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