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PR-I-A1-I: AUGUST 2004


1. All the questions are compulsory.

2. Whenever values/data have not been given in the question papers, the examiner has to assume
the data.

Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 100

(80 marks for practical exercise + 20 marks fro viva voce)

SET-I (Batch –1)

Q1. A year is a leap year if it is divisible by 4 unless it is a century year (one that ends in 00) in
which case it has to be divisible by 400. Write a program in ‘C’ to read in a year and report
whether it is a leap year or not. [30]

Q2. Write and test an assembly language a program that puts the sum of the numbers at memory
locations labeled A, B, and C into register 11. [20]

Q3. Write a menu driven program in FoxPro, which should be able to calculate the interest and
amount for any loan amount, for any number of years and for any rate of interest. The menu
options given to the user should be either by simple interest method or by the compound interest

To calculate simple interest use the following formula

Simple interest= Capital * Number of years * Interest rate / 100

To calculate compound interest use the following formula

Compound Interest = Capital*(1 + (Interest rate / 100)) ^ Number of years

In this program, just after supplying the values of Capital amount, Interest rate and Number of
years, it should show the two choices. For choice 1, it should calculate interest and amount using
the simple interest method. For choice 2, it should calculate interest and amount using the
compound interest method.

Write a menu driven program in FoxPro, which should be able to calculate the interest and
amount for any loan amount, for any number of years and for any rate of interest. The menu
options given to the user should be either by simple interest method or by the compound interest
method. [30]
PR-I-A1-V: AUGUST 2004


1. All the questions are compulsory.

2. Whenever values/data have not been given in the question papers, the examiner has to assume
the data.

Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 100

(80 marks for practical exercise + 20 marks fro viva voce)

SET-V (Batch –5)

Q1. Write a C Program that Convert decimal number into binary number. eg. The number 70 in
decimal is expressed as 1000110 in binary. [30]

Q2. Write an assembly program that displays a message on the screen, waits for 5 seconds (create
a delay sec subroutine that your program calls), and then clears the message and exits. [20]

Q3. Create a database to manage performance of students in a college [30]

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