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Objective of the Course

Objective of the course is to familiarize students about hardware design including logic design,
basic structure and behavior of the various functional modules of the computer and how they
interact to provide the processing needs of the user.

This subject mainly focuses on the computer hardware and system software. It aims to describe
the following aspects:

• Building blocks of the computer

• Computer Design
• Assembly Language Programming

Outline of Course

S. No Topic Minimum No. of Hours

1 Digital Components 10
2 Data Representation 04
3 Register Transfer & Micro Operations 04
4 Basic Computer Organization 04
5 Central Processing Unit 08
6 Computer Arithmetic 06
7 Input-Output Organization 08
8 Memory Organization 08
9 Assembly Language Programming 08

Lectures = 60

Practicalsl/Tutorials = 60

Total = 120
Detailed Syllabus
1. Digital Components 10 hrs.

Overview of computer organization: Logic gates, Adders, Flip-flops (as 1 bit memory device),
Encoders, Decoders, Multiplexers, Registers, Shift Registers, Counters, RAM, ROM

2. Data Representation 4hrs.

Number system, Hexadecimal numbers, ASCII code, Two's complement, addition, subtraction,
overflow, Floating point representation

3. Register Transfer & Micro Operations 4hrs.

Bus and memory transfers, Three state Bus Buffers, Bi na ry ADD E R I Bina ry

Incrementer, Arithmetic circuit, logic and Shift Micro-operations, AlU

4. Basic Computer Organization 4hrs.

Instruction codes, Direct and indirect address, Timing and Control Signal generation, Instruction
Cycle, Memory Reference Instructions, Input Output instructions

5. Central Processing Unit 8 hrs.

General Register Organization, Memory Stack, One address and two address Instructions, Data
transfer, arithmetic, logical and shift instructions, Software and hardware interrupts (only brief
introduction), Arithmetic and Instruction Pipelines

6. Computer Arithmetic 6hrs.

Addition and Subtraction with signed magnitude data, Multiplication Algorithms Hardware
Algorithm and Booth Algorithm, Division Algorithm

7. Input-output Organization 8 hrs.

Asynchronous Data transfer - Handshaking, Asynchronous Serial Transfer, Interrupt Initiated I/O,
DMA transfer, Interfacing Peripherals with CPU (Introduction), Keyboard, Mouse, Printer,
Scanner, Network card,

8. Memory Organization 8hrs.

ROM, RAM, Hard Disk, CD-ROM, Cache Memory - Direct mapping scheme, Virtual Memory

9. Assembly Language Programming 8hrs.

Machine and Assembly Language, Turbo Assembler, Simple examples In Turbo Assembler.


1. M.M. Mano, "Computer System Architecture", Third Edition, 2000, Pearson Education


1. J.P. Hayes, "Computer Architecture & Organization", Third Edition, 1998, McGraw Hill

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