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CSE 5th MC Mid-1 Question Solved

❖ Write short note on the following:

➢ HLR in VLR: The Home Location Register (HLR) is a central database that
contains details of each mobile phone subscriber that is authorized to use the
GSM core network. The Visitor Location Register (VLR) is a temporary database
which stores information about subscribers that are currently within the
jurisdiction of the VLR. Each time a subscriber moves into a new area (controlled
by a new VLR), their information is transferred from the HLR to the new VLR.
➢ Mobile IP: Mobile IP is a communications protocol that is designed to allow
mobile device users to move from one network to another while maintaining a
permanent IP address.
➢ GSM System: The Global System for Mobile communications (GSM) is a
standard developed to describe protocols for second generation (2G) digital
cellular networks used by mobile phones.
❖ Write the differences between Infrastructure networks and Ad-hoc wireless

Infrastructure Networks and Ad-hoc Wireless Networks represent two different approaches to
organizing wireless communication. Here are their key differences:

❖ Network Structure:
➢ Infrastructure Networks: These have fixed and wired gateways (like routers or
access points). Devices connect to these gateways to access the network and
other services.
➢ Ad-hoc Wireless Networks: They do not have fixed infrastructure. Each device
(node) participates in the network equally and can communicate directly with
other nodes within range.
❖ Dependency:
➢ Infrastructure Networks: Devices depend on fixed access points for network
➢ Ad-hoc Wireless Networks: There is no dependency on a central coordinator;
nodes can join and leave the network at will.
❖ Range and Coverage:
➢ Infrastructure Networks: The range is typically limited by the location of access
points but can cover larger areas with multiple overlapping access points.
➢ Ad-hoc Wireless Networks: The range is limited to the wireless range of the
devices. However, nodes can act as repeaters to extend coverage.
❖ Mobility:
➢ Infrastructure Networks: Mobility is supported but can be limited by the location
of infrastructure.
➢ Ad-hoc Wireless Networks: They are more suitable for highly mobile
environments because the network can be formed and reformed dynamically as
nodes move.
❖ Setup and Maintenance:
➢ Infrastructure Networks: Require planning for the placement of access points
and are more expensive to set up and maintain.
➢ Ad-hoc Wireless Networks: Are easy to set up with minimal configuration and
can be deployed quickly in an ad-hoc manner.
❖ Use Cases:
➢ Infrastructure Networks: Common in home, office, and public Wi-Fi networks
where stable connectivity and internet access are required.
➢ Ad-hoc Wireless Networks: Useful in temporary setups like conferences,
disaster recovery, or battlefield communications where there is no infrastructure
or it has been compromised.
❖ Scalability:
➢ Infrastructure Networks: More scalable with a robust infrastructure to handle
many devices.
➢ Ad-hoc Wireless Networks: Scalability can be a challenge due to the need for
each node to participate in routing and management.
❖ Power Consumption:
➢ Infrastructure Networks: Devices typically consume less power as they only
need to maintain a connection with the access point.
➢ Ad-hoc Wireless Networks: Nodes may consume more power due to the need
for continuous active routing and network management tasks.
❖ Security:
➢ Infrastructure Networks: Easier to secure due to centralized control over
access points and network resources.
➢ Ad-hoc Wireless Networks: Can be more vulnerable to security threats since
each node must be trusted and the network lacks a central point of control.

❖ Design a wireless sensor network system (component-level) for smart farming.

Designing a wireless sensor network (WSN) system for smart farming involves various
components and technologies that work together to collect, transmit, and analyze data to
facilitate decision-making and automate farming operations. Here's a component-level
breakdown of such a system:

❖ Sensors:
➢ Soil Moisture Sensors: Measure the water content in the soil to inform irrigation
➢ Temperature and Humidity Sensors: Monitor the microclimate conditions
affecting crop health.
➢ pH Sensors: Check the soil pH level to ensure it is optimal for plant growth.
➢ Nutrient Sensors: Detect the concentration of essential nutrients in the soil.
➢ Light Sensors: Measure light intensity to optimize plant growth and determine
the best times for planting and harvesting.
❖ Actuators:
➢ Water Valves: Control irrigation based on data from soil moisture sensors.
➢ Ventilation Systems: Adjust airflow in greenhouses or indoor farms based on
temperature and humidity sensors.
➢ Feed Dispensers: Automate the distribution of nutrients or pesticides in
response to sensor data.
❖ Data Acquisition System:
➢ Microcontrollers: Act as the brain of the sensor nodes, processing the data from
sensors before sending it to the base station. Common microcontrollers used
include Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and ESP32.
➢ Transceivers: Enable wireless communication between the sensors/actuators
and the base station. Technologies like Zigbee, LoRa, and Bluetooth can be used
depending on range requirements.
❖ Communication Network:
➢ Mesh Network: Often used in WSNs for robust and flexible communication. If a
single node fails, the network can still function by rerouting messages.
➢ Gateways: Connect the local WSN to the internet or a private network, allowing
remote access and control.
❖ Base Station/Control Center:
➢ Data Aggregation: The base station collects data from various sensor nodes.
➢ Data Processing and Analysis: Utilizes software to analyze the collected data
and make decisions.
➢ User Interface (UI): Provides a dashboard for farmers to monitor conditions,
receive alerts, and control actuators.
❖ Power Supply:
➢ Batteries: Power the sensor nodes, often coupled with power-saving modes to
extend life.
➢ Solar Panels: Can provide a renewable energy source for sensors and actuators
in the field.
❖ Data Management and Analysis:
➢ Cloud Computing: For storage, processing, and analysis of large amounts of
data collected from the sensors.
➢ Machine Learning Algorithms: Can predict crop yields, detect diseases, or
suggest optimal planting patterns.
❖ Software and Applications:
➢ Farm Management Software: Integrates data from the WSN for record-keeping,
planning, and real-time decision-making.
➢ Mobile Apps: Allow farmers to access data, receive notifications, and control
systems remotely.
In the design of a WSN for smart farming, considerations must be made for the scalability of the
network, the energy consumption of the nodes, the range and reliability of the communication
protocols, and the user-friendliness of the software interfaces. Additionally, the system should
be designed to be rugged and weather-resistant to withstand outdoor farming conditions.

❖ What do you know about cluster and grid computing? Explain with necessary
➢ Cluster computing refers to a group of linked computers that work together as if
they are a single entity, mainly to improve performance and availability over that
of a single computer. Grid computing, on the other hand, is a distributed system
whats app where unused computing resources from multiple locations are connected to
solve large-scale problems. Diagrams would typically show the network structure
of clusters (often star or ring topology) and grids (usually a high-level overlay of
interconnected nodes).

❖ Write down the pitfalls of distributed computing over centralized computing.

Distributed computing involves a network of interconnected computers that work together to

perform tasks or services, while centralized computing relies on a single system or server for
processing and managing tasks. While distributed computing offers several advantages such as
scalability, fault tolerance, and resource sharing, it also comes with various pitfalls when
compared to centralized computing:

1. Complexity: Distributed systems are inherently more complex than centralized ones.
This complexity arises from the coordination, communication, and management of
multiple systems that are potentially geographically dispersed.

2. Consistency: Maintaining data consistency across multiple nodes is challenging in
distributed systems. Ensuring that all nodes have the same version of data requires
sophisticated synchronization mechanisms, which can be difficult to implement and
3. Latency: Communication between nodes in a distributed system can introduce latency,
especially if the nodes are geographically distant. This can affect the performance of
applications that require real-time data processing or fast response times.
4. Reliability: While distributed systems are designed to be fault-tolerant, the
interdependence between nodes can lead to cascading failures if not managed properly.
Ensuring high availability and reliability requires careful design and robust infrastructure.
5. Security: Distributed systems are potentially more vulnerable to security breaches as
there are more points of entry for malicious attacks. Securing a distributed system
requires comprehensive security protocols across all nodes and communication
6. Network Dependence: The performance of a distributed system is heavily reliant on the
network connecting its components. Network issues such as bandwidth limitations,
congestion, and outages can significantly impact system performance.
7. Resource Management: Allocating and managing resources efficiently across a
distributed system is complex. There needs to be a balance between workload
distribution and resource utilization to avoid bottlenecks and underutilized resources.
8. Cost: The initial setup and ongoing maintenance costs of distributed systems can be
higher due to the need for multiple servers, complex networking equipment, and
specialized software for managing the distributed architecture.
9. Troubleshooting and Maintenance: Diagnosing and fixing issues in a distributed
system can be more complicated than in a centralized one. Problems may arise from
multiple sources, and pinpointing the exact cause can require extensive monitoring and
10. Development and Testing: Developing applications for distributed systems often
requires additional considerations for concurrency, data distribution, and fault tolerance.
Testing such systems can also be more challenging due to the variability in deployment

While distributed computing has its drawbacks, many of these issues can be mitigated with
proper design, robust infrastructure, and the use of advanced technologies such as cloud
services, containerization, and automated orchestration tools.

❖ Write about pervasive computing (ubiquitous computing) with example. Mention

some security and privacy issues of mobile computing.

Pervasive computing, also known as ubiquitous computing, is the concept where computing is
made to appear everywhere and anywhere. In pervasive computing, the use of computers
becomes simultaneously available throughout the physical environment, yet so integrated with it
that it becomes an indistinguishable part of the everyday landscape. Pervasive computing
devices are network-connected and constantly available, enabling seamless and continuous
communications and transactions.

Example of Pervasive Computing: Smart homes are a classic example of pervasive

computing. In a smart home, various devices like thermostats, door locks, cameras, lights, and
appliances are interconnected and can be controlled remotely via smartphones or other
networked devices. They can also operate autonomously through user-set rules. For instance, a
smart thermostat can learn the homeowner's schedule and adjust the temperature to save
energy, or smart locks may allow for remote access to trusted individuals.

Security and Privacy Issues in Mobile Computing: The widespread adoption of mobile
computing has raised several security and privacy concerns:

1. Data Leakage: Mobile devices can store vast amounts of personal data. Unauthorized
access to this data can lead to leakage of sensitive information.
2. Unsecured Wi-Fi Networks: Using unsecured public Wi-Fi networks can expose users
to man-in-the-middle attacks, where an attacker intercepts communications between the
user's device and the network.
3. Phishing Attacks: Phishing via email, messages, or applications can trick users into
divulging personal information.
4. Malware: Smartphones are susceptible to malware that can be used to steal data, track
user activity, or even control the device remotely.
5. Physical Security: The portable nature of mobile devices makes them easy targets for
theft, leading to potential unauthorized access.
6. Location Tracking: Mobile devices with GPS capabilities can track user location, which
raises privacy concerns if such data is accessed without consent.
7. Poor Update Practices: Many devices do not receive timely software updates, leaving
known vulnerabilities unpatched.
8. IoT Security: In pervasive computing, the Internet of Things (IoT) devices often lack
robust security features, making them vulnerable to hacking and unauthorized access.

To mitigate these issues, it's important for users to employ strong passwords, use encryption,
keep their devices updated, be wary of unsolicited communications, and be mindful of the
permissions granted to applications and services. Additionally, developers and manufacturers
must prioritize building secure systems and providing regular updates to address vulnerabilities.


Pervasive computing, also known as ubiquitous computing, refers to the embedding of

computational capability into everyday objects to enable them to communicate and perform
useful tasks in a way that is designed to be unobtrusive. An example is smart home devices that
adjust the environment based on user preferences. Security and privacy issues in mobile
computing include vulnerabilities to unauthorized access, data interception, and data leakage,
as well as concerns over user tracking and profiling.

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