Present Perfect

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Goal Adjectives/Nouns

Realistic Goal List

It isn't a He finally achieved I made a list of all
realistic plan. his goals. my goals.

Plan* Progress Step

My plan has I check my progress My plan has
five steps. every week. five steps.
Planning Verbs

Achieve Improve Check

I have achieved His French has Check the things you
my goals. improved enormously. have completed.

Carry Out Reach Set

The hospital is I want to reach my I have set three
carrying out tests to goals. goals this year.
find out what's wrong
with her.
Present Perfect
have/has + past participle Already & Yet
Describes experiences in They mean “before now.”
unfinished time periods Already: Affirmative
(my life, today, this year…) Yet: Negative / Questions

I have adopted a cat. Have you adopted the cat yet?

I haven’t adopted a cat. Yes, I have already adopted the cat.
No, I haven't adopted the cat yet.
s + have/has + verb (pp) She has eaten her lunch.

s + haven’t/hasn’t + verb (pp) She hasn’t eaten her lunch.

have/has + s + verb (pp)? Has she eaten her lunch?
He - She - It has / hasn’t verb rest of the
I - You - We - They have / haven´t (past participle) sentence

They haven´t done their homework.

She hasn’t broken anything.

I have stolen your eraser.

Irregular Verbs
Infinitive P. Simple P. Participle
set set set
win won won
take took taken
eat ate eaten

1 2 3
Two Truths and a
“A Comic in
Irregular Verbs Lie in Present
Present Perfect”
Two Truths and a Lie

1 2 3
I have won a I have been
I have lived in
singing vegetarian for
competition. 10 years.
Sentence PP 1

Panel 1 Panel 4 “A Comic in

(Drawing) (Drawing) Present Perfect”

Sentence PP 3 Groups of 2 - 3
Panel 2 Panel 5
(Drawing) (Drawing)
6 Panels

3 - 4 Sentences in
Present Perfect
Panel 3 Panel 6
(Drawing) (Drawing)
2 Vocabulary Words
Sentence PP 2 Sentence PP 4
Book Reference
Language Log: 44 - 45
Vocabulary and Grammar: Activities: Pages 28 - 29
Worksheet 1 Worksheet 2

Worksheet 3 Worksheet 4

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