ET Adv Paper 1

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Swastik Classes

End Term Advanced-5 Paper-1 2024
Paper Code : A M.M.: 180
10,00 A.M. 1,.00 P.M. TIME:3.0 Hrs
Read the following Instruction very carefully before you procced.

1. The Test consists of 54 questions.

2, The duration of the test is 3 hours.
3. There are 3 parts in the test and each part bas 3 Sections (Section-1, II and
nobile phone,
4. No candidate is allowed to carry any textual malerial, printed or written, bils of papers, pager,
any elcctronic device, ctc., cxcept the Admit Card inside the examination
separately. Please fill your Paper
5. For answering a question, an ANSWER SHEET (OMR SHEET) is provided
Code, Roll No. and Group properly in the spacc given in the ANSWER SHEET
to the Invigilator on dutv in the
On completion of the test, the candidate must hand over the Answer Shect
Room Hall. However, the candidates are allowcd to take away this Test Booklet with them.

7. Do not fold or make any stray marks on the Answer Sheet.

FT Adv-5 P-1 2024

Swastik Classes

60 Marks
PART-1 (Physics)

(Sectio-1 Maximum Marks: 24)

This sccHon contains Eight questions.
0 to 99, both
The answer to cach question is a ONE OR TWO DIGIT INTEGER ranging from
For cach qucstion, darken the bubble corresponding to the correct option in the OMR.
For cach qucstion. marks will be awarded in one of the following categories:
Full Marks +3 If only the bubbleis) corrcsponding to each corect option, provided NO
incorrecI option is darkened
Zero Marks :0 in all oher cases.

Awooden disc of mass Mand radius R has a single loop of wire wound on is circumference. It is mounted
on a massless rod of length d. The ends of the rod are supported at iis ends so that the rod is horizontal and
disc is vertical. A uniform magnetic field B, exists in vertically upward direction, When a current Iis given
to the wire one cnd of the rod leaves the support. Find least value of (in A) [Take

M=2nkg. R =2m Bo =57, d - 30m, g =10 m/s)

dz di2

The circuit shown in the figure is uscd to ransfer enerLy Irom one cupacilor to another. Initially
capacitor of
capacitance C= C, is charged to a potential d1flercnce of Vo. Swilch S, is closed at time. 0. After some
time S, is opened and S is closed simultancously. At Limc (=T, S, was opencd and it was found that the

potential d1fference across capacitor of capacitance C,=was 3V. Find the snallest possitble value of
Lime T(in sec) The coil has inductance L. ASsume no resistance

|Take (,=F,LH|

FT Ady.5 P.I 2024
Swastik Classes

3 There are two tanks next to cach other having cross scctional arca A, and A,. They are interconnectcd by a
narrow pipc having arca of cross section cqual to A. Iniial height of water in the twoway
is h, and h
to the
measured from the level of the pipe. Assume that the flow is ideal and bchaves in
discharge in air. Calculate the time nceded for the water level in two tanks to become same

|Take: h, =30m, h, = 10m g =10n/s, A, = 3m. A, =6m, An =2m]

it is frec to roate in a vertical plane. A particle of

A thin rod of mass m and length / is hinged to a ceiling and rod. The value ofy, for
mass m, moving with spccd v strikes it as shown in the figure and gets stick with the

gt. What is the valuc of (r ) where x, y are

which the rod becomes horizontal after collision is

positive integers?


figure, with a velocity of translation of 6v, of its centre
A disc of radius R= 2m moves as shown in the
its centre of
2v The dislance (in m) of instantancous axis of rotation from
mass and an angular velocity of R

mass is

volmeter is 6k52. The voltmeter readgbe: (in
In the circuit shown in figure, the resistance of



FT Adv.5 P. 2024

Swastik Classes

Apart of circuit in a steady state along with the currents flowing in thec branches, valucs of resistancc ctc..
are shown in the figure Calculate thc encrgy storcd (in uJ) in the capacitor C=(0125 u/')

www Wwww
In the figure shown, a uniform magnctic field B|= 0.5 T is perpendicular to the planc of circuit.
The sl1ding
rod of length /=0.25 m moves uniformly with constant specd v=4ms If he resistance of thc slides is
242, then the current flowing through the
sliding rod is I. Find 100 |


(Sectio-l Maximum Marks: 24)

This secion contains SIX questions
Each question has FOUR options (A). (B), (C) and (D). ONE OR MORE THAN
of these four options is coriect.
" For each qucstion, darken the bubble corresponding Io the corrcci option in
the OMR.
For each question, marks will be awarded in onc of the following
Full Marks : +4 If only he bubble(s) corresponding lo cach
correct option, provided NO0
incorrect option is darkencd.
Partial Marks: +3 If all the fcur options are correct but only threc
optiou is chosen and it is a
corect option
Partial Marks: +2 If all the four options arc correct but only tWo option
is chosen und it is a
corrcct option
Partial Marks: +I If all the four options are corect but only one option is chosen and it is
Correct oplion
Zero Marks: 0 Ifnone of the options is chosen.
Negative Marks: -2 In all other cases.

A ET Adu.5 P. 2024
Swastik Classes

9. The figure shows a block of mass m placed on a smooth wedee of mass MCalculate the valuc of M'and tension
in the string, so that the block of mass m will move vertically downward with acceleration g (Take ms

M cot#
(A) The value ofM'is
M tan 0 (B) The value of Mis
(C) The value of tension in the string is Mg cot 0 PT The value of tension cot 0
minimum deviation o,, = A
refractive index 4, it is found that the angle of
10 For an isosceles prism of angle A and
Which of the following options is/are correct?
i, and the refracting angle r at the first
refracting surface are
(AY At minimum deviation, the incident angle

related by =(4/2)
Aare related as A =-cosE
(B For his prism, the refractive index and the angle of prism
is parallel to the base of thc prism
(Of For thc angle of incidence i, =A, the ray inside the prism
the angle of
For this prism, the cmcrgent ray at the second surface will be tangential to the surface when
incidence at the first surface is

i-sin sinA,/4cos--cosA
snring is
as shown. The block again comes to rest when the
The spring is compressed by a dislancc a and relcased
elongalcd by a disance h. During this:


(A) Work donc by the spring on the block

(B) Work done by the spring on the block =-ka'
(C) Cocflicient of friction= k{a -b)
(D) CocfMicicnt of friction

FT Ady.5 P.I 2024

smooth the the rmsB. part of
rod into along anglestatement.
thatat its
22.Fd the molecules 024
a 1s known ol and
on of tield lenguh P-I
field N'm correct (D)
spccd clectrIC Ad-5
is eleciric is
Ju d It of the choose
density spced
shown. thal
10 FT
space: casC x
then case 73
surface as probable is
massthe in in diagram
mass mass
in intoof
on table of of most
switchcd has tension tube.
unilorm centre centre PV submerged
it the on C= gravily nm
Swastik whcn along
about aboul proccss surlace =0.60
at to
andficldE rod x-axis molecules Rx= is due
cyclic mm mm. in R
À the ficld ficld R acceleration
density with n)
clectric of the the a =(280-105 0.25 25
spced of
undergocs to
chargc 90°) to to radius height
cose duc duc spccd cqual
uniform then 0(< water, S9.6
rod rod inside is
lincar x-axis, angle the thc gas =mcan adiabatic C
A is
surfacc h h=
and and
Then: to
A on Ideal B C (B)
along an
on wilh glassmeniscus
xy-planc. is acts
distanced acts from from
at A K.
monoatomic water
is torquc torquc at 280 gas gas for
is E
of in ficld field molccules
= by by the degree
capillary of
rod is a zero zerotable.
of A
at done done over zero
surface clectric1fclectric
travelled papcr.
of Temperature is
non non
moleof Work (B)Work protruding
of is R
whosc l has
A planeA spced
AA) B (C) HD) One
An it A
Swastik Classes

(Section-iII Maximum Marks: 12)

" This scction contains Four MatriN Mateh Type questions.
" Each qucstion has FOUR options (A), (B). (C) and (D). Only ONE of these four options is correct
For cach question, darken the bubble corresponding to the corrcct option in the OMR
For cach qucstion, marks will be awardcd in one of the following categories:
Full Marks +3 If only the bubble(s) corresponding to cach correct option, provided NO
incorrect option is darkened.
Zero Marks : 0 If none of thc bubblcs is darkcncd.
Negative Marks: -1 In all other cases.

x, given in Column I.
15. Thc graph in Column II represent a quantity y plotled as a function of another quantity
Maich the graph which best fits the relationship betwcen y and x.

Columa l Colums l

Pressure of one mole of an

A)Ideal gas at constant Valume of one P

Velocity ofa ball thrown Tume

down froma beight

Electric feld strength

between parallel plales with Distance
C between plates
constant potential difference
Current values on closing an
D)inductance. resistance. emf Time
source senes ctcu

oK AO. B-P. C-Q. D-R (D A-P, B-Q. C-S, D-R

(C) A-Q. B-P, C-R, D-R (D) A-Q, B-P, C-S, D-R

FT Adu-.5 P-I 2024

Swastik Classes

Consider a wire of length /, cross sectional arca A nd Young's modulus Y and match the given Iwo columns
Couma Column-I
If the wire is pulled at its ends by equal and opposite
forces ofmagnitude Fso thatit undergoes an Young's moulus of elasticity(), of
elongation x, accadingto Hooke's law, F=Kx, K the wire
depends on
Let the wire be suspended verticallv from a rigid
support and amasn is attacbed at its lower end, if
the mass is slightiy pulled andreleased, it (QElongation (r) of the wire
SHM Tíme period of osillation depends on() executes
If the thick infleable wire is fixed between two
(C) igd supports and its temperature is increased, (R) Lengh of the wire ()
thermal stress developed in the wire depends on
If the wire is stretched form length I to l+x. then
work done in stretching the wire depends on (S) Length of the wire ()
(A) A-PS, B-PR. C-P. D-PRS
17 For the transistor circuit shown below, if B 100, voltage drop betwcen
emitter and base is 0.7 V then vaiue ol
V will be

8.6 k).*

(A) 10 V (B) S V (C) 13V (Dr

18. Answer the following by appropriately match1ng the list based on the inlormalion given in the paragraph
A ball is projcctcd with a velocity 2042 m/s al an angle of 45 with the lhorizontal as shown in the figure and a
very large wall is also moving with a vclocity 10 ms horizontally maintaining its inclination 45° with the
horizontal and the initial separation is 40m as shown in the figure (Take tan '(2)= 63, tan 'u3) -|8° and

i 2042 m/s 10 ms 3


FT Adu.5 P-1 2024

Swastik Classes

Column-I Columa- dn SL. unit)

Tirme afer which the ball collides with the wall is (P
Magniuce of velocity of the ball after the colision is (Q)
Maximum height attalned the ball from the oround
(R 10410
After the collision, ball moves al an angle of (2.25 k)
(IV (S 40
with the incined wail as observed by the observer
whlch is fxed on the moving wal, then k is
(T) 20
If the collision bctween thc wall and the ball is perfectly clastic. Then which of the following is correc!!
(A) I-Q. I1-0,l1-P. IV-Q (B) -T, I|-P. III-0. IV-U
(C) 1-Q. 1-R, II|-U, IV-T (D) -T, I|-T, II|-0. IV-U
PART-l(Chemistry) 60 Marks

(Section- Maximum Marks: 24)

This section contains Eight questions. from 0 to 99. both
The answer t0 cach question is a ONE OR TWO DIGIT INTEGER ranging
For cach qucstion, darken the bubhle corresponding to the correct option in the OMR.
For cach question, marks will be awarded in onc of the following categories: NO
Full Marks : +3 If only the bubble(s) coresDonding to cach correct option, provided
incorrect option is darkened
Zero Marks 0 in all other cases.

molecules of oxygen
10 Twentv molecules of SO), will wcigh as much.
dE9 for a cell are 2V and
20 The standard clectrode potentiai E" and iis tempcrature dT

-Sx]0 VK at 300K respectively. The cell rcaction is:

Zn(s) +Cu (ag) Zn(aq) +Cu
kJmol is,
The standard rcaction enthalpy (4, H°) at 300K_
IUse R =8JK mol'and F=96,00Cmol'|

hydrogen. Whal is the volume of hydrogen

Aluminium reacts with sulfuric acid to form aluminium sullate and
5.4 gof alunjinium and 50.0 ml of 5.0M
yas in liters LL) produced at 300 K and 1.0 atm pressure, when
sulfurie ncid are combincd for the reaction?
(Use molar mass of aluninium as 27.0 gmol, R = 0.082 atm L. mol
Nearest inieger

FT Ady.5 P. 2024
Swastik Classes
dA| KIAPIB. The value
the rale law
complction and follows dt
BCD gocs to
The rcaction 2A

(B,]x 10 M
Set [Ag]x10°M 62.5
300 60
300 625
2 300
10 300

Total number of cdges in C-60 fullercne
hexachloroplatinate dV) is of
The EAN of PL in potassium 10M, respectively. Molar solubility
a solution is 1M and 1.8 x
Concentration of H,SO, mu Na,S0, in value of Yis
same solution is Xx 10-YM (expressed in scientific notation), The
PbS0, in the large and Ka2x
10-s. For H,SO4. K¡ is very
|Given: Solubility product of PbSO, (Ks) = 1.6 x
80%? [Report
when it has dissociated to thc extent of
Nearest intcger
density of mixturc of PCl, at 250°C
What is the vapour
nearest intcger|

(Section-Il Maximum Marks: 24)

This scction contains SIX questions.

Each question has FOUR options (A), (B),
of these four options is correct.
corresponding to the correct option in the OMR
For cach question, darken the bubble
of the following catcgories
For cach question, marks will be awardcd in one provided NO
Full Marks +4 If only the bubble(s) corresponding to cach corect option,
incorrect option is darkened.
is choscn and it is a
Partial Marks: +3 If all the four options are correct but only three option
correct option
is chosen and it is a
Partial Marks: +2 If all the four options arc corrcct but only two option
correct option
and it is a
Partial Marks: +1 If all the four options are correct but only onc option is chosen
correct oplion
Zero Marks: 0 If nonc of the options is chosen.
Negative Marks: -2 In all othcr cases.
For duatomic molecules. the correct statement(s) about the molecular orbitals formed by the overlap of two 2p..

orbitals s(are)
(A) a orbital has a total of two nodal planes.
B o' orbital has one node in the xz-plane containing the molecular axis.
norbital has one node in the plane which is perpendicular to the molecular axis and gocs throuh the
center of the molccule.
D n' orbital h¡s one uode in the xy-plane containng the molecular axis.
10 ET Ady.5 P-1 2024
Swastik Classes

Which of the following oxy anion(s) contain(s) at least one PO bond and at lcast onc
0-H bond
HP,0. (BY H,PO, (C H,PO, (D) H, PO,
0bond length in H,0, is X than the )- O bond length in F,0,. The 0- H bond length in H,0, is Ythan
that of the0-Fbond in F,0, Choose the correct option for Xand Yfrom those given below:
(A) X- longer, Y - shorter (B) X- shorter, Y- longer
(C) X- shorter, Y-shorter (D) X- longer, Y- longer
Which of the following can reduce decomposition of H,0, on cxposure to lighr?
(A) Alkali (B Urca (C) Glass containers (D) Dust
For reversible operation of the lead storage cell (given in following figure) at 298 Kand all species in the cell in
their standard statc.


Cell is designed to exchange

heat with surrounding to
prevent overheating or overcooling
Lead-storage celn

Select the correct statement(s) based on following data.

Haif cell renction E(volt)

PbO,(s) + SO,»(aq) +4H° (aq) + 2e ’ PbO,(s) + 2H,O() +1.7V

PbO.(s) +4H +2e ’ Pb (aq) +2H,0(0) +1.46V

Pb (aq)+ 2e ’ Pbis) 0.13V

PbSO,(s) + 2e ’Pb(s) + SO, (aq) -0.30V

Maximum clecrical work that can be extracted from the ccll during discharge is 386 kJ mol
(B) Concentration of H,SO, incrcases during cell discharge
(C) During discharging AS for cell reaction is negative
(D) Thickness of cathode & incrcases during cell discharge
12 Considering the reaction sequence given below, the correct statement(s) is(are)
1. Br., tcd phaspharvus
HC coo
2. I1,0


2. NaOI| ~cOOH
3. H0
Pcan be reduced to a primary alcohol using NaBH,.
(B) Treating Pwith conc, NH,OH solution followed by acidification given Q.
Treating0 with a solution of NaNO, in ag. HCI liberates N,.
(D) Pis morc acidic han CH,CH, COOH
FT Adv.5 P-I 2024
Swastik Classes

(Scction-I|| Maximum Marks: 12)

This section contans Four Matris MMatch TyDe guestions
Fach queston has FOUR options (A). (B). (C) and (D). Only ONE of these four options is correct
For cach qucstion. darken the bubble corresponding to the correct option in the OMR.
For cach question, marks will be awarded in one of the following categories:
Full Marks +3 If only the bubble(s) corresponding to cach correct option, provided NO
incorrect option is darkencd
Zero Marks: 0 If none of the bubblcs is darkencd
Neeative Marks: -1 In all other cases

33 Match the following Columns

ColumD-I Columa-I
(Nature of oxide product)
NH,NO, enty (P) Acidic &diamagnetic

(n) NH; +0, (Q)Acidic & paramameic

( (R) Neutal &paramameic
Cu + HNO.

(HNO, POa (S) Neutral &diamagneic

(Ay 1-P. II-Q, II|-R, IV-S (B) I-R, I|-S. III-P, IV-Q
rC) -S. I-0. I|-P. IV-R (D) -S, I|-R. II-Q. IV-P
34 Match the metals (Colunn ) with the coordination compound(s) / envme(s) (Column- I)
Column-1 Column - I1
Metals Coordination compound(s) Enzyme(s)
(a) Co 4}Wilkiasen cateyst
(b) Zn (i4Chlorophyl
(c) Rh. (iu) Vitamin B2
(d) Mg (iv) Carbonic anhydrase
(A) A- ii, B- ii: C- iv, D (B) A- iii; B iv; C- i: D
ueriv, B- ii:C -i, D-ii (D) A - i;B ii; C- iii: D -iv
Considering the reactions below, sclect the correct options

12 FT Ardv-5 P. 2024
Swastik Classes

Column -Mcompounds) Column - IKProduct(s) of reductive

(AY (o) OHC - CHO

(B (q) CH, - CHO

CH, -- CH, -CHO
(D) (s) HCHO

T0) OHC- CH, - CHO

(B) matches with (p.q) iB) (C matches with (q.s)

(C) (A)malcbcs with (p.s) (D) (D) matches with (g)

Answer thc following by appropriatcly matching the lists based on the information given in the paragraph
1° alcohol on oxidation by mild oxidising agent produces aldehyde while with strong oxid1singagent carboxylic acid
is obtaincd. On the other hand 2° alcohol with mild oxidising agent gives ketone 3° alcohol is reluctant to
oxidation by mild oxidising agents.
List-I (Reaction) L0st-]l (Beagents)

(1) (P) PCC, CH,CL,

(Q) KMn0, / H*

(R) Collin's Reagent

(S) Cu'300°C
T) TsCl + DMSO + NaHCO,
(U) Mn0, A
Incorrectly matched among the following is:
(B) II-P (C) IV-S (D) III-Q

FT Adv.5 P.I 2024
Swastik Classes

60 Marks
PART- (Mathematics)

(Section-I Masimum Marks: 24)

Th1s secton contains Eight questions.
from 0 to ), both
The answer lo cach question is a 0NE OR TWO DIGIT INTEGER ranging
For cach qucstion, darken the bubble corresponding to the correct option in the OMR.
For cach question, marks will be awarded in one of the following categories
Full Marks : +3 If only the bubble(s) coresponding to each correct option, provided NO
incorrect option is darkcned.
Zero Marks 0 in all other cases.

Let f(x)=x 3a +2 & g(z) be is inverse. If the area bounded by gíx), x-a0S and the ordinates x 2
and x = 6 is (where p &q arc coprimc), find value of pq-1

38 Let
1+2(3."C, +r. "c,)-2" (a.4 -p) where aßeN &f(x)-*'-2x -k'+|
Ifa. f lics between the roots of fx) =0, then find the smallest positive integral valuc of k
39 I the maximum valuc of Vr-7' -4x+20 -r' +9x' 16| is P, find the valuc of (P| (where | | denoes

If x, -t +(2-2') +3' +(2)|* )+..=nifn
is cven. find
then the value of lim f ) is (where v denotes the

fractional part of x)

Given sequence of numbers x,, x,. N¡o. . gos Which satisfy.

where X, +,+ Ms 2010 then

43 M2I where a.b.ceN., then find the least value of


44 r the sum of an infinite geometric scrics, whose first lern is the limit of the functlion
Lanx- sim
as A "Iand ths common ratio is the l1mu of function g(x)=
In'(1 rx)
0. is S then 7S is

ET Ady-5 P-I 2024

Swastik Classes

(Section-II Maximum Marks: 24)

This scction contains SIX questions.
Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and (D), ONE OR
of these lour options is coTect.
For cach question, darken the bubble corresponding to the correct
oplion in the OMR.
For cach question, marks will be awarded in one of the
following categories:
Full Marks : +4 If only thec bubble(s) coresponding to cach
correct option, provided NO
incorect option is darkened
Partial Marks: +3 II all the four options are correct but only three
option is chosen and il is a
correct option
Partial Marks: +2 If all the four gptions are corect but only two option is chosen and it is a
correct option
Partial Marks: +1 If all the four gptions are correet but only one option is chosen and it is a
corrcct option
Zero Marks: 0 If none of the options is choscn.
Negative Marks: -2 In all other cases.

45 if the line ax +by+ c=0 is normal to the curve xy=|

AY a>0,b>0 (B) a>0, b<0 (C) b0, a <0 (D) 4<0, b>0

|+-10x -1Sx<0

Ao. Let f(x) Sinx 0sx< then ) has

1+ cosx

(A) Jocal maxima at = (B) local minima at

(C) absolute maxima at x 0 (D) absolute maxima at x-"

Ir fa)= (l+|1-)dt, x>2 then

5x+l, xs2

A) r) is not continuous at x=2 (B) )is continuous but not differentiable at x=2
(C Rx) is differentiable cverywhere (D the righ1 derivative of f\x) at r= 2 does not Cxist

48 the solution/s of the equation 9cosxt cos' 2x+1 =6cos°xcos 2x +6cos'x-2cos2x isar
A, nel

(C) X = 171 cos (D)

SWC 15 ET Ady-5 P-I 2024

Swastik Classes


p where the symbols have their usual meanings, then fr) is divisible by

A n'+n+I (B) (n+1)! (C) n! (D) + 3n t|

The function y=f(x) satisfyingthc differential cquation -(sin x)- ycosx
-0 is such that, y 0
as then the slatement which is correct is:

(A lim f(x)=1
(B |fx)dx is less than

(C fa)dr is greater than unity r) is an odd function

(Section-IlI Maximum Marks: 12)

This section contains Four Matrix Match Type questions
Each question has FOUR options (A) (B), (C) and (D), Only ONE of these four options is correct.
For cach qucstion, darken the bubble corresponding to the correct option in the OMR.
" For each qucstion, marks will bc awarded in onc of the lollowing catcgorics
Full Marks +3 If only the bubblc{s) corresponding to cach correct option, provided NO
incorrect option is dark ened.
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the bubbles is darkened.
Negaive Marks: -1 In all other cascs

MaLeh the sequcnce a,, u, d whosc nuh term is given ou the left with properties of the Scquence on
the ih
Columa-I Coluun-I
P. Are in AP

ate o G,P

S. (IV) Isa contant scquence

() are in AGP
d , e ueither in A P nor a p

|bor H.P.

(AI P-L, O-1. R-IL S-L, II, 11, IV (B) P-V, Q-1, R-VI, S- 1
ET Adv.5 P. 2024

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