CP Romania Eficienta - Renovare nZEB A Scolii Liliesti Baicoi EN

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Second school to be rehabilitated to nZEB standards through the

"Romania Eficientă" program

"Romania Eficientă" announces that work is in full swing at the Liliești

Secondary School in Băicoi (Prahova county) to bring it up to the near-zero
energy building standard (nZEB). The investment amounts to
approximately 1.4 million euros and is the largest private investment for the
energy renovation of an educational unit in Romania.
Liliești Secondary School is the second school in Romania to go through
the "Romania Eficientă" program, carried out by the Energy Policy Group
(EPG) and financed by OMV Petrom. About 450 students study at this
Following the renovation, the building's total annual energy consumption for
heating will be reduced by more than 60%. Also, the school will benefit
from „green” electricity, obtained from its own sources. Completion of the
works is estimated for January 2023.
„Through România Eficientă, we want to show that energy can be used
responsibly and can contribute to increasing comfort and quality of life. The
education for responsible consumption of natural resources is essential for
a sustainable economic development”, says Christina Verchere, CEO of
OMV Petrom.
This is the second school rehabilitated through România Eficientă program.
This year, in April, the rehabilitation works were completed at ”Elie Radu”
Energetic Technological High School in Ploiești, the first school in Romania
renovated at nearly zero energy building standard through a private
investment. The modernization works for this project amounted to
approximately EUR 1 million.
„The experience gained through the pilot project in Ploiești will allow us to
optimize the planning and execution of the renovation works at the Liliești
secondary school in Băicoi”, says Radu Dudău director of the Energy
Policy Group and coordinator of the România Eficientă program. All the
schools selected in România Eficientă program will serve as models at the
national and regional level for renovation to nZEB standards.

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