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Advanced control strategies for HVAC&R

systems—An overview: Part II: Soft and fusion

D. Subbaram Naidu & Craig G. Rieger

To cite this article: D. Subbaram Naidu & Craig G. Rieger (2011) Advanced control strategies
for HVAC&R systems—An overview: Part II: Soft and fusion control, HVAC&R Research, 17:2,
144-158, DOI: 10.1080/10789669.2011.555650

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Advanced control strategies for HVAC&R systems—An
overview: Part II: Soft and fusion control
D. Subbaram Naidu1,∗ and Craig G. Rieger2
School of Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Idaho State University, 921 S.
8th Avenue, Stop 8060, Pocatello, ID, 83209-8060, USA
Idaho National Laboratory, P.O. Box 1625, Idaho Falls, ID 83415-3779, USA

Corresponding author e-mail:

A chronological overview of the advanced control strategies for HVAC&R is presented. The overview
focuses on hard-computing or control techniques, such as proportional-integral-derivative, optimal, non-
linear, adaptive, and robust; soft-computing or control techniques, such as neural networks, fuzzy logic,
genetic algorithms; and the fusion or hybrid of hard and soft control techniques. Part I focused on hard-
control strategies; Part II focuses on soft and fusion control and some future directions in HVA&R research.
This overview is not intended to be an exhaustive survey on this topic, and any omissions of other works is
purely unintentional.

Introduction In this second part of a two-part series, the fo-

cus is on soft-control techniques applied to the
In large commercial and residential buildings, HVAC&R field and the techniques using the syn-
energy management control systems (EMCS) play ergy of hard- and soft-control strategies. The article
a major role in maintaining good control of temper- concludes with some comments on future directions
ature, human comfort, and overall operational and for this field.
energy efficiency. In a typical situation, HVAC&R
systems provide a central air supply at a controlled
temperature and flow rate for heating or cooling a Soft computing or control (SC)
particular unit, zone, or entire building complex.
The two main requirements of any HVAC&R sys- Control techniques, in general, are categorized
tem are, first, to provide satisfactory indoor comfort into hard control and soft control. The hard-
(temperature and relative humidity) conditions to computing or control techniques use proportional-
the building housing both humans and equipment integral-derivative (PID), optimal, nonlinear, adap-
and, at the same time, minimize overall energy con- tive, and/or robust control. On the other hand, SC is
sumption. Another important requirement is to pre- an emerging field based on the application of neural
vent the spread of any chemical or biological species networks (NNs), fuzzy logic (FL), and genetic algo-
from any point where these species are released to rithms (GAs) and other evolutionary techniques to
the rest of the building. any field such as HVAC&R (see Jang et al. 1997;

Received May 27, 2010; accepted November 29, 2010

D. Subbaram Naidu, PhD, is Director and Professor. Craig G. Rieger, PhD, ICIS Distinctive Signature Lead.

HVAC&R Research, 17(2):144–158, 2011. Copyright 
C 2011 American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers,

ISSN: 1078-9669 print / 1938-5587 online
DOI: 10.1080/10789669.2011.555650

Tsoukalas and Uhrig 1997; Nguyen et al. 2003; Tet- the original input space for training with the idea of
tamanzi and Tomassini 2001; Karray and De Silva reducing the burden of the training phase of NNs.
2004; Konar 2005; Kasabov 2007; Sumathi et al. Robustness and stability issues relating to a vari-
2008). able airflow volume (VAV) system in HVAC&R was
studied by Song et al. (2003), who used the motor-
fan model to describe the dynamics of VAV system
NNs given by Zaheer-Uddin and Zheng (1994) in terms
of motor voltage, motor current, fan speed, airflow
NNs are engineering or mathematical represen- volume rate, and pressure rise. A normalized learn-
tations of biological neurons that relate input and ing algorithm is used to train an NN, and an adaptive
output actions and take the form of a massively dead-zone scheme was employed to provide adapt-
connected and parallel distributed network. These ability and robustness due to disturbance and un-
are also called artificial NNs (ANNs) to distinguish certain parameters in the model with stability and
them from the biological NNs. The NNs have long convergence proofing.
been recognized for the identification and control of For controlling the AHU in a typical HVAC&R
physical systems, especially when the system mod- system, Guo et al. (2007), instead of using typical
els are not analytically known fully (Hunt et al. 1992; PID controllers in both outer and inner loops, used
Poznyak et al. 2001). See Curtiss et al. (1994, 1996) an NN controller in the outer loop to make the whole
for a comparison of local (decentralized) and global system more adaptive and robust by training the
(centralized) control of an HVAC&R plant using multi-layer NN by a unique simultaneous perturba-
ANNs with that of PID controllers. To take care of tion stochastic approximation (SPSA) based train-
the nonlinearities of HVAC&R plants, a weighted ing algorithm, which provided a guaranteed stability
radial basis function (RBF) NN was used for con- of the overall control system.
trol of the plant (Hepworth and Dexter 1994), and
it was found that the performance of the plant was FL
better than with conventional PI controllers.
For an air-handling unit (AHU) with seven vari- FL is basically a methodology to represent hu-
ables (room temperature, room humidity, pressure man knowledge and reasoning in the form of mem-
behind supply air damper, supply air temperature, bership functions and rules to make useful inference
supply airflow rate, return airflow rate, and sup- actions for the modeling and control of uncertain
ply air moisture content) and five actuator vari- physical systems (see Zadeh 1965; Mamdani 1974;
ables (re-heater power output, humidifier output, Tagaki and Sugeno 1985; Abonyi 2003; Zhang and
supply air fan speed, chilled water flow rate, and Liu 2006).
supply air damper resistance), a NN-based system Problems, such as thermal regulation and main-
identifier and controller was designed by So et al. tenance of temperature set-point, in HVAC&R sys-
(1994) with 12 input layer nodes and 7 output layer tems were addressed using a FL controller (FLC)
nodes, which acted first as an identifier and then (Huang and Nelson 1994a, 1994bb; Arima et al.
as a controller with the control algorithm to mini- 1995; Lea et al. 1996). An interesting application
mize set-point error deviation and energy consump- of the use of FL for a thermal control system, re-
tion. To improve the operation of a multi-zone space ferred to as a thermal enclosure system (TES), and a
heating (MZSH) system in terms of disturbance re- commercial refrigerator/incubator module (CRIM)
jection and occupied/unoccupied set-point control, was developed by Lembeck (1992) and flown in a
an NN-based, decentralized controller (NNDC) was space shuttle flight in August 1992 to control the
designed by Saboksayr et al. (1995) to accomplish temperature in protein crystal growth experiments.
this task. The occupied (day) and unoccupied (night) The investigations in Dounis et al. (1996), Dounis
set-point controls refer to the overall energy demand and Manolakis (2001), and Dounis and Caraiscos
for buildings where the comfort of people is of im- (2007) basically focused on FLC applied to improve
portance without any reference to the equipment. the thermal comfort level and indoor air quality
In Chow and Teeter (1997) and Teeter and Chow (IAQ) in the buildings. A comparison of traditional
(1998), identification and control of a single-zone or conventional control techniques, such as ON-
thermal system were developed using a functional- OFF, PID, PI with dead-beat (PIdb), with the FLC
link NN, where the functional links mainly expand method was done in Dounis et al. (1996), showing
146 VOLUME 17, NUMBER 2, APRIL 2011

that the fuzzy and PIdb controllers were better than control (MMPC) using Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy
the PID or ON-OFF controllers. Two types of fuzzy models leading to linear time varying parameter
controllers—the Mamdani fuzzy controller (MFC) (LPV) controllers and testing with real process sim-
and the Gupta fuzzy controller (GFC)—were used ulations. A biologically motivated algorithm using a
in the comparison. modified version of brain emotional learning (BEL)
The IAQ index was chosen based on the carbon was proposed by Sheikholeslami et al. (2006) to a
dioxide concentration. In another work by Dounis multi-variable, nonlinear and nonminimum phase
and Manolakis (2001), by considering thermal com- HVAC control system to provide a robust and de-
fort as a fuzzy concept, using mathematical models sired performance. An intelligent coordinator for
for indoor temperature in terms of heat flux through the operation of a local PI-like FLC was proposed
the window, auxiliary heating, heat transfer due to in Dounis and Caraiscos (2007) to provide better
ventilation, heat transfer due to infiltration, and rel- working conditions based on three factors: thermal
ative humidity of indoor air; wall temperature in comfort, visual comfort (VC), and IAQ. Further,
terms of relative heat exchange, heat flow through the coordination has been achieved using two hier-
walls including conduction, and mean-radiant tem- archical subsystems—the master and slave agent. A
perature; thermal comfort index; and outdoor cli- fuzzy controller was designed by Chiou et al. (2009)
mate in terms of temperature, wind speed, and rela- for controlling the temperature of air-conditioners in
tive humidity, a simulator was developed using the a unitary system to realize energy savings and stable
Turbo-C programming language to test the FLC to operation.
regulate thermal comfort in terms of the predicted In a two-part investigation, the authors Zhang
mean vote (PMV) along with the development of and Zhang (2009) first developed a mathematical
general guidelines for the design of an FL system. model for a chiller with a screw compressor with
However, the problems associated with FLCs are both economized and non-economized modes with
that it is very difficult and time consuming to come a provision for automatic switching between the two
up with (or tune for optimization) the FLCs to get modes and validated the model with experiments
the right set of membership functions associated and simulations, and then two control algorithms
with the data base (DB) and the set of pre-defined based on PID and FL are compared in Zhang et
rule base; however, these FLCs are not optimized, al. (2009a) for electronic expansion valve (EXV)
especially if one has multiple objective functions, controlling the suction superheat, the compressor
such as minimizing energy consumption, maximiz- controlling the leaving water temperature and the
ing interior comfort, peak electrical load demand, sub EXV regulating the injection superheat showing
etc. Thus, there is a real need for bringing GAs with that the fuzzy controller providing higher reliability
a multi-objective feature to complement FLCs, as and better performance.
shown in Alcaláet al. (2003). Two advanced fuzzy tuning techniques—lateral
Without increasing thermal dissatisfaction of the and amplitude (LA) tuning—along with fuzzy rule
occupants (in an office building with many cubi- selection were used in Alcalá et al. (2009) to improve
cles) as measured by Fanger’s predicted percentage (optimize) the FLCs with application to the control
dissatisfied–PMV (PPD-PMV) (Fanger 1972), a dis- of HVAC systems.
tributed control system was designed to minimize A self-extracting rules fuzzy control (SERFC)
the energy consumption using an FL approximation strategy was proposed by Lu et al. (2010) for a multi-
approach with results that mimic the equivalent ob- variable, large time-delay, nonlinear hot water radi-
tained by gradient-based optimization techniques, ator system to maintain a stable temperature using
leading to high computational complexity (Ari et al. transfer function identification schemes and simu-
2005). The building model used had three types of lations results leading to satisfying performance.
zones: corner, perimeter, and interior offices, lead-
ing to three different types of fuzzy inference sys-
tems (FISs); four neighboring office temperatures GAs
along with their own desired temperatures were used
as inputs and the optimized temperature set-point as GAs are derivate-free optimization techniques
the output of the FIS. based on biological evolution theory involving
A two-level hierarchical structure was developed crossover and mutation and survival of the fittest
in He et al. (2005) for multiple-model predictive (Goldberg 1989; Gen and Cheng 1997; Haupt

and Haupt 1998), including optimization of multi- and a GA, optimal values for the variables were
objective functions (Deb 2001). obtained by Yan et al. (2008), resulting in a 7%
For a single-zone “all outside air” HVAC&R sys- reduction in energy consumption. For optimization
tem consisting of a regenerative heat exchanger, of HVAC systems, a robust evolutionary algorithm
cooling and heating coils, and supply fan, a con- (REA, different from the traditional GA) was devel-
trol scheme was designed by Wright et al. (2002) oped in Fong et al. (2008), where the method em-
to determine supply air temperature and flow rate to phasized both mutation and recombination, as well
realize three optimization criteria—operating cost as selection, and used a constraint-handling oper-
of HVAC&R, maximum thermal zone comfort, and ator instead of the penalty-based approach, which
“in-feasibility objective” (the aggregated value of successfully demonstrated through an application
constraint violations), using a multi-objective GA example claiming the capability of this REA for
(MOGA) (Van Velhhuizen and Lamont 1970). The handling different HVAC optimization problems
MOGA had the potential to find Pareto optimal solu- that possess multi-modal, multi-dimensional, non-
tions given in Engwerda (2005) for building design linear, continuous-discrete, and highly constrained
problems. characteristics. GA-based optimization was used in
For global optimization of an HVAC&R system Xu et al. (2009) for a model-based optimal ven-
characterized by mathematical models of various tilation control scheme for a multi-zone VAV air-
components and constraints, a modified GA was conditioning system with a cost function comprising
used with better performance compared to other tra- thermal comfort, IAQ, and total energy consump-
ditional control methods (Lu et al. 2005a, 2005b). tion.
In the first part by Lu et al. (2005a), for global op- An adaptive FLC (AFLC) to control a water valve
timization, the objective function to be minimized for a cooling coil in an AHU of an HVAC system
was formed as the sum of energy consumption of was developed by Navale and Nelson (2010) using
the cooling coil fans, chilled water pumps, chillers, GAs for fuzzy rule matrix and membership func-
condenser water pumps, and cooling tower fans un- tions along with experimental validation.
der the constraints due to physical limitations of the Using simplified linear models of major com-
components and the interaction between the compo- ponents along with recursive least squares (RLS)
nents and units. The resulting mixed-integer, con- on a simulated virtual system representing the cen-
straint, nonlinear optimization (MICNO) problem tral chiller plant in a super high-rise building, a
was transformed and simplified for solving using an supervisory and optimal control strategy for energy
adaptive neuro-FIS (ANFIS) (Jang et al. 1997; Kar- efficiency using system and subsystem level charac-
ray and De Silva 2004), which is basically a multi- teristics and interactions was developed in Ma and
layer network with the functions of fuzzification, Wang (2011) using GAs.
FIS, and defuzzification. The ANFIS had as inputs It was demonstrated that this strategy can save
mass flow rate of chilled water to each cooling coil about 0.73%–2.55% daily energy compared to the
and as output optimal set-point of the chilled water traditional settings method.
pump head. In the second part by Lu et al. (2005b),
the MICNO problem was solved using a modified Fusion of hard and soft controls
GA consisting of four parts: encoding, construc-
tion of fitness function, evolution, and termination. This study focuses on methods synergizing more
Compared to traditional methods, this investigation than one of the methods involving NNs, FL, and
showed substantial reduction in energy demand by GAs to capture the best features of the individual
the HVAC&R system. Also, see a closely related methods (Jang et al. 1997; Tsoukalas and Uhrig
work in Lu et al. (2005c). 1997; Nguyen et al. 2003; Karray and De Silva
Using GAs for a multi-objective optimization 2004; Konar 2005; Kasabov 2007; Sumathi et al.
problem involving supervisory control, the set- 2008). It further looks at the direction of develop-
points (such as supply air temperature and chilled ing an integrated structure by blending (see Ovaska
water supply temperature) were obtained by Nassif et al. 2002) SC techniques and conventional hard-
et al. (2005) to realize minimum energy use and control or computing (HC) techniques comprising
maximum comfort validated with a VAV system optimal control (Naidu 2003), model predictive con-
with high-load distributed multiple zones. Using trol (Camacho and Bordons 2004), robust control
an optimal control model, parameter identification, (Sinha 2007), reconfigurable control (Benı́tez-Pérez
148 VOLUME 17, NUMBER 2, APRIL 2011

and Garcı́a-Nocetti 2005; Isermann 2006), adaptive The fusion of GA and FL, resulting in the ge-
control (Úström and Wittenmark 1995), networked netic fuzzy optimization method, was investigated in
control (Wang and Liu 2008), and resilient con- Parameswaran et al. (2010) for a combined variable
trol systems (Mitchell and Mannan 2006; Amin and refrigerant volume (VRV) and VAV air-conditioning
Horowitz 2007; Hollnagel et al. 2008; Weiss 2010) system to address enhanced thermal comfort and
with specific applications to HVAC&R systems. The IAQ. The experimentation involving three distinct
integration of SC and HC methodologies, shown supply air temperature categories yielded daily en-
in Figure 1, has the following attractive features ergy savings of the order of 54% in summer and 61%
(see Ovaska et al. 2002; Tettamanzi and Tomassini in winter. Fusion among the soft control methods of
2001): NN, FL, and GA, resulting in a hybrid GA hierar-
chical adaptive network based FIS (GA-HANFIS),
was applied in Li and Su (2010) to predict the daily
1. The methodology based on SC can be used, in
air conditioning consumption for a hotel, where the
particular with FL, at upper levels of the overall
objective function in the GA is to minimize the co-
mission, where human involvement and decision
efficient of variation (CV) of predictions made by
making is of primary importance, whereas the
the HANFIS. It was further demonstrated that this
HC can be used at lower levels for accuracy,
fusion methodology gives a better performance than
precision, stability, and robustness.
that using NN alone.
2. In another situation using a hybrid scheme, an
A simple fuzzy PID (FPID) design strategy was
NN of the SC is used to supplement the control
proposed by Jantzen (1998) consisting of the fol-
provided by a linear, fixed-gain controller for a
lowing steps:
missile autopilot.
3. Further, the SC-based GA can be used for the
parameter tuning of a PID controller to achieve 1. tune a PID controller using Ziegler–Nichols (Z-
good performance and robustness for a wide N) method of Ziegler and Nichols (1942),
range of operating conditions. 2. replace the summation in PID control with an
4. SC and HC are potentially complementary equivalent linear fuzzy controller acting like a
methodologies. summation,
5. The fusion could solve problems that cannot be 3. transfer the PID gains to the linear FPID con-
solved satisfactorily by using either methodology troller,
alone. 4. make the linear FPID controller nonlinear by in-
6. Novel synergetic combinations of SC and HC troducing fuzzy rule base, and
lead to high performance, robust, autonomous, 5. fine- (hand-) tune the resulting FPID controller
and cost-effective missions. based on intuition and experience.

An NN for predicting the building electric de-

mand and GA-based supervisory control scheme
was developed in Gibson (1997) with application
to a high school in California. Automatic tuning of
PID controllers for HVAC&R systems was achieved
using an adaptive learning algorithm based on GAs
by Huang and Lam (1997) with performance indi-
cators as overshoot, settling time, and mean squared
error for evaluating controller performance using
the modular dynamic optimization software pack-
age HVACSIM+. A simple and practical hybrid
fuzzy sliding mode adaptive control method for
HVAC&R was presented in Ying-Guo et al. (1998),
and the superiority of the method was demonstrated
by comparing the results of fuzzy adaptive with a
simple PID and FPID methods. In an HVAC&R
Figure 1. Principle behind fusion of soft and hard computing. system, the supply air pressure is controlled by the

supply air fan driven by a variable-speed drive mod- the two limitations of requiring significant storage
eled as a second-order dynamics with dead time. space for fuzzy rules and the need for switching
Here, these methods are combined in such a fuzzy rules based on changes in outside temperature
way to retain the most attractive features of each in their earlier work (see Ari et al. 2005) to minimize
method. For example, one can use the GA to op- the energy consumption without increasing thermal
timize the weights of NNs and/or fuzzy rules and discomfort, the researchers modified their work in
membership functions; a hybrid synergy of FL and Ari et al. (2006) using FL and NNs to investigate
GA to optimally combine NNs is proposed in Choi the performance of FL approximation.
(2002). In order to optimize energy consumption Using a simple fuzzy rule base for errors between
and user comfort in an HVAC&R system, an inte- the set-point and output, and training the parameters
grated (hybrid) control architecture was designed by of an NN, an adaptive neuro-fuzzy (ANF) method
optimizing fuzzy controller parameters using GAs was developed by Jian and Wenjian (2000) to be
(see Pargfrieder and Jorgl 2002). In addition, a gen- used along with a secondary loop with a PID con-
eralized predictive controller (GPC) is used to iden- troller to regulate the supply air pressure, which was
tify the room model and designing an adaptive con- found to offer a better performance compared to a
troller. In Chow et al. (2002), a study was done pure PID controller alone.
based on integrating an NN (for modeling system An FPID controller was developed for a complex
characteristics) and a GA (for global optimization) chilling unit in the overall building energy manage-
for the optimal control of fuel and electricity in a ment system (BEMS) by Talebi-Daryani (2001) and
direct-fired absorption chiller system. was found to be superior to the distributed digi-
Using a third-order, nonlinear model composed tal controller (DDC). Here the chilling system sup-
of the thermal space temperature, the thermal space plies chilled water to the air-conditioning systems
humidity ratio and the supply air temperature and installed in different research labs and computer
as three state variables, the first two states as two rooms at the Max Plant Institute for Radio Astron-
output variables, and the volumetric airflow rate omy in Bonn. The investigation in Zaheer-Uddin and
and chilled water flow rate as two control (input) Zheng (2001) focused on determining room tem-
variables, a hybrid method was developed by Rah- perature set-point scheduling to minimize the total
mati et al. (2003) consisting of the traditional PID energy consumption and demand costs subject to
controller and an FPID controller, which showed the constraints (dynamics of the system, room tem-
that the hybrid method gave a more robust perfor- perature comfort range, heat exchanger temperature
mance. In Alcalá et al. (2003), GAs are used to range, and load limit), uncertainties (uncontrolled
tune intelligently the FLC to control an HVAC&R and thermal loads), and objective function. Here,
system satisfying the requirements of energy saving the dynamics of the system was predicted by using
and indoor comfort. On the other hand, weighted NNs, and the multi-stage stochastic optimization
linguistic fuzzy rules and the corresponding rules problem was solved using Lagrangian relaxation
selection were addressed using an evolutionary op- (LR; a decomposition and relaxation approach) and
timization technique, such as the GA, in Alcalá et a stochastic dynamic programming (SDP) approach.
al. (2005) based on the previous results for weighted Four examples were presented with two single-zone
fuzzy rules (Cho and Park 2000) the and use of GAs HVAC&R units focusing on load shutting function,
for selecting FL rules, as shown in Ishibuchi et al. computational efficiency, quality of the LR method,
(1995). Further, it is worth noting from Alcalá et al. and implementation to an industrial building.
(2005) that the testing of the control algorithms at Using the fuzzy-GA (FGA) technique, a method
a real test site under the generic embedded system was proposed in Lo et al. (2007) for automatic
(GENESYS) project was within the framework of fault detection (AFD) for an HVAC system verified
the JOULE-THERMIE program. by simulations. A model-based supervisory control
Using FL to characterize the PMV as in Fanger strategy was developed and customized, as shown
(1972) and ISO-1995 (1995) for assessing the ther- in Ma et al. (2008), for the currently existing high-
mal comfort conditions, the work by Calvino et al. rise commercial office building in Kowloon, Hong
(2004) developed a PID-based adaptive fuzzy con- Kong, for online control and operation of building
troller with an experimental application for a win- central cooling water systems using simplified mod-
tertime period in an office room belonging to the els for the chiller and two cooling towers (CTA and
University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy. Recognizing CTB) and the performance index to be minimized,
150 VOLUME 17, NUMBER 2, APRIL 2011

consisting of power consumption for chiller and the dynamics of the ventilation system are considered in
cooling towers. Here, a hybrid optimization tech- the control system design. The HVAC&R work per-
nique, called the performance map and exhaustive formed at Idaho State is summarized below (Rieger
search (PMES) based method, was developed to 2008).
seek (steady-state) optimal solutions and compared
with that searched by using GAs. It was found that 1. Advanced control methodologies and a result-
the developed strategy was more energy efficient ing hybrid controller was proposed and tested
and computationally cost effective, making it simple for differential pressure control of Department
and easy for implementation for online applications. of Energy (DOE) facilities, which was unique
A related work with a simple HVAC&R experi- compared to other HVAC&R control research
mental setup is shown (see Rieger 2008) in Figure applications in design and focus (see Rieger and
2. A graphical user interface or human machine Naidu 2005).
interface (HMI) was used to perform all experi- 2. The analytical solution to the Riccati equation for
ments as shown in Figure 3. As a major goal of this the linear quadratic regulator (LQR) nonsteady-
HVAC&R control system is to optimize the pres- state design was extended to the LQT design.
sure gradients and associated flows for the facility, This extension allowed the development of an au-
a linear quadratic tracker (LQT) method provides a tomated mechanism for finding a controller sys-
time-based approach to guiding facility interactions. tem of any order and tracking reference, which
However, LQT methods are susceptible to modeling was performed and tested using MATLAB©
and measurement errors, and therefore, the addi- (see Rieger and Naidu 2004, 2005).
tional use of soft-computing methods is proposed 3. An NN was proposed as a vehicle for the cap-
for implementation to account for errors and non- turing of LQT data in off-the-shelf control sys-
linearities. tems, providing a straightforward framework for
The resulting hybrid (soft and hard) controller de- implementation, as shown in Rieger and Naidu
sign provides a framework for supervisory control of (2005).
an HVAC&R system and shows that significant im- 4. A hybrid controller design using soft-computing
provements can be achieved when the overall plant and hard-computing techniques was proposed,

Figure 2. HVAC experimental setup supervisory control (Rieger 2008).


Figure 3. HVAC experimental setup supervisory control: graphical user interface (Rieger 2008).

tested, and implemented. The hybrid controller PID-fuzzy adaptive controller to an HVAC sys-
provides a pathway for allowing both faster per- tem showed improvement over the classical PID
formance and inclusion of temperature controls controller. A programmable logic controller (PLC)
in the differential pressure makeup of DOE fa- based PID controller with optimal tuning of the con-
cilities (see Rieger and Naidu 2005, 2008). troller parameters using fuzzy sets was designed by
Soyguder and Alli (2010) for controlling the two dif-
A T-S-based neuro-fuzzy network was used in ferent damper gap rates of an HVAC system leading
Huang and Dexter (2008) for nonlinear robust to a fuzzy adaptive control (FAC) method.
model-based predictive control (MPC) of the tem- A flexible software framework using GenOpt1
perature of an experimental AHU. along with a GA was developed in Coffey et al.
A review was conducted by Dounis and Carais- (2010) for model predictive control of a zone tem-
cos (2009) on the work on the state-of-the art intelli- perature ramping in an office space.
gent (neural, fuzzy, neuro-fuzzy, PI-fuzzy, adaptive GenOpt R is an optimization program for the
fuzzy PD and PID) and conventional (classical, op- minimization of a cost function that is evaluated by
timal, predictive and adaptive) control systems for an external simulation program, such as EnergyPlus,
improving the efficiency and indoor environment in TRNSYS, SPARK, IDA-ICE, or DOE-2
buildings with particular emphasis on multi-agent
control systems (MACS) with simulations using
TRNSYS/MATLAB software. Internet-based HVAC&R
For controlling the temperature and humidity of
an HVAC system using PID controllers, an intelli- Here the focus is on control methods related to
gent approach for modeling and the control of the the issues of fault-detection, reliability, Internet (cy-
system was achieved by Soyguder and Alli (2009b), ber) security, etc. In particular, the Internet-based
using ANFIS, leading, in particular, to a more ac- HVAC&R refers to the situation where the informa-
curate prediction of damper gap rate and faster and tion between the various elements, such as sensors
simplified solutions. A related work by Soyguder and actuators, is channeled via Internet and/or the
and Alli (2009a) on the application of self-tuning complete systems being networked using Internet.
152 VOLUME 17, NUMBER 2, APRIL 2011

Fault detection sequencing control using the fused measurement

involving the combination of two approaches: one
A two-part review on automated fault detection direct approach measurement using differential wa-
and diagnostics (FDD) along with prognostics was ter temperature and water flow and the other indi-
by Katipamula and Brambley (2005a, 2005b) was rect measurement of building cooling load based on
provided with specific applications to the HVAC&R chiller electrical power input. It was demonstrated
field. The first part of the review focuses on generic by a case study that the proposed framework ef-
FDD and prognostics, providing various meth- fectively eliminates measurement noises, outliers,
ods and their primary strengths and weaknesses, systematic errors, and model errors present in the
whereas the second part reviews research and spe- individual direct and indirect approaches.
cific applications to HVAC&R fields, such as refrig- An experimental system was constructed in Lin
erators, air conditioners and heat pumps, chillers, and Brogerg (2002) to investigate monitoring and
and AHUs. control of the proposed Internet-based HVAC&R
For modeling HVAC systems using measured systems consisting of the major modules: sensors
data, principle component analysis (PCA) was suc- and actuators, DB, data acquisition, processing and
cessfully demonstrated in Hao et al. (2005), which signal conditioning, input/output (I/O) links and de-
splits the measurement space into two subspaces of vices, network interface, common gateway interface
principle component subspace (PCS) and residual (CGI)-accessed control programs, and a Web server
subspace (RS), resulting in the recovery of faulty or using the transmission control protocol/Internet pro-
missed data to provide a reliable and optimal control tocol (TCP/IP) and Web technologies for achieving
structure for the HVAC system. the goals of combining the functions of control, pro-
A fault tolerant control method was presented by gramming, operator interface, data collection, anal-
Jin and Du (2006) to control the outdoor air ventila- ysis and management and provide real-time moni-
tion and AHU supply air temperature (which affect toring and control capability. It was found that the
IAQ and humidity) to satisfy the American Soci- proposed Internet-based scheme is flexible and scal-
ety of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning able, and easy integration of multi-vendor equip-
Engineers (ASHRAE) standard for VAV systems us- ment.
ing PCA, the joint angle method, and compensatory In a typical building automation and control
reconstruction for detection, isolation, and recon- system (BACS), shown in Novak and Gerstinger
struction of the fault with testing and evaluation. (2009), with services such as HVAC&R, lighting,
Using a sequencing strategy for AHUs based on and shading, the safety- and security-critical ser-
finite-state machine logic and a model-based fault vices (SSCS) are integrated with the building au-
detection system, a new integrated control and fault tomation technology with an SSCS package con-
detection system was described in Seem and House sisting of a fire alarm, access control, and standard
(2009) through simulations of 16 faults relating to HVAC&R service.
temperature sensor offset, stuck and leaking damper, In Zhang et al. (2009b), a personal digital assis-
and stuck and leaking valves with the ultimate goal tant (PDA) based intelligent building service system
of achieving AFD strategy. was developed to control HVAC&R components,
Using a dynamic model in state space form proposing that the system can be connected to the
(Talukdar and Patra 2010), stuck faults of the Ethernet network and communicate with PDAs or
damper vanes of the AHU were detected, isolated, computers using the BACnet protocol for the com-
and estimated, and the fault identification scheme munication process between a system server and
was implemented via an interactive multiple observe other connected smart devices.
method using the control distribution concept, thus As industrial control systems (ICS), such as
preventing the convergence of two faults at two dif- HVAC&R systems, are being continuously up-
ferent locations in the air volume box to the same graded with advanced communication capabilities
value. and networked to improve process efficiency, pro-
ductivity, regulatory compliance, and safety, there is
Reliability and Internet (cyber) security a real need for some kind of cyber security (different
from physical security and information technology
A general framework was presented by Huang [IT] security) to avoid any minor to catastrophic
et al. (2008) to enhance the reliability of the chilled damages to the whole ICS (Weiss 2010). This is

more critical in the wake of planned “Smart Grid” of membership functions and rules (FL) and
connection with the Internet of the electric grid and global nonderivative-based optimization (GAs).
all the devices and equipment that work with elec- In particular, it appears that the NN, although
tricity at home, office, and industry (see SMART- useful in cases where there is no mathematical
GRID 2008). model, suffers from the enormous time taken for
In summary, it is noted that fault detection and off-line training. On the other hand, fuzzy and
reliability and Internet security are closely related neuro-fuzzy techniques capable of tuning fuzzy
important topics for HVAC&R. Recognizing that a PI controllers are adequate for most HVAC appli-
fault is different from a disturbance, one can design a cations. GAs are attractive for optimization pur-
controller that can accommodate or is tolerant of the poses without involving the mathematical theory,
fault. If a fault-tolerant or faculty-accommodation such as calculus or calculus of variations; how-
controller is no longer able to manage the system ever,they are not always suitable for real-time
under these faulty conditions, the supervisory-level HVAC applications. See Dounis and Caraiscos
control design switches to a new control configura- (2009) for further views on this topic.
tion, leading to reconfiguration control (Blanke et 3. The major contribution of this overview is to
al. 2006). Internet (cyber) attack and security are identify the application of the technique fusion
important issues for infrastructure facilities, such as of hard and soft control to the HVAC&R field,
HVAC&R, and there is urgent need to probe further where the best features of hard and soft control
to identify, isolate, and eliminate these attacks. techniques are captured.

Conclusions and future directions

Conclusions Future directions
In this article, an overview of a topical survey Some of the areas identified for future investiga-
on the control strategies for HVAC&R systems was tions in the area of HVAC&R are (see Sane et al.
presented. In particular, this overview focused on 2006):

1. hard-control techniques, such as PID, optimal,

robust and adaptive;
2. soft-control techniques, such as NNs, FL, and 1. More accurate, physics-based dynamic (both
GAs; lumped- and distributed-parameter) models for
3. the fusion of hard- and soft-control techniques; both existing and future building systems.
and 2. Advanced algorithms for optimal, model predic-
4. a brief description of HVAC&R experimental tive, robust, reconfigurable, adaptive, networked,
setup at Idaho State University. and resilient control systems with industry-
standard embedded platforms for the integrated
The major outputs of the overview in terms of building systems.
contributions of the hard- and soft-control tech- 3. Advanced algorithms based on soft computing
niques to the HVAC&R field are summarized be- techniques, including NNs, FL, genetic logic,
low. genetic programming, swarm intelligence, prob-
abilistic reasoning, and others.
1. The main applications to the HVAC&R field 4. More sophisticated HVAC&R software pack-
come from hard-control techniques, such as PID, ages for modeling, analysis, design, develop-
optimal, and adaptive. However, the optimal con- ment, testing, and validation with capabilities of
trol method, due to its attractive features of en- modularity and integration with Internet connec-
ergy saving and thermal comfort, dominated the tivity.
applications to the field. 5. All the research and development work stated
2. On the other hand, the application of soft-control above needs to focus on the critical issues of
techniques to the HVAC&R field has accelerated thermal comfort for both people and equipment,
in the recent years due to their attractive features energy usage, feasibility, compliance with indus-
of nonlinear identification and control (NNs), try standardization, physical and cyber security,
human knowledge, and reasoning in the form and cost.
154 VOLUME 17, NUMBER 2, APRIL 2011

Nomenclature LPV = linear time varying parameter

LQR = linear quadratic regulator
AFD = automatic fault detection LQT = linear quadratic tracker
AFLC = adaptive fuzzy logic controller LR = Lagrangian relaxation
AHU = air-handling unit MACS = multi-agent control systems
ANF = adaptive neuro-fuzzy MFC = Mamdani fuzzy controller
ANFIS = adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference MICNO = mixed-integer, constraint, nonlin-
system ear optimization
ANN = artificial neural network MMPC = multiple-model predictive control
ASHRAE = American Society of Heating, Re- MOGA = multi-objective genetic algorithm
frigerating and Air-Conditioning MPC = model-based predictive control
Engineers MZSH = multi-zone space heating
BACS = building automation and control NLP = nonlinear programming
systems NN = neural network
BEL = brain emotional learning NNDC = neural network based, decentral-
BEMS = building energy management sys- ized controller
tem PCA = principle component analysis
CGI = common gateway interface PCS = principle component subspace
CRIM = commercial refrigerator/incubator PDA = personal digital assistant
module PID = proportional-integral-derivative
CV = coefficient of variation PIdb = proportion integral with dead-beat
DB = data base PLC = programmable logic controller
DDC = distributed digital controller PMES = performance map and exhaustive
DOE = Department of Energy search
EMCS = energy management control sys- PMV = predicted mean vote
tems PPD = predicted percentage dissatisfied
EXV = electronic expansion valve RBF = radial basis function
FAC = fuzzy adaptive control REA = robust evolutionary algorithm
FDD = fault detection and diagnostics RLS = recursive least squares
FGA = fuzzy genetic algorithm RS = residual subspace
FIS = fuzzy inference system SC = soft computing or control
FL = fuzzy logic SDP = stochastic dynamic programming
FLC = fuzzy logic controller (or fuzzy SERFC = self-extracting rules fuzzy control
logic control) SPSA = simultaneous perturbation
FPID = fuzzy proportional-integral- stochastic approximation
derivative SSCS = safety- and security-critical ser-
GA = genetic algorithms vices
GA-HANFIS = genetic algorithm hierarchical TCP/IP = transmission control proto-
adaptive network based fuzzy in- col/Internet protocol
ference system TES = thermal enclosure system
GENESYS = generic embedded system T-S = Takagi-Sugeno
GFC = Gupta fuzzy controller VAV = variable airflow volume
GPC = generalized predictive controller VC = visual comfort
GUI = Graphical User Interface VRV = variable refrigerant volume
HANFIS = hierarchical adaptive network Z-N = Ziegler-Nichols
based fuzzy inference system
HC = hard computing or control
I/O = input/output
IAQ = indoor air quality
ICS = industrial control systems References
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