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9 fun interview questions to get to know candidates

Use some of the following interesting interview questions to learn more about your

Is there a job you never want to do?

This open-ended question allows you to evaluate the type of work a candidate doesn’t
enjoy. When you assign responsibilities that employees want to complete, their
motivation and productivity increases. If they mention tasks and jobs that don’t
relate to the open job, it’s a good sign that they will be a good fit.
It’s acceptable for applicants to answer with a certain job as long as they give a
thoughtful explanation as to why they wouldn’t want the job. For example, a store
manager could answer that they don’t want to take a cashier position since they want
to learn new skills and advance in their career.

What’s one skill you wish you could learn?

This question helps you determine the candidate’s willingness to learn and better
themselves. Listen for responses that include preferred skills for the job, which
shows the interviewee’s willingness to train and learn more to excel within the role.
For example, a programmer could explain that they want to learn AngularJS to build
web apps more efficiently.

What do you like to build or create?

With this question, you can see how creative an applicant is and what they like to do
in their spare time. Expect a wide range of responses from this question, though a
good answer should explain why they like it. Candidates should also try to explain
how their interests can relate back to the job to show value. A candidate for a
marketing job could explain that they built a personal blog from scratch to
experiment with SEO.

Explain the internet to someone from the 1800s.

Ask this question if you want to evaluate a candidate’s problem-solving skills. It also
shows their ability to explain complex topics in simple terms, which is useful in many
positions, like customer service representatives and business analysts. Look for an
answer that breaks down the internet into concepts that are easy to understand. Ask
follow-up questions to see if they can elaborate further.

How many ping pong balls fit in the fuselage of a 747 airplane?
This is an excellent question for engineering and technology positions. You shouldn’t
expect an exact answer to this fun question. Instead, evaluate how the candidate
approaches the problem to determine if they can think critically. Have them explain
their thought process out loud or on a piece of paper as they work through the
question. Even if the answer is wrong, it’s important that the interviewee attempts a
logical response instead of replying with something like, "I don’t know."
Related:10 Recruiting Strategies for Hiring Great Employees
When was the last time you solved a puzzle?
The candidate will need to think critically about this question since it could have
several meanings, from solving jigsaw puzzles to workplace challenges. Candidates
who give answers about solving puzzles in their free time show that they enjoy
problem-solving and keeping their minds active. Those who relate their answer to a
workplace obstacle suggests that they want to excel in their careers. Look for answers
that fit the role and your workplace culture.

You need to give an hour-long lecture with no preparation. What topic do

you choose?
Since candidates can choose any topic, this question should give you a good idea of
their personality and interests.Candidates should give a detailed response that
explains the topic and why they chose it. If you have time, ask them to give a brief
outline of how they would structure the lecture to see how they organize their work.

Who was your role model as a child?

This is a fun question that can make a candidate feel more at ease, but it can also give
you insight into core values. For example, if an interviewee’s role model was an
athlete, their values could include determination and courage. A scientist or inventor
as a role model could show innovation and creativity. See if these values will translate
to the role and your business’s mission.

What’s your dream job?

Having an ideal job shows what a candidate’s career path is and how it relates to your
business. Look for candidates that have career aspirations that align with what your
company offers to ensure they can stay with you long term. For example, a candidate
interviewing for a human resources coordinator position could want to be a human
resources director. If you have this role or a similar one at your company, the
candidate could work with you for several years to reach their career goals.
When you compile your list of interview questions, add a few unique or fun questions
to start a conversation with the candidate. Instead of starting with the basic "Tell me
about yourself" question, try one that makes the interviewee excited to talk to you.
Depending on how much time you scheduled for the interview, you should only use
one to three unique or fun questions so you have enough time to focus ontheir
qualifications and skills.

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