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Life Distreibution

Life distributions, also known as probability distributions of lifetimes or survival

distributions, are a fundamental concept in statistics, reliability engineering, and actuarial
science. They describe the likelihood of an event occurring at different points in time, such as
the time until a machine fails, the lifespan of a product, or the survival time of individuals in
a population.

Some common types of life distributions include:

1. Exponential Distribution: This is often used to model the time between events in a
Poisson process, where events occur at a constant rate. It has a constant hazard rate,
meaning that the probability of the event happening in the next time unit is the same,
regardless of how much time has already passed.
2. Weibull Distribution: The Weibull distribution is a flexible distribution often used in
reliability analysis. It can model systems with different failure rates over time. It
includes the exponential distribution as a special case.
3. Log-Normal Distribution: This distribution is used when the logarithm of the
variable follows a normal distribution. It is often applied to model lifetimes of
products or components that are influenced by many factors.
4. Gompertz Distribution: The Gompertz distribution is commonly used in actuarial
science and demography to model human mortality rates. It assumes that the hazard
rate increases exponentially with age.
5. Gamma Distribution: The gamma distribution is a versatile distribution that can
model the time until a specified number of events occur, given a constant rate of
6. Log-Logistic Distribution: This distribution is often used for modeling survival data,
especially when there's an S-shaped hazard function, which implies changing hazard
rates over time.
7. Pareto Distribution: The Pareto distribution is often used to describe phenomena
where a small number of items account for the majority of the effect. It's used in
various fields, including economics and reliability engineering.

Alfred will do

I will write the first Page 1-6. 6pages

1. Life distribution introduction

2. Exponential Distribution and Weibul Distribution

Neelish will do

1. Weibull Distribution and Log- Normal Distribution. 7- 12 pages. 6pages

Neerash will do 13-18 pages 6pages

1. Gamma distribution and Log-logistic Distribution

2. Pareto Distributions

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