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Section: UP-FC1-BSEDEN2-01
Subject: ENG 149
Constantino’s The Miseducation of Filipino (Pg. 10-14)

In The Miseducation of Filipino by Prof. Renato Constantino, pages 10 to 14 focuses

on the topics of The Language Problem, Barrier to Democracy, Impediments to Thought, and
The Private Sector. The Miseducation of Filipino talks about the English language as a
medium of instruction to suppress Filipinos to their self-actualization. Self-actualization is
basically the stage of reaching your full potential, and Constantino says that using the English
language as a medium of instruction suppresses us from reaching our self-actualization.
Let us analyze the points given by each topic from pages 10 to 14. We will start with
“The Language Problem”. It is pointed out that our native language, Filipino is unfortunately
given up to second grade only. How is it unfortunate? I agree that it is unfortunate that
Filipino, our native language is second to the English language when it comes to being used
as a medium of instruction. Because using our native language as the medium of instruction
would show better results in learning like in the cases of trying to make students understand
the topic being discussed. Having said that though, using the English language does have its
own benefits. English is the universal language. Having that title to itself shows how much
power this language has. By being proficient with the English language; You can converse
with a lot of people globally or improve your communication skills, explore the world with
confidence, and increase your cognitive ability. Next is the “Barrier to Democracy”. I do
agree with the points made in this section. Especially about the fact that English has become a
status symbol. When a politician speaks or announces something in English, it’s like the
masses would react well to it. Just because of how the English language has this effect on
people. Because usually, the masses think that the native tongues are inferior to anyone who
is decent or proficient in the English language. Next is “Impediments to Thought”. Earlier, I
mentioned how using our native language as a medium of instruction can show better results
when it comes to educating the students/learners. In this section, it is mentioned how learning
another language can be an obstruction for others. Because learning a new language means
you would have to master it. The vocabulary, its rules, construction, grammar and so much
more. Now how is that a hindrance for learners? Learning is a process. It can even be a
painful one. It takes time to learn. There are some who find it hard to learn new things. With a
second language, it can be quite a challenge to convert your thoughts through a different
medium, in this case, the English language. Not everyone is proficient at it. Because of that,
others’ thoughts aren’t fully or completely expressed because of this problem. Next is the
“Private Sector”. I have nothing much to say about this. But I do agree that private schools
can be a gamble when it comes to its educational services. Some private schools can be
incapable of providing quality education. Some learners are only enrolled in private schools
because of reflected superiority of social status that they obtain.
Overall, I do understand that the points given are plausible. Because these are
thoughts that grew based on the ongoing occasions regarding the English language. But if I
had to choose to agree or disagree that using the English language as a medium of instruction
suppresses one’s self-actualization. I would have to disagree. Sure, it is difficult to express
yourself fully. But being proficient in it holds so many benefits. It does have its ups and
downs. But like everything else, there will always be obstacles when it comes to learning
something. Because learning is a painful process.

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