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Possible Questions in Paper II PhD

1. D iscuss the inefficiency of resource allocation in the presence of externalities and public goods.
2. Analyze various solutions, including the Coase theorem. Provide real-world examples to
illustrate these concepts.
3. Explain the theories of efficient provision of public goods and the challenges involved.
4. Compare and contrast preference revelation mechanisms such as Bowen & Black, Buchanan &
Tullock, Arrow, and Tiebout in the context of public goods provision.
5. Investigate recent developments in the theory of taxation. Discuss the evolving principles and
strategies in modern taxation theory. How have recent economic and technological changes
influenced tax policy?
6. Evaluate the concepts and models in financial economics, including Markowitz's portfolio
theory, the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), and the Efficient Market Hypothesis. Discuss the
implications of these theories for investment decisions.
7. Define and elaborate on the measurement of environmental values, including use values,
option values, and non-use values. Discuss various valuation methods used in environmental
economics and their applications.
8. Explore theories of optimal use of exhaustible and renewable resources.
9. Discuss the economic and environmental implications of sustainable resource management.
Provide examples of successful and unsuccessful cases in this regard.
10. Analyze the relationship between macroeconomic policies and the environment.
11. Discuss the policy instruments available for controlling water and air pollution.
12. Evaluate the challenges and opportunities in achieving sustainable environmental policies.
13. Discuss the concept of climate change mitigation and coping strategies.
14. Explore the economic implications of climate change and the role of economics in addressing
this global challenge.
15. Present the empirical facts of economic growth and development. Explain the key factors and
determinants of economic growth.
16. How does technology influence growth, and what are the alternative theories of endogenous
17. Decompose productivity into technology and efficiency components.
18. Discuss the differences in efficiency and types of inefficiency that affect economic growth. How
can policymakers address inefficiencies and promote growth?
19. Evaluate the role of government in promoting economic growth and development.
20. Discuss the impact of income inequality, culture, and social capital on the development process.
What challenges does economic growth face in the contemporary world?
21. Explain the IS-LM model and its relevance in macroeconomic analysis.
22. Conduct a comparative static analysis of Keynesian and Neo-Classical models, highlighting the
implications for fiscal and monetary policies.
23. Discuss the concept of rational expectations and its impact on macroeconomic policy.
24. Analyze the Mundell-Fleming model with a focus on asset markets, expectations, and exchange
rates. How does monetary policy affect balance of payments?
25. Examine the structuralist theory of inflation and the Phillips Curve analysis.
26. Discuss Tobin's Modified Phillips Curve and the New Classical Macroeconomics approach. What
are the policy implications of the New Classical approach?
27. Discuss the impact of trade liberalization on developing countries. Highlight the lessons learned
from trade liberalization experiences.
28. How has globalization influenced institutional economics in the context of international trade?
29. Examine theories of exchange rate determination and their relevance in the modern global
30. Discuss the trade and environmental considerations in international trade and their implications
for global trading systems.
31. Analyze the role of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in regulating international trade,
including intellectual property rights, the Agreement on Agriculture, technical barriers to trade,
and anti-dumping laws. How do these developments impact international trade policies?

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