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Tourism value chain


The value chain of tourism will be analyzed in this project, but reference will be made
especially to the hotel company "Hotel International". It is necessary to develop an approach
to the way in which tourist products are produced, sold but also promoted because mass
tourism is facing an inability to offer in bulk. Tourism is highly standardized in meeting the
increasingly complex and varied needs of tourists and customers of all kinds, and for this
reason a new approach to tourism is needed to meet the needs of customers and gain their
trust. (Johns, N. 1996)
The aim of the research is to analyze the value chain of tourism, a general concept,
also within the hotel company "Hotel International".
The first objective of the research is to analyze the economic impact of this period in
tourism. The second objective is to analyze the economic impact for the analyzed hotel
company. The third objective is to discuss the trends of the hotel industry in order to
highlight the value chain and the added value of tourism.
Therefore, in order to fulfill the purpose of the research and to go through and achieve
the objectives, the research questions are necessary. Thus, what is the economic impact on
tourism, taking into account the pandemic situation? What is the economic impact for Hotel
International due to the current health crisis? What are the trends at the level of the tourism
industry, digitized trends, trends in order to highlight the value chain of tourism?

Hotel International is one of the best known hotel chains in England. The hotel is
known for its services at a very affordable price for each client, but also for the impeccable
services offered to the clients. A single room starts at £ 35, a double room starts at £ 65,
family premium ensuite is from £ 65. The well-being of the clients, the well-being of the
employees, the well-being of all those who are part of this company, but also the health,
safety and high quality services are targeted by "Hotel International".
For all this, the hotel company works daily, and achieving the objectives is the
number one priority. But what the hotel has taken into account and wants to contribute to the
well-being and safety of customers and those who contribute to the success of the
organization is the fact that they have taken into account the advice of the World Health
Organization, the Department of Health and Welfare and Public Health in England. , so they
have implemented precautions for infection with the new virus and measures to help reduce
the spread of the virus to tourists, customers, employees and all hotel guests and visitors.
The economic impact in terms of creativity, innovation and adding value to tourism is
very important and has a special significance. This is achieved by integrating creativity in
various production activities or in the provision of hotel services. Also, the qualified staff of
the hotel is the image of the company and the one who influences and creates the added value
of the hotel services and related services offered, as well as the satisfaction that the services
offered are offered exactly for the specific needs of each client. (M. 1997)
The objectives and strategies used by any company, especially for companies
operating in the tourism industry, have changed drastically due to the pandemic. The
pandemic that everyone is facing has changed the way in which and why people could travel,
whether it is business travel, vacation travel or any kind of travel.
Business travel has been halted, and this has led to and created an extremely rapid
growth for online conferences and events. Closed offices have also led to an increase in
remote work at home. People have become more concerned about their health and safety, and
now, if they decide to travel, they choose even more carefully especially the hotels where
they will be accommodated and the restaurants. (Buttle, F. 2001)
Hotels had the vision and trends planned for the next 10 years to use digitalization and
the online environment in such a high percentage, but these trends proved to be used in just a
few months, as tourism companies had to adapt. extremely fast changes. Hotel International
has also done this, and tries to keep up with new trends and changes but also to bring new
services to customers every time.

Research report

The aim of the research is to establish the value chain of tourism as a general concept,
but also within the company "Hotel International". As stated in the lines above, the economic
impact for both tourism and the hotel company analysis is extremely important and has taken
a significant turn. Tourism is one of the main sources of income for all countries, and the
restrictions imposed to prevent the spread of the pandemic but also to cause a significant
decrease in revenues from this industry.
Regarding the trends of the hotel industry in order to highlight the value chain and
the value brought to tourism, Hotel International plans to offer customers multiple services,
related services from which they can benefit. Therefore, the trends and objectives of the
company are: redevelopment of existing rooms in smart rooms, want to provide
environmentally friendly services, thus going green, want to change the workforce, qualify
staff already employed in the hotel, offer alternative accommodation services, want to use
technology and digitization up to 30% more. They also aim to check travel preferences and
expand and go after customers, but last but not least, they want to improve the design of the
Through smart rooms, the hotel company wants to use the internet for any service.
Specifically, the Internet will be used from streaming services to locking or unlocking the
camera on the smartphone, to essential facilities in a hotel room that will become more and
more digitized. Also, the internet will be used for the temperature control services in the hotel
rooms, and many other services that only lead to the efficiency of the services offered to the
clients. All these objectives are characteristic of the hotel with a future thinking, with a long-
term thinking and that implements these objectives and this vision in a fast and efficient way.
The green crossing represents the emphasis on environmental sustainability, but also
the largest possible number of customers who want and prefer ecological services and
products. Travelers and tourists want to enjoy accommodation in a hotel that has integrated
ecological practices in all aspects of the business, and these customer requirements will be
taken into account by Hotel International and will be transformed into sustainable services
offered to them. Specifically, only economical light bulbs will be used, heating, hot water and
all energy will be taken by using solar panels or wind turbines, plastic materials will no
longer be used. (QAA 2000)
Taking into account the travel preferences of the clients, Hotel International wants to
find out which tourist destinations the tourists want to travel to and which are the destinations
that attract the largest number of clients. This strategy is used in order to develop
internationally, to open new hotels in different countries, depending on customer preferences.
This goal is achieved because I want Hotel International to be the place where tourists
frequent the most, because travel is for business or leisure, the destination is first chosen by
customers and then accommodation services and other connected services.
Also, Hotel International wants to offer related services, and other services that
customers can enjoy, services such as: massage and wellness services, spaces for sports and
adrenaline lovers, spaces specially designed to have face to face business meetings , or spaces
for individual work, spaces for relaxation, for reading, and spaces for fun.

The value chain analyzed as a general concept for the tourism industry is a very important
concept that highlights the skills and added value brought to tourism, but also for tourists. Tourism is
very badly affected due to the pandemic situation and the objectives set 2 years ago are no longer
If the vision of Hotel Internaional two years ago for the next three years was to open a new
hotel in England, with the advent of the health crisis, the objectives and vision have changed
dramatically. However, the trends for tourism and for the International Hotel are great, because the
restrictions have started to be more relaxed, there is a vaccine that fights the virus and thus it can
reach normalcy. These trends will bring positive changes in the value chain of tourism.


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