Certificate of Sponsorship Details - For US Work Visa: Tier and Category

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Certificate of Sponsorship Details – For US Work Visa

Tier and Category

Tier and Category: H-1B Work Visa - Nonimmigrant

Invitation status

Sponsor licence number: PFK8BV788702

Sponsor name: Amazon Inc
Certificate number: T85628W264A
Current certificate status: ASSIGNED
Current certificate status date: 19 December 2023
Date assigned: 19 December 2023
Expiry date (use by): 19 December 2026
Sponsorship withdrawn: N
Employer note:
Migrant application status:

Personal information
Family name: ESHMAMATOV

Given name(s): MUKHAMMADALI

Other names:
Nationality: UZBEKISTAN
Place of birth: SAMARKAND REGION
Country of birth: UZBEKISTAN
Date of birth: 1998/11/16
Gender: MALE
Country of residence: UZBEKISTAN

Passport or travel document

Passport number: FA0795795
Issue date: 2019/10/26
Expiry date: 2029/10/25

Current home address

Address: Moskovsky Avenue 181a-308

City or town: Kaliningrad

County, area district or province: Kaliningrad region

Country: Russia
Work dates

Start date: 10 January 2023

End date: 10 January 2026

Total weekly hours of work: 50.00

Main work address in the United Kingdom (mandatory for assignment):

Address: 57-4 Railroad Pl

City or town: NY, Queens

County, area district or province: USA

Postcode: NY 11378

Other regular work addresses in the United Kingdom:

Migrant's employment

Job title: Logistics sector

Job type: 3211- Handyman

Summary of job description: Low specialized workers

Gross salary in pound sterling including any allowances and guaranteed

bonuses: 70.000,00

For each: Year

Gross allowances and guaranteed bonuses included in the above figure

in pound sterling: 10000.00

Summary of all allowances and guaranteed bonuses: 25% if the norm is met

Tick to confirm that the post is at the appropriate skill level as set out in
the sponsor guidance: Y

Tick to confirm the sponsor certifies maintenance for the migrant Y

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