English Usage

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Promoting English-Only Communication Among Teachers

Dear Minds Pedagogical Team,

I hope this message finds you well. As part of our commitment to maintaining the highest
educational standards across all our branches, I would like to address an important
matter regarding our communication practices within the organization.
It has always been a constant practice and it is the culture in our school. However, it is
important to remember why we do it. In this document, we will discuss the benefits of
maintaining an English-only communication policy among the members of the
pedagogical department and understand it as an etiquette to ensure effective
communication and professional development.

Benefits of English-Only Communication:

➢ Language Proficiency: Communicating solely in English fosters language

proficiency and fluency, not only among students but also among our educators.
This immersive approach enhances their English language skills, which, in turn,
enhances their ability to teach effectively.

➢ Global Perspective: English is a global lingua franca, and by promoting English-

only communication, we prepare our educators to interact confidently and
professionally with colleagues, students, parents and people in general from
diverse linguistic backgrounds.

➢ Consistency in Pedagogical Practices: Ensuring that all teachers communicate

in English creates consistency in our pedagogical approach across all branches.
It allows us to share best practices, resources, and methodologies seamlessly,
promoting a higher level of educational quality throughout the organization.

➢ Professional Development: English proficiency is a valuable skill in the 21st-

century job market. Encouraging English-only communication provides our
educators with opportunities for professional growth, as it equips them with a skill
that transcends the classroom and opens doors to a broader range of career

Introducing English-Only Communication as Etiquette:

To maintain the professionalism and integrity of our organization, we use the following
guidelines regarding communication etiquette among teachers:
➢ Default to English: All teachers should default to speaking English when
communicating with their colleagues. This practice should be observed in
meetings, during breaks, and in any professional setting within the school
member (whether online or face-to-face).

➢ Permission for Native Language: The use of Portuguese (our native language)
among teachers is allowed only when it is deemed absolutely necessary. In such
cases, prior permission from the superior present at the moment should be
obtained. This ensures that the use of the native language is reserved for
situations where it is essential and doesn't hinder the overall English language

➢ Respect for Superiors: It is expected that subordinates always approach their

superiors using English as the primary means of communication. This
demonstrates respect for their position and helps maintain the English language
environment within the workplace.

➢ Corrective Feedback: If a colleague deviates from the English-only

communication practice, it is encouraged to provide constructive feedback
politely, reminding them of the importance of adhering to our communication
etiquette. It is also considered a good sign of comradery to provide constructive
corrective feedback regarding pronunciation and/or grammar or collocations.

We believe that maintaining this English-only communication etiquette will not only
enhance the quality of education within our franchise but also prepare our instructors for
success in and out of classroom. It is a fundamental step in ensuring that our branches
continue to thrive and provide the best possible educational experience to our students.

Your cooperation and commitment to this procedures is appreciated. If you have any
questions or concerns regarding this policy, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Together, we can uphold the high standards that our franchise is known for. We are
stronger together! We are Minds!

Thank you for your dedication to our mission of providing quality English education.


Pedagogical Consultants
Minds English School

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